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Everything posted by DefaultFun

  1. Kick Giveaway

    Winner of this giveaway will be kicked at any random moment by me DefaultFun (1 time use) Comment to enter
  2. I'm official resining from TLX since there's been fuck all going on with the server, it's dying also with the constant nothingness the community gets, the server is really unbalanced making it no longer fun to play any side other than blufor or opfor, INDEPS get spawn raped every fucking time being unable to leave their area cause OPFOR decide to camp out all the exits with fucking Hinds and other bullshit, YOU NEED supporter to combat them with IGLA rocket launchers it's pointless to play on the server now, we've been promised updates for a while now and we've had NOTHING for the past MONTH, a lot of the players have left because there's fuck all to do. ZERO RP actually happens when Blu4 just camp in fucking strykers and do fuck all. This server is literally a shit show now and it's pointless staying here, i'd rather play fucking dating simulators instead of this server.
  3. Prentiss Tigers

    Does the creators of APB reloaded know you've stolen their intellectual property
  4. Supporter License Giveaway

    I don't have supporter, but gio if you'd like to give it to me now
  5. Staff App - Jacob

    Who are you? Who are you?
  6. Staff App - Jacob

    Who are you?
  7. elaborate on "planned terror attacks"

    That from what I can see is blatant RDM, a planned terror attack should be against blufor or against an apposing militaristic faction, Indeps are supposed to free the civilian population from BLUFOR/OPFOR (As what the indeps believe)
  8. Staff App - Power

    -1 Due to issues of homophobia which is NOT tolerated, this also shows you have not respect for players or staff.
  9. Kamikazing

    I want to be able to release my inner Japanese I would like to see it happen but I'd also like to see it HEAVILY regulated so it cannot be abused, for example make a strict amount of rules to coincide with it
  10. Staff App - Nureha

    Is this because Neko took lead over BLUFOR when you were on?
  11. Staff App - Nureha

    +1 Had fun and entertaining moments, from what I've seen you've united a fair amount of BLUFOR and had taken lead over them during situations, this shows me you have good leadership and can take control over situations, you're calm and collected.
  12. Staff App - Han Solo

    Good luck on your application, Don't mind you being part of the team, just as my point states, you need some things to work on. Let's hope to see you in the Team:P
  13. Staff App - Han Solo

    -1 Player seems to jump to conclusions too early, no full bad issues but other than that, I believe you wont suit the team if you're jumping to conclusions without understanding the full story
  14. Staff App - CouchNoob

    Please leave questions like that to the Administrators please Please don't use his application as a reason to -1 someone, tell us your opinion on the person based on experiences please instead of information about his application Please don't use his application as a reason to -1 someone, tell us your opinion on the person based on experiences please instead of information about his application Please don't use his application as a reason to -1 someone, tell us your opinion on the person based on experiences please instead of information about his application
  15. Lowering Borders

    Adapt by using your brain cells
  17. Lowering Borders

    -1 This whole discussion is pointless, as captain said before why would people willingly let people in, YES its annoying, YES the majority of people here +1 this are useless and cant adapt for anything, find new ways accross, when I play civ i am happy to transport indeps over in an mv22, make connections to civs to arrange transport, use the helicopters you have at your own bases, stop this pointless crap, not everyone wants to man the border all the time, OPFOR only do it because it's all they can do because if they kill indeps before the reach blufor the INDEPS take them to support. Stop being useless and adapt for once.
  18. Staff App - Skettiee

    Not a valid reason to -1 someone if you haven't seen them, probably cause you and skettiee go on at different times
  19. Abu Jasem.

    TOPIC LOCKED Evidence is insufficient and to prevent any full blown arguments over ABU himself, we will still look into this with detail. As far as we can see the video itself may be desync since arma 2 was never reliable on multiplayer.
  20. Ok, we need to talk!

    twat (this is just to annoy comrade potato)
  21. unban Qfc91

    It could be a battleye global ban so just watch out
  22. CAMMAN

    When you say stuff like that you make your ban more likely to stay or be extended for staff harassment, please next time be considerate and not have this sort of attitude if you want to be unbanned.
  23. Staff App - Kane

    I'm going to go with a -1 unless you're able to persuade me you can do some go since I've had multiple issues with you in opfor (will not go into detail).
  24. Staff App - Haden

    Application has more than minimal information, please extend all the information in the stated areas "Why should you be a staff member?", "Describe yourself" and "What qualifications or experience do you have to offer?" Please add more detail into these sections.
  25. Staff App - Mark Stavaros

    I agree with captain but can you please make the application a bit more persuasive to change my mind that you're mature enough to become a member of staff, please give us an example of a staff situation you've dealt with in the past aswell, and tell us how you've dealt with it.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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