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Showing most liked content on 02/15/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I love this server, it's fun, and I look forward to getting of of work to play it almost everyday. However, there is a problem that the community is plagued with that makes it a stressful and dramatic middle-school social scene rather than a Military Roleplaying game. Any time someone dies, or loses a vehicle, or gets shot at, or whatever, they immediately, first reaction, go into an administrator support room and just try to get that person(s) in trouble for whatever rule they accuse them of breaking. The most common I've seen being for, "RDM". No matter how in fault they were. I was playing OpFor earlier today, where I saw a well-known player named, "Gavrilo" sneak into the BluFor side of Check Point Alpha, and attempted to stun, and zip-tie a BluFor sniper to invoke tensions in the server. The player, who's name was Complexity who didn't even die just went up to an administrator room to try to get him in trouble, completely ruining any potential roleplay, or ingame tensions. This happens all of the time, and it's gotten to the point where if you want to invoke any sort of conflict / tensions at all, you're at a 100% gaurentee you'll be whisked away into some Teamspeak channel to by interrogated by an administration team that seems to carry around their "moderator" status whenever it can benefit them. Whoever has the loudest squeal wins. Not to mention, but for a server that only gets around 35-45 players a day, there are a ridiculous amount of Admins. Why are there so many moderators / senior moderators / junior moderators / administrators etc. ? I really want to see some actual roleplay rather than whineplay
  2. 2 points
    I would really love to take this post seriously, but then I got to this part. You are literally Gavrilo pretending to be someone else so that you can make yourself look like the victim here. You were brought to a help room and after the issue was investigated, no punishment was given. I'm not sure what you're complaining about. We have 3 administrators, 1 senior moderator, 6 moderators, and 6 junior moderators. I think that's pretty reasonable considering not every staff member can be on at once and we have members from different time zones.
  3. 1 point
    The first case is something the server has always suffered with. And although I do have a number of suggestions of how to fix this, but most of them were ignored and honestly since retiring from staff, I'm kinda unsure just how much I want to put into a really detailed solution considering it'd probably never get listened too. The second one, is something the current staff do need to address however. It's absolutely sickening to think anybody would make jokes about this incident, but even worse to think staff members would ignore it. I myself would have asked you to not refer to other players as a retard, but for staff to then ignore what was going on in global makes me further question some of the members of the current staff team. Now the third case is where it really get's touchy and I'm gonna have to be honest. Some people here won't like it, but I'm known for speaking my mind. The current state of the staff team is the biggest issue this community needs to over come. There are members of staff who quite simply, lack the maturity and ability to be staff on this server. To a point where I can even point at staff members who break, bend, abuse or simply don't know multiple rules. How to tackle this? Honestly, the only way this will be solved is a full staff meeting, and people need to be told what is expected of them. There are multiple people whom are staff now who would never have passed the interviews I was giving. Should they be removed? No. But do they need some additional work? Definitely. I've played a little bit the past few days again, as I've had a bit more free time and the lack of staff on at a peek time and another incident, I was witness too... The final point, bans. Bans will always be difficult, BUT. Their is a reason we had a system on old TLX, now since stepping down from Staff Manager, I'm not sure what's changed. But if things remain the same as when I was here, such a system is lacking and from my experience playing and what I've heard it definitely seems this is the case. Although I will say, there is a reason I made a suggestion that all political discussion should simply be not allowed on TLX. I won't get into that here, as I don't want to de-rail your topic however.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Im Abel, Im your neighborhood Mexican. I decided to come back because I noticed that being a player on a Takistan Life Server is more enjoyable than running it. At first I though I was just bored of it but, is just that Being staff on it kind of ruins it, You end up getting bored of it. So I am gonna become a player, I will try my best not to be too annoying and I will try not to criticize everything (Overall I just love drama that is the main reason why I criticize everything). I will now show you a clip of my personality and how beautiful I am. Feel free to jerk off to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3aaIzMsOfU
  5. 1 point
    Takistan Life has always been known for not being that serious when it comes to roleplay but I agree with you, we should try to roleplay more. Now about staff I think the Higher Ups should make a Rule Punishment System, so the staff don't make up their own punishment, because you are gonna have people who are gonna receive different punishments depending on the staff.
  6. 1 point
    The reason I went to a staff is because 1) He attempted to stun without any known intention except to start a war and 2) His roleplay reason wasn’t really even valid. So please, don’t quote a situation you weren’t even involved in. Especially when the other opfor players came to me saying he was on our side and claimed to not know what he was doing which kind of shows that even they didn’t know his intentions which he should have atleast made clear to them. Which is kind of proven when an admin confirmed he didn’t really have a good roleplay reason and shouldn’t be doing it. So if you want more roleplay, atleast do good fucking roleplay to provoke war as you said. So don’t say i just ran to a staff.
  7. 1 point
    I don’t think rookies and stuff should be stuck in a certain area some people may not want to play due to that, more of this whitelist as a last defense aka why they would have access to better weapons and vehicles (not super OP or game breaking). Aswell as yes, focusing on indies and huge drug busts and taking out gang activity.
  8. 1 point
    The votes on Discord indicate that people are actually more interested in making the L-39 a war vehicle over anything else, so L-39 pilots should feel lucky it's even available to them during peace. Restrictions on its use will not be lifted.
  9. 1 point
    So I thought that a siren/alert tone would make the RP feel more immersive and would add a little spookiness to Martial Law. I made this audio file and if people think it would be interesting it would play ONCE at the start of Martial Law. Martial Law is usually declared 1-3 times a day. Let me know what you guys think
  10. 1 point
    I was actually expecting a better argument.. Now i'm disappointed and will now be leaving the indep side and never play it again.
  11. 0 points
    Good day everyone I started playing on the server 2 weeks ago or so, and I feel like an implementation of ranks for the 3 factions would be a good idea, especially for BluFor and OpFor. How can it work? Like a levelling progress, you need X amount of points for the next rank etc. Points can be earned by doing things your faction already does. If you're BluFor and OpFor it could be killing independents, terrorists, arresting civilians and such. Independents will just get points for killing the other sides, as the things they do are a bit more limited Why have such a system? Especially for BluFor and OpFor it will enforce better roleplay, especially if the higher ranking OpFor and BluFor will be able to ''control'' the lower ranked players. Now I'm not indicating full control over them and be able to boss them around, but more to mentor and guide the newer players into how you should properly play each faction. I personally also feel like there is a 'lack' of grinding to do, not saying I want it to take 100 hours to achieve max rank, but it shouldn't be something that can be done in 2 hours either. Plenty of rewards! Paychecks can also be, just like with licenses, based on how high your rank is. Perhaps also a special shop in all three factions giving them access to other vehicles, weapons or maybe just a little discount on things. To end it all I am in no shape or form a dev or ever tried to be one. I have no idea how much work this will require. I simply proposed it. I got the idea from RISE where I used to play a lot, and the system really seemed to work there, of course, there can and will be a few issues but there are almost always issues with any ideas. I hope you will take my idea, or a version of it, into consideration at any time. Let me know if anyone has any questions and I will be sure to answer them as quick as possible JumpyWizard
  12. 0 points
    Make PMC so they are not allowed to be hired by Indep.
  13. 0 points
    I've done that. Successfully. Several times.
  14. 0 points
    I would give this whole thread a thumbs down if I could.... #Bluforbestfor
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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