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Big Willy

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-2 Poor
  1. Big Willy ban appeal

    I would like to start with a simple: I’m sorry. From here on out is going to be me explaining my actions, but at the end of the day what I did was wrong and against server rules, and for that I’m sorry, so if you’d like to stop reading here that’s OK, as I will not be presenting anything to plead not guilty, only to ask for a reduced punishment. I understand that being overtly racist in the server is not OK, and against server rules. At the time it seemed appropriate but I understand now it is not, and never will be. I also understand that blatant trolling is also unacceptable in the server, and produces and unfun and poor RP environment for all those playing. In the future I will no longer troll players or do things that could be perceived as trolling in the spirit of RP and in the spirit of the server. Overall, there is not much to be said to defend myself, and so that is why my appeal is so short. At the end of the day I deserved the punishment I got, but I hope to correct my previous crimes and be part of the great TLX community once again, even if that means beginning with no money, or whatever other punishment is deemed acceptable. I loved the community on the server and shared many great moments with other players that I wish to participate in again, and it’s because of this that I appeal the decision of me being perma banned. I swear to reform myself for the future of the server and for myself, and hope that one day I can be accepted back into the community.
  2. Big Willy ban appeal

    Come on I've actually gotten better about the racism.
  3. Big Willy ban appeal

    Basically what had happened was i was in a channel with my friends and was playing music when i accidentally joined the blufor channel and got banned because Canadianbacon was in the channel and went and complained to Gio. Then they went through he logs and saw where I was a tad bit racist but I have been controlling my words better and learned the lesson to not play music and join other channels on accident.
  4. Big Willy ban appeal

    In-Game Name] : Big Willy [GUID] : 76561198135648421 [Ban information] : Trolling Giovanni [Ban Justification] : Yes [Reason for appeal] : I would like to be able to play on the server that I once loved [Improvement] : I have matured since I was banned and have curbed my rascism. I love this community and the people in it. I wil not be the idiot I have been in the past and want to be a good person and pillar of the community.
  5. Big Willy ban appeal

    Wow I just realized how toxic I can be. Damn bro
  6. Big Willy ban appeal

  7. Big Willy ban appeal

    I was most likely drunk.......... But touche'
  8. Big Willy ban appeal

    can i plez get reply
  9. Big Willy ban appeal

    [In-Game Name] : Big Willy [GUID] : 76561198135648421 [Ban information] : Trolling [Reason for appeal] : I was playing music in a channel of my friends and accidentally joined another channel a guy named Canadian Bacon went and complained after I had said I was sorry and left, then somebody joined the channel I think it was Wookie and I was banned. [What you can do better] : Not try to use teamspeak and blare music at the same time.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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