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Showing most liked content on 03/02/18 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Don't lie. You mentioned days before he had even been able to play on the server for the first time that he was your friend and that you wanted to find out why he kept getting kicked for the reason "Player ItsJustSkript was kicked (AUTO: Brand new Steam account not permitted) by a trigger" Again, lying. The server log says you received compensation from him on what I can see as four separate occasions on March 2nd. The first and second being for five mill followed by the third for two mill then the fourth for one and a half mill. You then got off the server not long after he did when you were both angry at somebody over a safe zone camp. - You knew he was hacking. - You were affiliated with him. - You didn't make any attempt to report him. If you did begin gathering 'evidence' as you so lightly put it then I'd like to see you post your evidence in this thread. Maybe that will get me to consider at least a piece of your story as the truth. Oh and feel free to check out this picture before trying to convince me you really don't know him. You're his only friend after all.
  2. 3 points
    Recently I've encountered a re-occurring situation during a routine traffic stop or checkpoint search that involves a Civilian hiring a PMC on the spot to take out the person that is requesting an interaction, namely members of Blufor. For example, a Civilian pulled into CPR and as part of a routine checkpoint search, I asked him to please step out of the vehicle so that I would be able to properly search him, his car, and check his vehicle registration. Before I could do any of this though, the PMC that was previously uncontracted, gunned me down without any interaction between the civilian and I. As it turns out, the Civilian and PMC struck an on the spot contract for 1 million to take me out. The Civilian later admitted he was not in possession of any illegal items and that I was not a direct threat to him. I've been hearing an overwhelming amount of complaints that PMC's are RDM'ing and killing without probable cause (self defense, direct threat) however this is not the case. The PMC's are being hired on the spot on violent contracts to quickly neutralize a false threat. I feel that this isn't a proper reflection of the way the PMC role should be played and, quite frankly, seems like abuse of the role by both the PMC and Client involved. I would like to suggest that a change be made to the PMC/Civillian roles that prevent this type of behavior from ensuing and causing mass drama between factions. I also would advise an implementation that would allow players to open a menu that shows the current contracts and who is on them. Edit: I would suggest whitelisting PMC. Thank you for your time. ~Maverick
  3. 3 points
    -1 This whole discussion is pointless, as captain said before why would people willingly let people in, YES its annoying, YES the majority of people here +1 this are useless and cant adapt for anything, find new ways accross, when I play civ i am happy to transport indeps over in an mv22, make connections to civs to arrange transport, use the helicopters you have at your own bases, stop this pointless crap, not everyone wants to man the border all the time, OPFOR only do it because it's all they can do because if they kill indeps before the reach blufor the INDEPS take them to support. Stop being useless and adapt for once.
  4. 2 points
    -1 Although London and I were friends on RISE, the statements made by Complexity and JumpyWizard are in fact true. Being on the staff team myself and being involved in multiple matters within it, I'm well aware of the drama the Australian region was responsible for under her leadership and this application can be misleading in how she chooses to handle things. I also think after such a short time on the server, it would be ridiculous to give this power so quickly, regardless of the time spent on other servers. No hard feelings here, just providing my help in regards to the upkeep of this community. Much luck in the future London.
  5. 1 point
    Ok I think we can all agree the intro music is insanely loud and gets very annoying. I don't mind it in general but I am requesting that it is at least turned down enough so you can still hear people in teamspeak. This has gotten very annoying and there is no real point in it being so loud.
  6. 1 point
    At the moment Blufor/Opfor do NOT have to lower physical borders if they are not manning a checkpoint because it does not state it in the rules. This should change so they have to lower them so Indies can actually get around the map without having to pay for speed 5 and nitro or drive to the border and walk from there.
  7. 1 point
    -1 I am giving this because I have seen you on the server and you can be pretty rude and you will get very salty when you die. A few days ago me and a few other Opfor had a run in with you where we killed you and you got mad and broke some server rules that led to you being blacklisted from Opfor. One more thing is that you lied on your application. your gamertracker @ https://www.gametracker.com/player/Nekomaid/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/ says you have only played the server for one month when you stated you have played since last year. I double checked to see if the website just didnt start recording till fed 3rd and I know it did record past that because Kane's gamertracker goes farther back as shown here https://www.gametracker.com/player/Kane/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/
  8. 1 point
    Spotted the knight <3
  9. 1 point
    This was just a small thing I noticed today but the south takistan bank does not sell bank insurance. I was wandering if you could have it sell insurance so Opfor does not need to drive all the way back to their base just to buy insurance.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Eh.... sounds like there's a few lazy mujahid's about. As an indep I have no issue dealing with closed CP's. I simply turn around and go through another. If that fails then ill just go over the Nagara valley in a Landrover since the border is non existent in those areas. You are indeps.....guerrilla fighters, dirty sneaky rag-heads hiding in the sandy shadows waiting to jump at the chance. You aren't an army that can just march or roll down the main road into a city in a tank with free reign...
  12. 1 point
    There is also 2 different biases here. Most opfor and blufor believe they shouldn’t have to man the checkpoint so they just pull the barricades down. Independents on the other hand just want to get across and kill. I’m in the middle. Heck even Complexity, one of the competive Blufor player wants them to not be allowed.
  13. 1 point
    As they say Han, let US get punished for them being lazy am I right?
  14. 1 point
    +1 Complexity is a mature, strong, dedicated, and universal roleplayer. He goes above and beyond to catch rule-breakers and also gives 100% effort to make a community a better place. I have been around Complexity for years and have viewed him at all levels as staff, player, and person and can confirm he is a trustworthy, morally sound member. He is an ideal choice for the spot and will not disappoint.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    thats why we buy 100 bank insurance and private storage that shit still +1 tho
  17. 1 point
    The BLUFOR Verified tag is extremely easy to procure as the test is nearly impossible to fail, therefore having the tag will have no effect on what your position will end up being. Aside from a few commissioned officers at the start, most will be starting at the bottom and they will be evaluated for senior positions on a case by case basis.
  18. 1 point
    i wouldnt say all members
  19. 0 points
    Never thought a white knight could be such a worthless nigger
  20. 0 points
    I am going to assume you are joking but even so this is extremely rude and sexist. After my run in with you yesterday and seeing how you treated other female players I believe that you ether have an extremely crude and perverted sense of humor or you are just a crude and perverted person. In the future pleas refrain from posting this type of stuff on public forums.
  21. 0 points
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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