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  1. Rules Clarification

    I was engaging in sniper fire, but that's besides the point. I'm not concerned with my personal experience but more concerned with what the rules allow and do not allow. You also stated that "a lot of things can count as a PTA" but there is no list that I'm aware of, and which RDM rule specifically are you looking at I'm not seeing one that is specific in any way. I'm just trying to understand the rules, not trying to argue or make this an big issue, your statements seem to be your opinion which is fine but opinions are not rules. If I'm overlooking the rules you're referencing could you please point me to where I can read them?
  2. Rules Clarification

    I would like to point out some of the rules are very vague. Would like to suggest they be more specific. The rule that has recent come into question between a mod, a player, and I was: In my opinion the use of commas following "planned terror attack," and "not follow direct orders," tells me these are 3 separate qualifiers for lethal force and not that all 3 need to be met but any of the 3. Now on top of that I was told by a mod that a planned terror attack can only be "some sort of bombing". I disagree with this interpretation as the rule does not define specifically what a planned attack is. I conspired with 2 fellow Independents and orchestrated a planned active shooter attack on the city of Rasmen. In my opinion this IS a planned attack and this type of attack is not expressly forbidden. I would also like to add this is a realistic threat from extremists, as I'm sure we are all very much aware of in today's world. This misunderstanding led some heated exchanges in Teamspeak. I fully intend on following the rules and believe that the rules should be more specific especially because the consequences for breaking said rules can result in a ban, temporary or otherwise. If anyone (staff/moderators/players) would like to weigh in on this rule, I would like to hear it. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Kommando666 aka Rob (In game name)

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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