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Everything posted by DOMOCOP14

  1. TLX Memes

  2. TLX Memes

  3. Cop UAV's

    +1The armed MQ-9 it has no flares but it can sit 5k up and can shoot across the map it has a range of at least 8k maybe even more. being 5k up makes it almost impossible to take it down as a indie stingers cant see it and the zsu cant get to a good anoth angle to dhoot them down
  4. +1 cool idea allows alot more RP
  5. WAR Rules

    OPFOR earlier decide that the would get a bm-21 grad and sit at the vehicle service point and bomb the shit out of BLUFOR airfield this meant we could not get any jets up as BLUFOR and if it wasn't artillery we got destroyed by the mi-24's Ka-52's su-35's shooting us the second we got out of the no kill zone. 1. my issue is that they sat at the vehicle service point so the had unlimited ammo which i see as exploiting and they was shooting across the map which made almost impossible to get to it whicch is a unfair advantage to OPFOR. 2. Camping the zone i think the airfield in the way shouldn't be used to fire from or fire into as it is camping as I see it as it is the base and it allows people to leave as its not really fun if people cant leave the airfield if they actually wanna fight OPFOR i think rules should be changed to stop this from happening
  6. Remove AI

    1 civs can from terror don't know of other places if there is any 2 the discretion that Ai have is the player controlling them cause the have cease fire and fire commands which is up to the player to use effectively.
  7. Remove AI

    as opfor we do us discretion we all ways name check before shooting and if it involves. A civ we give fair warning also how does it give a unfair advantage when everybody can get them.
  8. Remove AI

    just gonna say when indies use a Ai gunner and rain havoc over rasman in a vodnik or tank/apc no one complains as soon as opfor use one indies have a hissy fit
  9. My thoughts

    how to lose 20mil in 10 seconds don't use autohover
  10. My thoughts

    No he just shit at using auto hover when tabbing out
  11. My thoughts

    just to say orbz a very good indi decide to see what was so fun about it so he joined opfor he still hates us for using them but he loves using them and understands why we use them so much
  12. Salty feedback

    Yet nobody else complaines when you indies stick Ai's in APC's and tanks
  13. Supporter License Giveaway

    hindfor will still over power you
  14. Salty feedback

    you can make a suggestion about the rule if you feel that something should be done to change it here https://tlx-gaming.com/forum/10-suggestions-feedback/ But if OPFOR drive up in a uaz to a drug area your most likely gonna shoot at them so why would they risk dying
  15. Salty feedback

    the rules state Civilians may be killed at any time if they are inside a restricted/KOS zone. Examples include: Gang areas Drug fields Smuggler Arms Dealer Just to add no matter what OPFOR does Indeps moan
  16. Staff App - Cowboy

    -1 as reasons stated above and make this 3 times
  17. Staff App - Mr. EyeBrows

    +1 good player knows the rules
  18. accepted Staff App - DOMOCOP14

    In-game Name DOMOCOP14 Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198248470294/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/player/DOMOCOP14/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/ Country you live in UK Time zone you live in GMT How long have you been a TLX player? 40 Hrs 4-5 days Have you previously been banned from the server? No Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself I am 16 Years Old living in the UK who barley leaves his PC except for college i'm working my way to become a police officer and I and I am dedicated arma player. Why should you be a staff member? I am an active member of the community and I play a lot on the server, I am mature and liked by most people i'm calm and a no biased person and i know the rules very well and can keep a level head. I see what the mods and admins have to deal with I feel as a member of the community I should help them as the deal with a lot. I try to role play to the best of my abilities and make it fun for everyone on the server. Also I question a lot, this is because I feel without asking questions I can't understand the reasoning behind the answer better and can fully understand why the decision is made. I play on the server 4-8 hours most days, I like helping new players and helping them with their role play so its more fun for others. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) I am a team speak admin for a gaming community which is losing activity so I am barley on there now so I can devote more time to this server and i'm very active and devoted.
  19. Punish cops who level rasman

    That's because most indeps don't check for blufor
  20. My thoughts

    yeah but to the cop what happens some are jail happy or don't know the rules that's y I can't what for there to be some actual control over Blufor
  21. My thoughts

    As a regular Blufor player we do do a lot of chases it just ends in gun fights as most people have guns and decide to shoot us then we just kos them next time we see them or get a location
  22. Staff App - Fakie

    +1 cool calm guy knows what he's doing
  23. ION PMC Company

    nice one gives some extra guidelines for PMC

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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