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Showing most liked content on 02/14/18 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I would really love to take this post seriously, but then I got to this part. You are literally Gavrilo pretending to be someone else so that you can make yourself look like the victim here. You were brought to a help room and after the issue was investigated, no punishment was given. I'm not sure what you're complaining about. We have 3 administrators, 1 senior moderator, 6 moderators, and 6 junior moderators. I think that's pretty reasonable considering not every staff member can be on at once and we have members from different time zones.
  2. 4 points
    So it seems players can not get along talking nicely about politics. And well, it got to a point where one player has even been banned because of it. Therefor, I feel it's best we take an approach many other communities have taken and that's to ban all discussion of real world politics on the Discord, Website, Teamspeak and in game. As it stands right now, two members of staff have Staff Channels which are decorated in political messages, and as specific players have made this an issue, I feel the best action forward is a blanket ban on politics. Why? Because this is an online gaming community. A place people go to escape politics, not argue about it. My recommended punishment guideline for such actions would be as followed. Warning, Final Warning, 3D ban, Perm Ban (Appeal on Website) As much as I stand up for freedom of speech, your freedom of speech only gives you the right to publicly voice your opinions to a Government Agency. TLX is a private owned entity and since people are too immature to discuss it respectfully, I feel no discussion of the matter should happen at all. I will add one note however, I do feel, inside of a private voice chat. (Supporter Room or Staff Channel), verbally discussing political events is fine, but abusing other players for their views is not. In a private room, if you disagree with somebody, you can just leave the room. tld;r Ban Politics from channel descriptions, in game chat as well as the website and discord server.
  3. 2 points
    You saw Gavrilo sneak in? Was it from Third Person? Or is there another Gavrilo on this server? Your issue was dealt with and you weren't punished for it. There's no more than a handful of staff members on the server and I haven't personally had to ban anyone myself recently. Kicks are just as common and most issues result in compensation. Your complaint is noted but your record and understanding of the rules doesn't appear to be clean to me either.
  4. 2 points
    Takistan Life has always been known for not being that serious when it comes to roleplay but I agree with you, we should try to roleplay more. Now about staff I think the Higher Ups should make a Rule Punishment System, so the staff don't make up their own punishment, because you are gonna have people who are gonna receive different punishments depending on the staff.
  5. 2 points
    Theres no need for ANY political discussion in a gaming community.
  6. 2 points
    The votes on Discord indicate that people are actually more interested in making the L-39 a war vehicle over anything else, so L-39 pilots should feel lucky it's even available to them during peace. Restrictions on its use will not be lifted.
  7. 1 point
    This is a suggestion I've heard on multiple occasions as passive comments, but it's about time someone makes it a proper suggestion ; I would like to suggest a reassessment of the music choice for Civilians. There are multiple people who have comment that it's just plain old bad. It is regularly the first thing someone hears when they join the Server, and as such lends to the player's first impressions of the server. Personally, I have no real suggestions as to what it should be made into, so feel free to comment any suggestions you may have. Furthermore, if you believe any other introduction songs may need changing, feel free to comment so.
  8. 1 point
    I love this server, it's fun, and I look forward to getting of of work to play it almost everyday. However, there is a problem that the community is plagued with that makes it a stressful and dramatic middle-school social scene rather than a Military Roleplaying game. Any time someone dies, or loses a vehicle, or gets shot at, or whatever, they immediately, first reaction, go into an administrator support room and just try to get that person(s) in trouble for whatever rule they accuse them of breaking. The most common I've seen being for, "RDM". No matter how in fault they were. I was playing OpFor earlier today, where I saw a well-known player named, "Gavrilo" sneak into the BluFor side of Check Point Alpha, and attempted to stun, and zip-tie a BluFor sniper to invoke tensions in the server. The player, who's name was Complexity who didn't even die just went up to an administrator room to try to get him in trouble, completely ruining any potential roleplay, or ingame tensions. This happens all of the time, and it's gotten to the point where if you want to invoke any sort of conflict / tensions at all, you're at a 100% gaurentee you'll be whisked away into some Teamspeak channel to by interrogated by an administration team that seems to carry around their "moderator" status whenever it can benefit them. Whoever has the loudest squeal wins. Not to mention, but for a server that only gets around 35-45 players a day, there are a ridiculous amount of Admins. Why are there so many moderators / senior moderators / junior moderators / administrators etc. ? I really want to see some actual roleplay rather than whineplay
  9. 1 point
