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New INDEP rule

Should there be a radius around CP's to attack it?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a radius around CP's to attack it?

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3 hours ago, Simeon Baghdadi said:

If it's plausible in Arma then it's plausible in real life, Arma is supposed to be a simulator, all of the ranges on the weapons in the game are legitimate, the only vehicles and weapons in the Indep arsenal that has a range of 3,000 meters are the tanks and the BRDM (which are too expensive for Indeps) and mortars (wartime only), the SPG-9 HE round can reach 2.1KM (most people will not be able to hit from that range on their first shot) and the AT round can reach 1.4KMs, 90% of players aren't supporters and they're not able to get lock on launchers, instead of restricting other players you should have scouts on sniping positions around CPA to counter that tactic, and lets assume this rule will get incorporated into the game, if I am an indep, and I spotted an opfor in cpa 600 meters away from him (estimating that the new rule will not allow conflict outside a 500 meters radius), and he spotted me, are we supposed to just pretend we didn't see each other, he'll let me walk into the 500 meter range, I'll make sure I am in the range before shooting so I don't break the rules, and then I will be able to engage them in combat? Sorry, no, this will ruin immersion and experience for everyone. Stop trying to fix your incompetence through enforcing tyranny.
If this becomes a thing I'll make sure we have mortar squads firing non stop on cpa from max range as a protest to this retardation, please cease your autism

I love you... fuckin epic.

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Talking about plausibility, we're Mujaheddin, we're supposed to resemble Afghanistanis from the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989) my question is, where are my stingers (for non supporters)? It's just not plausible.





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I believe there should a minimum radius for hinds to attack an indep from.             

Reason for this as I have seen multiple Hinds flying at high altitudes 2-3k away from Indeps firing at them with lock on missles without even interacting with any Indeps and then going to re-arm at base or just launching 80 rockets or 128 if they have them and not even interacting with the INDEP at the ground.

Opfors are supposed to use heavy vehicles, yes with hinds, yes with tanks, but I have not heard of any Russian using Mi-24 to fire on infantry from 3000m away, it’s just not plausible.


I've made a poll so everyone can vote on this. 

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1 hour ago, Simeon Baghdadi said:

I believe there should a minimum radius for hinds to attack an indep from.             

Reason for this as I have seen multiple Hinds flying at high altitudes 2-3k away from Indeps firing at them with lock on missles without even interacting with any Indeps and then going to re-arm at base or just launching 80 rockets or 128 if they have them and not even interacting with the INDEP at the ground.

Opfors are supposed to use heavy vehicles, yes with hinds, yes with tanks, but I have not heard of any Russian using Mi-24 to fire on infantry from 3000m away, it’s just not plausible.


I've made a poll so everyone can vote on this. 


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5 hours ago, Simeon Baghdadi said:

If this becomes a thing I'll make sure we have mortar squads firing non stop on cpa from max range as a protest to this retardation, please cease your autism

I will use T34 and ammo truck then my friend, youve got my sword

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That's a pretty ridiculous rule, very unrealistic as well. There's no reason to have a radius to where Independents can't attack. BLUFOR and OPFOR both have more than enough resources to deal with the Independents.

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47 minutes ago, Genix said:

That's a pretty ridiculous rule, very unrealistic as well. There's no reason to have a radius to where Independents can't attack. BLUFOR and OPFOR both more than enough resources to deal with the Independents.

But Genix, don't you know that indeps are the best players so will obviously have to nerf them to give bluboys and redman a easier job.

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1 hour ago, Mez said:

But Genix, don't you know that indeps are the best players so will obviously have to nerf them to give bluboys and redman a easier job.

10/10 100% A1 +++

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18 minutes ago, Smidge Griffkin said:

10/10 100% A1 +++

But we all know that im the best indie. Hit me up with that indep leader rank.

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