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Found 6 results

  1. Rules Clarification

    I would like to point out some of the rules are very vague. Would like to suggest they be more specific. The rule that has recent come into question between a mod, a player, and I was: In my opinion the use of commas following "planned terror attack," and "not follow direct orders," tells me these are 3 separate qualifiers for lethal force and not that all 3 need to be met but any of the 3. Now on top of that I was told by a mod that a planned terror attack can only be "some sort of bombing". I disagree with this interpretation as the rule does not define specifically what a planned attack is. I conspired with 2 fellow Independents and orchestrated a planned active shooter attack on the city of Rasmen. In my opinion this IS a planned attack and this type of attack is not expressly forbidden. I would also like to add this is a realistic threat from extremists, as I'm sure we are all very much aware of in today's world. This misunderstanding led some heated exchanges in Teamspeak. I fully intend on following the rules and believe that the rules should be more specific especially because the consequences for breaking said rules can result in a ban, temporary or otherwise. If anyone (staff/moderators/players) would like to weigh in on this rule, I would like to hear it. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Kommando666 aka Rob (In game name)
  2. Rules to add

    I have very many hours on very many different Taki life servers and many of them had different sets of rules to help accommodate to situation that they had in there server's. There are two rules that I would like to suggest to be added to the server rules. 1: Combat logging, the other day I was on the hunt for someone who had shot down my little bird we had been engaged less then two minutes and I see in chat that he had disconnected, at the time I was let then 200 meters away and I would have found him if he hadn't relogged. I let it slide but he then came back about ten minutes later still having all of his equipment and vehicle he had left unlocked and then shot me with a rocket launcher killing me and destroying my 2mill dollar vehicle. All and all I be live that there should be a rule against combat logging as it ruins gameplay and role play. 2: If in a safe zone i.e. Civ spawn, when confronted by police for being terrorist, being in possession of illegal items (guns [things that are vissable] or in a illegal vehicle) should have to comply with police commands 100%. This would help reduce safe zone fleeing and safe zone hiding. Please let me know what you guys think would love to hear some feedback
  3. With the increased activity of PMC's recently and how there is an average of 3 at one time, I feel that it's time to list a few rules that aren't officially written down yet enforced. This should help others avoid strikes and getting blacklisted: 1) PMC's may not rob the bank/ gas station under any condition. (The most they can do is offer protection to the robber) 2) PMC's can't declare terror under any condition. 3) PMC's under contract for personal protection cannot KOS anyone from an opposing faction to the client. (finding it hard to phrase this one but if a PMC is hired by an Indi, they may not kill BLU/OP FOR on sight) 4) PMC's may not contract each other. 5) PMC's may not temporarily place a contract on hold to peacekeep. 6) PMC's are not permitted to kill another PMC under any condition. these are all rules that don't officially exist but are enforced by staff. I feel that it's probably time for rules regarding most factions to be revised as there a lot of gray areas. There are definitely more rules than this but some of them I can't think of. I'm not trying to say that the staff are not doing their jobs properly but I do feel that if a rule isn't written down, then admins should not enforce it. Please consider reviewing the current rules and adding or reducing the amount. There are also a few gray areas for the president that need to be clarified.
  4. Clarity of Rules

    Right. First things first. This is NOT me trying to say my strike was wrong,I broke rules,whatever. Okay. So. My point stems from an incident where a contracter who me and a friend were contracted to died,and we completed the contract maybe a minute after he died at most. Now,my defense was that it is never mentioned in the rules (to reiterate,not shitting on staff or trying to dispute my strike), which in my eyes made and still makes sense. Rules that are never mentioned in the Arma 2 rules Document seem to be brought up in support cases (again,not saying staff are doing their jobs wrong). In conclusion to this and after too much rambling,the rules need to become clearer and rules that are not on the document but are still there need to be added or made void. Yours Truly- One Thicc Soviet Tank Boi
  5. Incompetence of Blufor

    I'm seeing a lot more of Blufor breaking rules than any other faction. There needs to be bigger deterrants for people,longer bans or something. Because right now,it seems most people could give two scheisses about getting banned.
  6. Intiation Rule

    There is a un written rule of initation when robbing people. There should be a writen rule on having to initiate when robbing for civs . Me and a freind was in a situation where he got stunned without being intiated on by a civ this is stupid as it's a un written rule on most servers.Without this rule it this means anybody can tase anybody without initation which is fail rp which is the 7th in the rule book.Section 1 rule 7 Role-play properly at all times.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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