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  1. 2 points
    Opfor doesn't do their job, they fly in helis an lockdown boarders.
  2. 2 points
    First off, I have to say, I'm surprised you even want to appeal your ban. As the owner of OTL, I don't see why you have an interest in being a part of our community. You're banned not only because of your previous actions, but you have proven time after time that players and staff members from your server can come here to troll or hack and they won't receive adequate punishment. I, as well as the rest of the administration, see this as condoning their actions. The day your server came up and you were still a developer here, you crashed our server and later admitted to it. In the following days, our server was repeatedly crashed by a member of your community. Our server was also recently crashed by a moderator of yours, who has since been promoted to admin instead of being punished. We have, on many occasions, received hackers here that were affiliated with or members of OTL (or even friends with you on Steam). You have shown that you are perfectly fine with copying content from other communities, including ours, for use on yours. All you ever do here is idle on our Teamspeak and harass other players with private messages. You don't play on the server and you don't contribute anything on the forums. It was an administrative decision that led to your ban. We have no interest in having you in a member here when your presence is solely for your own personal benefit. Banning me off your Teamspeak certainly doesn't help your case either, but frankly, I have no reason to go to your server anyway. Depends on whether you think crashing our server using an Arma exploit is hacking or not. You're right, I don't have control over what is done on OTL. However, your lack of action on these issues was the final nail in the coffin which led to your ban here. A lot of the recent attackers have been affiliated with OLRPG, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were condoning their actions. There was an interesting post on their forums regarding us recently, however it has since been deleted. You should have been banned a long time ago. The only reason you weren't was because I wanted to keep a direct line of communication open to OTL. At this point though, the risks outweigh the benefits for us.
  3. 2 points
    +2 Ppl that dont know how to play PMC shouldnt be playing it
  4. 2 points
    +1 I think that PMC should not be allowed to be contracted to do illegal things. After all PMC stands for Private Military Company so basically they are a business that has armed guards for hire. If it is an actual company they could not break laws or risk being shut down by the government. for this reason PMC should not be allowed to break laws. However if the staff does decide they should be able to break laws just to make the server more fun then the PMC should be required to declare specifically what law they will be breaking at least 30 seconds before they break it before they break it (this is to prevent problems like what maverick said)
  5. 2 points
    What he said. You're an insurgent force fighting an Oppressive Facist Regime. I don't think the Polish Resistance in Warsaw just walked up nicely the Nazis and asked them to open the checkpoints. They fought their way through or snuck around. As has every other insurgent force. Deal with it
  6. 1 point
    In-game Name Nureha NekoMaid Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/NekoMaid_Chan/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/player/Nekomaid/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/ Country you live in United States Time zone you live in EST How long have you been a TLX player? last year if i recall Have you previously been banned from the server? Yes Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself well im a person who likes to see people happy and having fun and if they are not i try to lighten up the mood and make them smile or laugh, at times i can be a little flustered when someone is yelling at me but that's to be expected from everyone. I'm more of a talkative person than writing because writing doesn't show the nature of a person it just tell's you what they are saying so i prefer more of a 1 on 1 voice chatting instead of text to text. Why should you be a staff member? Well i believe i should become a staff member because i can help those in need of assistance when no one else is around and when they also need it in that moment in time for example if i was the only staff member on but was playing and someone needed assistance i would instantly head over and try to help out to the best of my abilities. as a staff member i also bring more opportunities for other people to have fun and enjoy this community and the atmosphere would be very friendly and kind unlike at times it can feel bias towards others or they would feel uncomfortable or something along those lines. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) well i don't have much experience for staffing on a arma 2 server but i have alot of other experiences on other games with staffing but im willing to learn or possible learn from this community.
  7. 1 point
    -1 The majority of what I've seen from Han is bad. He's had a few good moments, but from my own experiences with him I really think he doesn't have the maturity to be staff.
  8. 1 point
    +1 I agree with Abshire I have had no issues with Han what so ever and seems nice and polite enough to be a member of staff
  9. 1 point
    +1 I have played with him many times and never had an issue with him (personally) So I think he would be a good addition to to team.
  10. 1 point
    Didnt have to, King was watching the entire time
  11. 1 point
    +1 I'm tired of it, we always have numbers but when war is declared, half of opfor switches sides and fucks us over, and we loose way to much money from it also add context
  12. 1 point
    Mav may have said some dumb shit in the past but haven't we all? edit: oh yeah +1
  13. 1 point
    Unfortunately you’re wrong, many of the reasons are not true. I have not been involved in any wrongdoing towards TLX. If you can provide proof of any wrongdoing by me, I will reconsider my actions and accept the ban.
  14. 1 point
    Yeah I was pretty heated in that moment, the blufor were in fail RP and as a civ affected by it, I was on my last nerve. Since then however, i've made efforts to better the blufor faction and server as a whole.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah I remember that. Not cool bro.
  16. 1 point
    02/25/2018 6:51 PM (Global) Maverick: This server is fucking cancerd 02/25/2018 6:51 PM (Global) Maverick: rise was so much better
  17. 1 point
    +1 Maverick was a good player and staff member on RISE who gave nothing but a positive experience.
  18. 1 point
    This will be the final response from staff regarding your ban appeal. As of right now, your ban will be increased to 14 days due to staff abuse/trolling. Your ban reason will be listed as Captain | Fail RP/Staff Abuse | 7 D. Regarding the original reason you were banned, I do agree that, that specific reason was unjust. However, the video evidence shows that you still broke server rules. By jumping into someone's humvee out of nowhere you committed fail RP. In a real-life situation or even in an RP situation you shouldn't be allowed to jump into an armed humvee and then use it whether it was the owner's fault for having it unlocked or not. Reasoning The video evidence you yourself have posted has shown how toxic you can be as a player along with past issues. Instead of being a mature player and disagreeing with the staff member about why you were being banned you proceeded to say things quoted as "Your like a kid, how did a kid become moderator except suck somebody's dick" "Youll probably be gone within a month". You have been banned previously and received multiple verbal warnings and strikes for a variety of offenses. Recommendation Grow up and show some maturity on issues even when you feel like someone else is in the wrong. Personal Note: Honestly, I can't tell if you are being a troll right now or not. The fact that you would post yourself being extremely toxic and outright flaming a staff member without warrant baffles me. You may reapply on March 10th (7 days). This thread will be locked to prevent further responses.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    +1 This issue needs to be addressed as it (essentially) allows a PMC to RDM ANYONE at any given time (without warning)
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    +1 Complexity is a mature, strong, dedicated, and universal roleplayer. He goes above and beyond to catch rule-breakers and also gives 100% effort to make a community a better place. I have been around Complexity for years and have viewed him at all levels as staff, player, and person and can confirm he is a trustworthy, morally sound member. He is an ideal choice for the spot and will not disappoint.
  24. 1 point
    Hit applications (top right) supporter application
  25. 1 point
    ABU JASEM's permanent ban has been reinstated.
  26. 1 point
    They definitely need stricter punishments. Or higher comp prices.
  27. 0 points
    +1 Would love to see DOMO as a Staff member, even though I've only played with him once it was for a solid 3-4 hours in a good RP situation and had a lot of fun. I think he is a solid guy and definitely deserves staff!
  28. 0 points
    Gio didn't ban you just because he wanted to. Along with all of the reasons he listed which are all true, all of the administrators voted to have you banned. Ever since you left to go start OTL you and your other owners have done nothing but try to hurt TLX. It's insane how you think that you have had no wrongdoing in anything that has happened since OTL was formed.
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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