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Han Solo

Blufor changes.

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Hello, as of right now, we all know that you can sentence someone to prison no matter the distance from actual prison itself. I believe that you should manually have to put them inside of the current police vehicle and actually drive them to the prison, take them in, and then sentence them for whatever it is they have done. Not only would this improve a lot of roleplay scenarios, but it makes playing as Blufor way easier than it should be.

For one, if a Blufor puts a terrorist in a car and is driving them to prison, it gives them a good chance to actually save their comrades. Unless some sort of meta-gaming is involved of course, then that would be a different story. The fact that a cop can sentence an independent sniper from 3000 m away from the prison is totally unfair, it doesn't even give them the slightest chance to seek freedom. The bail feature inside of the prison doesn't even work, so it's twice as bad when you get arrested. 

Another problem that I have found is that most cops don't know how to RP correctly. If a cop tells a guy in a car to stop, most cops will just kill the guy, instead of disabling the vehicle via destroying the tires. There should be a rule implemented that cops must carry a stun gun on them at all times. Too many random death matches and Fail RP scenarios happen like this. Cops should never try to kill first... unless they are being shot at. Their main priority should be to stun the suspect as opposed to putting 20 rounds through their skull.

The HUMVEE Avenger should be a martial law vehicle. I don't believe much is to be said about this. As you all know, the Avenger has thermals, as well as a 50. cal and the main STINGER weapon. It is quite overkill, especially for those who mainly use it to wipe out skilled infantry with an AKM who drove all the way from the south.

Any further recommendations feel free to post it below. Thanks.



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I like the idea of having to arrest someone at the jail rather than just immediately anywhere. Proper dragging and putting in vehicle scripts will need to be added to make it happen though.

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I like the idea of arresting as this would make it much more interesting for gangs to get on of their members back and indeps to save their brother.

Avenger ML yes please.

There was a rule that all cops required a stun weapon but was removed. I feel that while it is a good idea people won't switch to a taser unless it's an unarmed civilian.

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2 hours ago, Mez said:

I like the idea of arresting as this would make it much more interesting for gangs to get on of their members back and indeps to save their brother.

Avenger ML yes please.

There was a rule that all cops required a stun weapon but was removed. I feel that while it is a good idea people won't switch to a taser unless it's an unarmed civilian.

Yea the legend Hotokuken challenged that rule and got it changed.

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12 minutes ago, Roque said:

Yea the legend Hotokuken challenged that rule and got it changed.

I never actually played with him, I only talked with him in Heaven's channel and evidently he had a journal of everything he did on TLX.

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6 minutes ago, Mez said:

I never actually played with him, I only talked with him in Heaven's channel and evidently he had a journal of everything he did on TLX.

Yeah he even had a kill book

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I think cops should also have to actually value their life when if they are being kidnapped rather than telling the cops what's happening after their comma are taken and then stalling

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3 minutes ago, thotkitti said:

I think cops should also have to actually value their life when if they are being kidnapped rather than telling the cops what's happening after their comma are taken and then stalling

Yeah totally. It should be like that. Same with the cops and the hostage, they should value the life of the hostage and avoid getting him killed I.E Pulling a massacre on the cops whilst trying to get the hostage free.

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6 minutes ago, Han Solo said:

Yeah totally. It should be like that. Same with the cops and the hostage, they should value the life of the hostage and avoid getting him killed I.E Pulling a massacre on the cops whilst trying to get the hostage free.

Pffffft, any hostage situation ends with everyone dead. I've only had a few successful ransoms and hostage situations, one where I kidnapped a priest who was wanted with a large bounty ans asked for half his price and another as cop where a fellow cop was kidnapped and I spotted him get loaded into a Landy so I assembled my bros and we found him hiding up in the hills. Had my tacticool Lapua and covered the two bros while they moved in with tear gas and stun guns.

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2 minutes ago, Mez said:

Pffffft, any hostage situation ends with everyone dead. I've only had a few successful ransoms and hostage situations, one where I kidnapped a priest who was wanted with a large bounty ans asked for half his price and another as cop where a fellow cop was kidnapped and I spotted him get loaded into a Landy so I assembled my bros and we found him hiding up in the hills. Had my tacticool Lapua and covered the two bros while they moved in with tear gas and stun guns.

Classic. I know I said try to save him, but every time there was a hostage situation, me and my buddy had 2 lapuas and just took them down in like 2 seconds. MW2 Joint Ops style. Every time, and was successful. I mean if you think you can do it, and know you can do it, go for it. Instead of pulling up with an suv at 125 km/h, hopping out with an M4A1 CCO with M203 and firing the grenade launcher like pvt. squrriell2005 killing EVERYONE, just pay the damn guy.

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47 minutes ago, Han Solo said:

, just pay the damn guy.

we don't negotiate with terrorists



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Faction changes are constantly happening. At them moment we are finalizing the Whitelisting. So BLUFOR AND OPFOR will be held to a much higher standard. So there will be less rule breaks and more strict rules for factions intact. 

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11 minutes ago, Jake Thompson said:

Faction changes are constantly happening. At them moment we are finalizing the Whitelisting. So BLUFOR AND OPFOR will be held to a much higher standard. So there will be less rule breaks and more strict rules for factions intact. 

Thats good. Another good thing to add would be some sort of implementation of in-game ranks, where you can see the rank above the cop you are looking at. Bonuses on the cheques raising as you level up would also be a great feature. For levelling up, having a cop duty checklist would be great too, like number of arrests, tickets issued, terrorists killed, etc. When you reach the proper criteria for the checklist, you level up automatically, granting you access to a greater tier of weapons at discount prices (prices lowering per rank, 5%, 10%, etc)

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10 hours ago, MustfaL!kaweewee said:

Sounds like Riseeee. 


I dont mind the rank, but the unlocking equipment that is not to cool


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11 hours ago, MustfaL!kaweewee said:

Sounds like Riseeee. 


I dont mind the rank, but the unlocking equipment that is not to cool

Ok. So instead of weapons being unlocked as you level up, how about just the discount prices?

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Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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