    Good day everyone I suggest a general rule addition/gang rule addition stating that if multiple players are going to rob the bank, they are required to be in the same gang. Why is this needed? Personally, I feel like it adds more to the roleplay part of the game, as in real life, 4 random dudes don't just decide to rob a bank, right? It also to some sort contradicts the fact that random civilians can't avenge/kill cops that are killing/arresting other civilians, only people within the same gang can do so. It may also, now this is me dreaming about really good roleplay, actually make players organise their robberies a bit more. To end it all off If implemented, it would be rather easy to do so, simply add a line or two in the rules and that should be it. Enforcing it might be a bit tricky for the staff to keep track of who and how many players robbed the bank and so on. I personally don't really think it would be that big of a deal, I'm simply trying to see things from multiple perspectives. If you as the reader has any questions ask and I will answer as soon as possible. Wizard <3
  10. 1 point
    This issue is a double edged sword. The rules used to be much longer and complex, but people complained so we did a complete rewrite and made them shorter and easier to grasp. I understand the concern, however some things don't need to be explicitly explained. Take your issue with cops requiring stun pistols as an example: not having them only puts that officer at a disadvantage since they aren't permitted to use lethal force unless certain requirements are met. We don't need to write a rule forcing them to have a stun weapon at all times. Specific rule suggestions can be submitted and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  11. 1 point
    As much as I don't agree with attacking members of the staff team, I can see your point and do understand your reasoning for thinking this. However I do ask you don't de-rail my post into something about the staff. But, there are members of staff, who should be leading by setting a better example.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    +1 Very nice, helpful individual who will stand by his word. Would be a great staff member. Recommended.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Leave the political bullshit for for political discussion boards imo. There are plenty out there, TLX doesn't need one.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Agreed, keep it out of game chat/ts.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    PMCs should state in global that they are working for a terrorist if they are to do so. So everyone is aware and has the knowledge to fight back
  21. 1 point
    PMCs are in it for the money. Moral compass does not apply.
  22. 1 point
    KOS rule technically doesn't mean they must kill that faction on sight, it just means they are allowed to do so. As it stands right now, independents are allowed to hire PMCs. Whether it will change or not is yet to be decided and that's the reason this suggestion is here.
  23. 1 point
    I think it would be a great idea to allow independents to raise and lower the barricades at Checkpoint Alpha and Bravo. Also independents already get paid 20,000 to man the checkpoint so I think its only fair that we can do it not just Blufor/Opfor.
  24. 1 point
    Should stay restricted.
  25. 1 point
    Hey Complexity, good call was going to make a post very similair to this. The trouble with allowing the Police Chief this power, is that any old idiot can elect themselves. I had imagined something like this would be an Internal Affairs slot ONLY to be occupied by staff and select few exemplary BLUFOR officers who have shown themselves to be oh a high standard. This Internal Affairs officer would be authorised to ticket Police officers for traffic offences, Jail them for wrongful killing etc etc Just someone to hold Blufor accountable for their actions, uphold standards. Who watches the watcher's kind of thing.
  26. 1 point
    So I thought that a siren/alert tone would make the RP feel more immersive and would add a little spookiness to Martial Law. I made this audio file and if people think it would be interesting it would play ONCE at the start of Martial Law. Martial Law is usually declared 1-3 times a day. Let me know what you guys think
  27. 0 points
    Make PMC so they are not allowed to be hired by Indep.
  28. 0 points
    We have an off topic, therefore i shall continue talking politics there. And if we are talking about tshaffer ban. This is stupid. That ban was not over politics. And idk if you noticed. But pasty has the fascist doctrine and i have the communist manifesto as the teamspeak desc for our channels. We are simply educating people. I have no problem with discussing other politics and i am open to all views. I have had numerous talks on politics with other players and they seemed to enjoy talking. -1 gives players something else to talk about other than video games.
  29. 0 points
    Im sure most of you could agree that staff are very helpful in keeping a server alive and well maintained. You cant run a server without staff just like running this forum. I believe there should be a forum moderator completely separate from all other staff roles with dealing in game. A forum moderator would help and aid in the process of making sure everyone on the forum website is doing what they are allowed to do within the rules of the website. Most of the rules should be common sense but there will always be those posts and trolls that will join just to cause havoc. In my opinion it would be too much of a burden on the staff to have to deal with in game issues, team speak issues, and forum issues all at the same time. You wouldnt need alot of forum moderators only a few to make sure everything is moving smoothly and everyone is using the website according to the "rules" and by "rules" I mean the common sense rules that everyone should know. Would love to hear your feedback whether you agree or not, leave your opinion down below.
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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