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Showing most liked content on 02/24/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Hi everyone, Today at our staff meeting we went over the results of the community survey and have made decisions on faction whitelisting per the majority votes. BLUFOR and OPFOR will have a full ranking structure and chain of command, however players who are not whitelisted will be able to play in public slots that have limited equipment available to them. Faction qualifications will exist independent of ranks and will be instated for heavily armoured ground vehicles and attack-capable air vehicles. PMCs will be whitelisted to qualified players, however we will not restrict them to registered Private Military Companies as it did not receive as much support in the survey. Having Private Military Companies in addition to independent contractors is something we will be looking into for the future, however. BLUFOR 50% voted for "BLUFOR needs to have a full ranking system and chain of command" 36% voted for "BLUFOR needs to be whitelisted to qualified players" 14% voted for "BLUFOR should not be whitelisted" BLUFOR controls North Takistan and will mainly consist of NATO, so players will be able to access equipment and uniforms from various NATO countries. The ranks here are based off the US Army, however they are not 100% accurate as we have pulled a few out for simplicity. Because NATO's force in Takistan isn't that of an entire military, the cut-off rank at the top will be Major. Commissioned Officers Major Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Officer Candidate Non-Commissioned Officers Sergeant Major Master Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Enlisted Members Specialist Private First Class Private There will be a small subfaction of United Nations that will have their own goals, capabilities, and equipment however we have not decided how they will work just yet. OPFOR 40% voted for "OPFOR needs to have a full ranking system and chain of command" 36% voted for "OPFOR needs to be whitelisted to qualified players" 24% voted for "OPFOR should not be whitelisted" OPFOR controls South Takistan and they mainly represent the Takistan Liberation Army. They are a puppet to Russia and therefore receive assistance and equipment from them. We have based their ranks off of the Russian Army. The Russian titles will be used in text, however for pronunciation purposes we have included their English equivalents for people to use when addressing them. The initial consensus among staff was that we weren't going to do a comprehensive command structure for OPFOR, but after seeing the work Kane has accomplished himself with the ranking and training he's done while unofficially leading the faction, we decided to go for it. Officers Polkóvnik (Colonel) Mayór (Major) Kapitán (Captain) Stárshiy Leytenánt (Senior Lieutenant) Leytenánt (Lieutenant) Mládshiy Leytenánt (Junior Lieutenant) Enlisted Members Starshiná (Sergeant Major) Stárshiy serzhánt (Senior Sergeant) Serzhánt (Sergeant) Mládshiy Serzhánt (Junior Sergeant) Yefréytor (Private First Class) Ryadovóy (Private) Summary We have not decided yet how we will be appointing initial leadership for both BLUFOR and OPFOR. They will likely go to who we feel is qualified and capable of liaising with the staff team, however it's also possible that some sort of voting campaign will be held. We're glad to be taking this step forward to increase roleplaying and immersion for the militarized factions. Feel free to reply with any feedback (positive or negative) you may have. Raw Survey Results
  2. 2 points
    I'm seeing a lot more of Blufor breaking rules than any other faction. There needs to be bigger deterrants for people,longer bans or something. Because right now,it seems most people could give two scheisses about getting banned.
  3. 2 points
    You are aware, that'd actually require players to download a mod? Also... You are aware the SCUD launchers minimum range is larger than the map of Takistan right....?
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Last night and today were bad days to be a law abiding civilian LOL....
  6. 1 point
    -1 Can't tell if this is a troll application or not I feel like it IS.....
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    +1 fun to play cop with and taze
  9. 1 point
    [In-Game Name] : (UN-NA)Cpl. Danete [GUID] : 76561198063625475 [Ban information] : STOLE a CIVILIAN CAR [Reason for appeal] : I was in civil spawn and a guy was repair a Bike, the 8750$ bike, so i go there and i take his bicycle, he dont care about tha bike, dont even call a cop or tell me to give the bike for he's back, Take the vision, i was spawned, i dont have any money, i see a open bike, i take the bike. Later a admin pull me in a team speak room and say: YOU CANT STOLE CARS IN CIVIL SPAWN, and i say, I just take a car. the admin comes to me and check the owner os the vehicle, i am not the owner so he tell me, YOU LIYNG TO A ADMIN! and i say i just take a car sir, he banned me for 5 days for stole a civil car in spawn. i try to compensate the victim put admin says. NOPE, BANNED. [What you can do better] : Not Stole In Safe Zone, sorry :i
  10. 1 point
    +21 was pretty good on RISE and will no doubt be good on here as well.
