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Creepy Iceceam

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Everything posted by Creepy Iceceam

  1. Staff App - milan

    Every civ breaks NLR, I reported a dude I killed for helping indies, he broke NLR to get his heli back but nothing happened too him. Also for the app Pretty cool cat talked too him last night but I honestly don't know em well, can't +/-.
  2. Kamikazing

    If we're gonna base most of the server ideas off real life, and civs getting killed in terrorist attacks are mainly the point of it.. Terrorist site fear into civs to control em, even tho the server rules say "be nice to unarmed civs".. But with everything being said, Kamikaze should be allowed due to the fact indies can't really rearm at their iglas at VIP north or south. We should be allowed to crash our plane/heli into other helis/planes. As I play indie more than other factions, I do just believe indies should be the only faction that can kami. Civ terrorist shouldn't really be allowed unless forced my a indie.
  3. Kamikazing

    It's not gonna lead anyone in trouble if only Indies/Civ Terrorist are the only people/faction can do it.
  4. Snow

    CQC is already happening, Blufor/opfor can't handle it... Opfor just nukes places with hinds, blufor, just run around like chickens. Only places are approaching winter is the southern hemisphere.
  5. Snow

    if it was beginning of winter sure, its nearly spring... no need for it
  6. Snow

    So you spam teamspeak for this shitty idea... -1
  7. TLA Gun Runners Announcement

    I think selling tanks/attack helis to civs so they attack blufor is grounds for war. Kek
  8. Rule Change Suggestion - War

    Dawg, you're trying to make it seem like 20 opfor left to switch for blufor.. not a big deal.. Happens all the time, just because you're pissy yall lost, doesn't mean it needs to be a rule change.
  9. Rule Change Suggestion - War

    Get admins to sweep ts? but still don't think this requires a rule.
  10. Rule Change Suggestion - War

    You lost people because blufor has better items for war, but gained em with randoms. I still don't see the problem.
  11. Rule Change Suggestion - War

    So yall lost 2 players and call BS? I mean I agree with Roque.. Players will move to the winning side, and blacklisting em would just create drama for staff.. It's a shitty ordeal but if you blacklist everyone for switching sides with war or not, no one would be playing blufor or opfor.
  12. Share your music

    Matey, no need to be salty . Just getting a little more skilly on the groundy
  13. Share your music

    Hit a nerv? and the intro for indie is outdated and boring.. Rofl.
  14. Share your music

    Uh, you ruined it.. like you ruin opfor RP kek
  15. Vodka in OPFOR's General Store

    Opfor doesn't do their job, they fly in helis an lockdown boarders.
  16. Share your music

  17. Yea close down CPB or CPD but CPA should but up, it's annoying af when civs try to enter southern takistan but can't because Opfor wanna mine diamonds in peace. Your faction (even tho it's not against the rules) shouldn't be scared to man CP's. You literally have jets/attack helis and thermal tanks, don't give the excuse about indies. You're also willing to kill unarmed civs because you don't have the nerv to be there guarding/defending CP's against attacks from terrorist. Also, people wonder why there isn't enough activity in south Takistan is Opfor always closing boarder.
  18. +1, it's a really cheesy way to "man" a checkpoint. I would also like to add that Opfor (All the time's i've been on) they close southern takistan to civs (even tho most don't go down). Find it a crappy way to farm diamonds or w/e in peace without being robbed or shot.
  19. Removal of the M47 dragon from Indepts

    If the dragon is removed then all the armor/jet/hind should be War time only... I still don't understand why indies need to play the same rules as opfor n blufor with war time items. Maybe stop going to the same spot over n over.. -1
  20. Disable Independent

    Lets remove terrorist from a map that's from the middle east.. @_@ -1
  21. E key

    I was wondering if yall could move the "E" key that allows you to get into vehicles to a different key.. It's nice n all, but running around rasman an randomly jumping into people's vehicles while they're driving or it's been parked and you die is annoying af. Also, can't use the rotors in helis while the key is active, maybe have a way to disable it or could it be move. Thanks
  22. OPFOR/BLUFOR Armament that needs CHANGED!

    Maybe you should talk to Abu.. He kills Tows all the time. Just because you only use a FAL and stay inside the town shouldn't have blufor limited. Blufor has always been on the receiving end of vehicles being moved to ML/War Time. Just play a little smarter and stay outta sight
  23. My Issues With The Server

    There are some people that enjoy roleplaying, as of the indie (Me) I thought you were cop sorry bro.. But I 100% agree with you with RP. We've RP'd at CPA while waiting for cops to come, and it was actually nice, well until you said you were Jewish.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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