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Showing most liked content on 02/19/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Alright. Like many of you, I've been here for a while. I've seen how many servers work, after being an Admin on multiple servers. Recently, many of you have been drawing attention to how this server can sometimes be a Wasteland-like cesspool. While I do agree with most of you, changing this dynamic into something with a bit more role-play will require a lot of changes - which will change what this server really is. The problem is the lack of role-play. What seems to be causing the lack of role-play is the constant death-matching between BLUFOR/OPFOR, Indeps, and Civilians. What's causing that is the easy and readily available weapons that people can afford. Why? Because you can spend 30 min, maybe an hour of your time and already have a couple of million dollars - ready to drop that Allahu Akbar on BLUFOR in CPR. Money is too easy to achieve in the current server dynamic. Seriously - one paycheck can equal one AK. AFK for about 30 minutes and you can farm enough money to seriously get geared up to cause some trouble. It's ridiculous how easy it is to get weapons. And what do people do with weapons? They start up shit. Snipers, in particular, are the most fucking annoying because - often enough - BLUFOR might not have people who can drop 500K to counter an Indep Sniper. If money was harder to come by, then people would be working more. More people moving around, not killing each other, might just give BLUFOR and OPFOR the chance to role-play the jobs they're supposed to do. Indeps wouldn't endlessly be attacking them, preventing them from RPing. Also, Indeps might resort to smarter operations such a setting up their own checkpoints, collecting taxes, actual kidnappings for ransom, etc. TL;DR: Money. If money was harder to earn, people would be working more. Less attacking, more working. With less attacking, the server would be calmer and BLUFOR/OPFOR won't have to constantly be devoting their time to fighting Indeps. Maybe we can role-play again.
  2. 3 points
    Starting off a new segment in the TLX community we will be releasing monthly updates on overall general news, staff development with our Arma 2 & Arma 3 servers, rule & server changes, as well as resolutions regarding community drama that occurred month. Community & Staff Issues As the popularity of TLX has been growing the staff at TLX have not necessarily been prepared for all of the issues that have been occurring. Over this past week and in the coming weeks we will be finishing up reworking everything regarding our staff team. This includes proper case reports for issues to keep track of bad players, proper staff procedures and expectations, and a rework on staff applications. We have taken a lot of feedback and have heard the community members who have spoken up. In the coming week, we will also be working to become more transparent, accessible, and fair to our entire player base. To wrap things up we would like to ask all of our players to fill out a short survey on TLX. Your input will be used to help us determine how we will proceed in improving certain areas of the community and server. Click here to fill out the TLX Community Survey General News Diving into this busy week, we would like to announce a new member to our development team. LeRoy, a previous dev on ALRP will be working directly with Giovanni on the upcoming Arma 3 Takistan life server. More updates on the progress of the Arma 3 server will be released weekly starting not this week but the next. With the website well into its first month of operations, we are still in the process of adding format information for different topics such as supporter applications, faction white-listing, and more. Teamspeak 3 has been upgraded to allow for more slots and we are working to add/fix a TS3 Bot that reaches staff members when someone joins a help room as this should help with wait times. A Twitter account will be operational soon to give quicker updates on different issues and topics. Rules Server AND TLX community rules are being reworked to clarify issues that have been reported to us. As for community feedback and suggestions regarding rules we also will be trying to add, change, or otherwise modify rules every week if needed. We realize that there are many complaints about how the rules are vague in some stances and that will be addressed in time. Rule changes will start to be announced via discord and on the website. It will be up to the players to stay updated on changes as not knowing will not be an excuse in support rooms cases. The server rules will be merged with the website soon enough and will have more of a cleaner and professional look. Arma 2 Bugs & Development As the player base has spiked recently there have been a lot more bugs, glitches, and just things not working. Rest assured that these will be fixed in the coming weeks. We will also be looking to add more RP missions and aspects to our mission file as well as possibly reworking entire factions *cough PMC cough*. Sound mods that have been brought up have been added and or in the process of being added as well as a new Anti-Cheat and Rcon system for our staff team. Expanding off of what was said regarding transparency with the community, we will be looking to open up our Trello to the public eye. This will allow everyone to see what we have taken in regards to community feedback/suggestions as well as what we are currently working on or have finished for TLX. Conclusions Finishing up, the entire staff team would like to thank all of the new players who have been working with us to grow and change TLX for the better. We have all seen the passion our players have for Takistan life whether it's helping with suggestions or taking initiative to create a better RP experience and it definitely means a lot to all of the staff here. Feel free to leave feedback or comments on this post!
  3. 3 points
    You're a staff member at OTL that bragged about crashing our server on the OTL Teamspeak less than an hour after it down. You were also online at the time of the crash. Given this information and the fact that our server has been crashing at a suspiciously high rate the past couple days despite no major changes made, you will remain banned until further notice.