  11. 1 point
    I'll chuck this one a +1. Fun to play with and doesn't cause any trouble. One of few to have decent experience with administrating ARMA 2 servers. Also, a good bonus that she has experience with longtime popular communities. Best of luck to you on your application.
  12. 1 point
    How much is a bit? When does a grain of sand become a heap of sand?
  13. 1 point
    There will be formal processes for promotions, similar to what you might find in a milsim unit but not as strict.
  14. 1 point
    wow...I feel honored that I actually helped set the opfor up....Great job everyone!
  15. 1 point
    If you were drunk on every one of those days then it sounds like you have an alcohol problem.
  16. 1 point
    The tree fixer can actually be used to repair buildings, despite its name. I'm planning on making the bank building indestructible however.
  17. 1 point
    I was most likely drunk.......... But touche'
  18. 1 point
    Sure, here's my reply: I cannot remember the specific circumstances of your ban, but I do remember it had something to do with you calling people names, using offensive Teamspeak avatars, and blaring music. This ban was permanent because you had already received numerous bans in the past - half a dozen I'm pretty sure. I decided to look at our chat logs and see some of the things you said in game in the days prior to your ban... 02/17/2018 14:26:41 : Global: big willy: get the fuck off global you dumb ass 12 yearold faggot 02/16/2018 20:54:08 : Global: big willy: go kys king you fauguette 20:54:58 : Global: big willy: go fuck your nan you cousin fucker 02/13/2018 19:13:06 : Global: big willy: fuck 19:13:09 : Global: big willy: shit 19:13:12 : Global: big willy: whore 19:13:16 : Global: big willy: ass 19:13:22 : Global: big willy: dick 19:13:27 : Global: big willy: african people 19:14:03 : Global: big willy: no balls fauguette 19:59:22 : Global: big willy: why cant we say faggot 19:59:35 : Global: big willy: next thing you know spick and neegar is gone too 02/09/2018 17:15:04 : Side: big willy: THE KoolKidsKluB 21:37:22 : Global: big willy: fuck off you fucking prick 02/07/2018 12:16:58 : Global: big willy: can i still use neegar? 12:17:03 : Global: big willy: or faguette 18:30:51 : Global: big willy: darn neegars 02/06/2018 00:01:45 : Global: big willy: you money stealing neegar 00:22:13 : Global: big willy: anyone wanna join the KoolKidsKlub? 15:43:29 : Global: big willy: luckyarena is a homosexual 15:47:41 : Global: big willy: oh, and everyone that is 12 is a faguette 15:59:28 : Global: big willy: neegars 18:19:16 : Global: big willy: you're a faggot 02/05/2018 20:35:13 : Global: big willy: if you're blufor or 12 you're a faggot 21:05:35 : Global: big willy: 911 police are fags 23:21:03 : Global: big willy: neegars? 23:53:36 : Global: big willy: who else hates neegars 02/04/2018 19:56:51 : Global: big willy: i vote #abshireisafaggot 21:23:53 : Global: big willy: fuck you you fat no life cuntsicle 02/02/2018 16:19:35 : Global: big willy: get off global you faggot 01/29/2018 09:48:54 : Global: big willy: WHIT POWER!!! 11:07:51 : Global: big willy: *oof* the phillipino negro is disconnecting 14:54:31 : Global: big willy: the nigger task force is operational. 14:55:59 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 14:58:26 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 01/28/2018 11:14:18 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 12:21:13 : Global: big willy: no fuck you you jew 12:48:07 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 12:48:09 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 12:48:10 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 12:48:11 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 12:48:12 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 12:48:13 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!!/ 12:48:15 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:08 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:09 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:10 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:10 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:11 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:12 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:13 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:14 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:15 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:15 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:16 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:17 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:18 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!! 22:59:19 : Global: big willy: WHITE POWER!!!
  19. 1 point
    so what you're saying is you want a nuke that people can use to reset the server seems a bit iffy to me lol
  20. 1 point
    I believe the reason that you get paid to be at the border, is to get you to GO to the border. Hmm maybe it should be increased more people would man them.
  21. 1 point
    Did someone say Immortal God King of Utopiastan?
