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Should there be laws introduced for NATO?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be laws introduced for NATO?

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I don't know if this would work cause i see sometimes the jail time would be only at 10min most of the time when in the restrain menu and not anything up to 60min.


There should be a list of laws that should be enforced by NATO (maybe OPFOR.... lol no) with a set time that the person should be arrested for or ticketed for, for example...

Loitering at NATO CP: Warning to leave CP, 2nd warning would be a ticket, 3rd would lead to the arrest upto 3min in jail (just an example) 

reason for this introduction would be that it would lead NATO to RP more with civs in the North and actually have to read and learn the laws of the North rather than just winging it most of the time. 

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Upon whitelisting of NATO an official criminal code will come into effect. So all NATO Members will have to follow it. Untill then I guess we just have to hope people can wait 5 minutes in jail. 

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