  4. 2 points
    Nearly 99% of the time when someone is banned for staff disrespect it is in addition to another issue, rule-breaking, hacking, etc. Players who are getting punished for their actions make it worse when they call a staff member "faggot" or the N-Word among other things. There is not a single reason for it, the majority of players do not act like that. Our staff does not demand our players follow a specific guideline on what to do and what to say or even how to act. We understand that in the heat of the moment something might be said, that's why we give warnings all the time. It's when someone keeps doing it, or does it so much that we issue a ban. It's also why we have staff complaints for players that go only to the owner of TLX.
  5. 2 points
    1) The only time we ban people for staff disrespect is when a player aggressively swears or uses racist remarks towards the staff. 2) The staff here has almost never been aggressive with a player first and the staff that has in the past have been demoted, fired, or left. 3) Players should have the common sense and maturity to deal with issues they cause or are involved in without being rude, aggressive, or using racist remarks. I think there is only one or two staff that "inflate" their own ego if you want to call it that. They have been warned and they have or are working to fix it.
  6. 2 points
    That is true. And implementing it after a wipe would be the only logical way to proceed.
  7. 2 points
    It is true that NATO comprises of a collection of countries, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's "Fail RP" because you can only play as one. You generally don't have multiple countries mixed together into a single group; they usually have their own separate forces. However, I do agree that there should be more freedom of choice with the uniforms available and therefore will be adding new options, possibly making the US Army uniforms default in place of the Czech ones as well.
  8. 1 point
    In-game Name DOMOCOP14 Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198248470294/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/player/DOMOCOP14/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/ Country you live in UK Time zone you live in GMT How long have you been a TLX player? 40 Hrs 4-5 days Have you previously been banned from the server? No Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself I am 16 Years Old living in the UK who barley leaves his PC except for college i'm working my way to become a police officer and I and I am dedicated arma player. Why should you be a staff member? I am an active member of the community and I play a lot on the server, I am mature and liked by most people i'm calm and a no biased person and i know the rules very well and can keep a level head. I see what the mods and admins have to deal with I feel as a member of the community I should help them as the deal with a lot. I try to role play to the best of my abilities and make it fun for everyone on the server. Also I question a lot, this is because I feel without asking questions I can't understand the reasoning behind the answer better and can fully understand why the decision is made. I play on the server 4-8 hours most days, I like helping new players and helping them with their role play so its more fun for others. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) I am a team speak admin for a gaming community which is losing activity so I am barley on there now so I can devote more time to this server and i'm very active and devoted.
  9. 1 point
    Possibly add a Blufor/Opfor (Maybe Indep) Medic Skin/Slot that sacrifices half of the inventory and the ability to hold a Rocket Launcher for the ability to heal yourself and others without a medikit. Given as Blu and Op are Military Forces,I would assume they would have combat medics ready. Just a suggestion tho.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Nah Potato that's far to reasonable im going to go fuck up in game, then request your help, and then.... because im not satisfied with your time and effort, im going to abuse you, and if you get offended, im going to come and make a post about how I cant get away with being a douche.
  12. 1 point
    I'm not going to sit in a help room where somebody's asking for MY HELP and let the person that wants help or is being dealt with talk to me like I'm a piece of dirt and he's so much better than me. Lack of respect for somebody that's simply here to help you and others isn't going to get you anywhere. Same thing happens in court. If somebody started shouting at a judge or started smack talking him then that guy's getting a bigger sentence. If you're gonna just simply say 'don't get offended' then by all means let's live in your world for a moment and I'll just tell you to stop being a pussy and a rat for asking for help.
  13. 1 point
    I'm sorry, but the staff team isn't here to tolerate abuse from players. They're here to moderate the server, resolve issues and mediate disputes, which they do voluntarily out of their own time. You're not welcome in our community if you want to verbally take your anger out on them or any other players here for that matter. If you are pulled into a support room because there was an issue and you want to start screaming and berating staff, you're out. It's that simple. Act like a child and you'll get treated like one.
  14. 1 point
    Yet here you are, bitching because you cant be an offensive little shit toward the staff. Ironic... It not "BE NICE TO ME OR ELSE" Its more like "BE NICE TO EVERYONE" I think its more immature to resort to name calling and offensive language directed at someone, than for someone to ban someone for said actions. Common sense son. *REEEEEEEE I CANT BE ABUSIVE TOWARD STAFF IM GOING TO MAKE A POST ABOUT IT*
  15. 1 point
    You've had one. I retired from staff for a few reasons. But, the point still stands. If you have such an issue with playing here under our rules around staff disrespect you don't have to play here. Have you even played on this server? It seems like you're here as a troll attempting to create drama. If that's an issue with a staff member, they shouldn't be staff and should be reported for such a thing. It's immature to start throwing insults around when something doesn't go your way. Staff are here to make the experience for everybody better, not deal with you when you throw your toys out the pram.