  22. 1 point
    +1 +1 +1 Scud launcher spawns and drives from BLUFOR base to OPFOR base, or vice versa. when it arrives at its destination all BLUFOR and OPFORplayers receive a large cash prize for its defence, If captured by civilians or insurgents, a large cash prize is available to them. Sounds really good to me, and god knows we need more co-operation between BLUFOR and OPFOR
  23. 1 point
    I love this server, it's fun, and I look forward to getting of of work to play it almost everyday. However, there is a problem that the community is plagued with that makes it a stressful and dramatic middle-school social scene rather than a Military Roleplaying game. Any time someone dies, or loses a vehicle, or gets shot at, or whatever, they immediately, first reaction, go into an administrator support room and just try to get that person(s) in trouble for whatever rule they accuse them of breaking. The most common I've seen being for, "RDM". No matter how in fault they were. I was playing OpFor earlier today, where I saw a well-known player named, "Gavrilo" sneak into the BluFor side of Check Point Alpha, and attempted to stun, and zip-tie a BluFor sniper to invoke tensions in the server. The player, who's name was Complexity who didn't even die just went up to an administrator room to try to get him in trouble, completely ruining any potential roleplay, or ingame tensions. This happens all of the time, and it's gotten to the point where if you want to invoke any sort of conflict / tensions at all, you're at a 100% gaurentee you'll be whisked away into some Teamspeak channel to by interrogated by an administration team that seems to carry around their "moderator" status whenever it can benefit them. Whoever has the loudest squeal wins. Not to mention, but for a server that only gets around 35-45 players a day, there are a ridiculous amount of Admins. Why are there so many moderators / senior moderators / junior moderators / administrators etc. ? I really want to see some actual roleplay rather than whineplay
  24. 1 point
    Hi Im Abel, Im your neighborhood Mexican. I decided to come back because I noticed that being a player on a Takistan Life Server is more enjoyable than running it. At first I though I was just bored of it but, is just that Being staff on it kind of ruins it, You end up getting bored of it. So I am gonna become a player, I will try my best not to be too annoying and I will try not to criticize everything (Overall I just love drama that is the main reason why I criticize everything). I will now show you a clip of my personality and how beautiful I am. Feel free to jerk off to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3aaIzMsOfU
  25. 0 points
    In-game Name London Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198083166298/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/top_players/?query=London Country you live in Australia Time zone you live in AEDT How long have you been a TLX player? a week & a bit. Have you previously been banned from the server? No Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself Hello, my name is London, I am 21 years of age and I live in Australia. I've been involved in Arma for years both admiring and gaming and I have wracked up a large number of player hours. I am an overall active, reliant, trustworthy person and player. I enjoy being social and active within all social groups within a gaming community to prevent bias issues. I am a people person whom often has to deal with a large array of different people with different attitudes from which I have learnt to grow and expand my knowledge and patience to better myself. Why should you be a staff member? I have a wide range of experience and knowledge that would benefit the server overall as well as the ability to moderate. I am confident in my ability to produce constant moderation of the server whilst gaming myself and keeping up to date with the rules of the server. I often play a neutral role in help rooms to fix issues to prevent bias towards one player more than another. My years of experience in relation to moderation on two previous servers will assist greatly not only in assisting people but bettering the server in general. I am efficient at resolving conflict where both sides are happy. I am have dealt with a large array of people throughout my years and I am confident in my ability to stay cool, calm and collected in all scenarios. I firmly believe I would benefit your server significantly in all aspects. I am available 5 out of seven days and would be available to attend majority of meetings. I am a people person whom often has to deal with a large array of different people with different attitudes from which I have learnt to grow and expand my knowledge and patience to better myself. I have a large amount of knowledge of Rcon and battlemetrics as well as an ability to read logs. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) I was previously first an admin/moderator on Steak N' Beer an Australian Wasteland server for two and a half years. This was my first moderation of an Arma 2 server. As my name is most commonly known from I was a Senior Administrator/admin/moderator etc on Rise gaming. I was a senior Admin and temporarily in-charge of the Australian staff team for a handful of months prior to the shut down of Rise. Prior to this I had been an administrator for quite awhile within Rise, assisting and moderating different aspects throughout my years of being involved in the staff team. I have been an admin/moderator for a number of years on three different Arma 2 communities, and a handful of other gaming communities.
  26. 0 points
    I don't think London should be an admin, It is in fact a woman so she is undoubtedly fucking nutty -1
  27. 0 points
    You're a staff member at OTL that bragged about crashing our server on the OTL Teamspeak less than an hour after it down. You were also online at the time of the crash. Given this information and the fact that our server has been crashing at a suspiciously high rate the past couple days despite no major changes made, you will remain banned until further notice.
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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