  16. 1 point
    Ban appeal format: [In-Game Name] : (List the name that was used when the ban was issued. IE: Winters) [GUID] : (List your Arma 2 OA GUID) [Ban information] : (List the reason provided when you try to join the server. IE: Staff avoidance | RDM | 3D | Winters) [Reason for appeal] : (Provide a detailed reason of why your ban should be lifted.) [What you can do better] : (Provide a detailed description of how you can improve yourself so this doesn't happen again if your ban is lifted.) It can not be this hard to follow the format.....
  17. 1 point
    I think an overhaul of the money system may be a remedy as you say. But like crazy stated perhaps impliment after next wipe. +1
  18. 1 point
    this could work well but would have to be changed after the next stat wipe not immediately as some people already have millions so it would give those players an unfair advantage to those starting off, i have 45 million right now which basically makes it so i can do anything i want at this point as soon as you breach the 20 mill point you can just faff around, if there was significant changes to the money earning system there would also need to be changes to the way we spent money too, maybe we can add more activities or events for players to spend money on because right now the only two things people can do with money is buy licenses and farm with it to make more or spend it on guns and explosives to blow up cops and opfor occasionally i will go diamond mining just to entertain myself for 20 minutes with hopes of some RP event happening on the way but other then that there aren't much ways to spend money it's either guns or work needs civi point of view ^
  19. 1 point
    +1 Nice guy, mature and modest. Never had an issue with Domo and he's always been kind and open with everyone. He never fails to assist when asked, roleplays well and has a good understanding of the rules. We've talked a lot, he's competent and informed about issues on the server and the general feel of the community. I would suggest that Domocop14 be made Junior Moderator. Just throwing in my two cents. Good luck with your application!
  20. 1 point
    I love this server, it's fun, and I look forward to getting of of work to play it almost everyday. However, there is a problem that the community is plagued with that makes it a stressful and dramatic middle-school social scene rather than a Military Roleplaying game. Any time someone dies, or loses a vehicle, or gets shot at, or whatever, they immediately, first reaction, go into an administrator support room and just try to get that person(s) in trouble for whatever rule they accuse them of breaking. The most common I've seen being for, "RDM". No matter how in fault they were. I was playing OpFor earlier today, where I saw a well-known player named, "Gavrilo" sneak into the BluFor side of Check Point Alpha, and attempted to stun, and zip-tie a BluFor sniper to invoke tensions in the server. The player, who's name was Complexity who didn't even die just went up to an administrator room to try to get him in trouble, completely ruining any potential roleplay, or ingame tensions. This happens all of the time, and it's gotten to the point where if you want to invoke any sort of conflict / tensions at all, you're at a 100% gaurentee you'll be whisked away into some Teamspeak channel to by interrogated by an administration team that seems to carry around their "moderator" status whenever it can benefit them. Whoever has the loudest squeal wins. Not to mention, but for a server that only gets around 35-45 players a day, there are a ridiculous amount of Admins. Why are there so many moderators / senior moderators / junior moderators / administrators etc. ? I really want to see some actual roleplay rather than whineplay
  21. 0 points
    In-game Name Shark Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/sharkwhitegreat/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/player/Shark/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/ Country you live in United States Time zone you live in Eastern Time How long have you been a TLX player? Since it came back up Have you previously been banned from the server? No Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself Im a mature 13 year old, i'm on steam everyday nearly, not much more than that. Why should you be a staff member? I'm very active, I'm friendly, I'm not the most hated person on the server, I'm not extremely toxic. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) I've been staff on 2 different servers in the past, I received a good rep
  22. 0 points
    you are not as important as you think you are stop inflating your own ego and give people a reason to respect you instead of forcing them to respect you
  23. 0 points
    A second chance is precisely why it was a 7 day ban and not a perm ban.
  24. 0 points
    It was not just myself who heard you say what you said, It was reported by a couple of other people who heard the same thing. As I explained to you in teamspeak racist comments like that, particularly screamed across global, are very serious offences. As for not letting you speak to an admin about it, I said you were free to post on the forums a ban appeal where the admins would see it. Seeing as this was your first offence, I would've been a little more lenient, however seeing as it was screamed across GLOBAL, you made this issue so much worse by brining it to everybody else in-game. I will remind you both, Racism is NOT permitted on TLX. Not now, not ever. There are some words that are universally considered by the majority of the civilised world to be offensive and abhorrent.
  25. 0 points
    i think a better solution would be to stop banning words
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


This website is not affiliated or authorized by Bohemia Interactive a.s. Bohemia Interactive, ARMA, DAYZ and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
