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Everything posted by Wolfslayer

  1. Salty feedback

    Gotta love how a indie player complains about rp. You guys are the reason that takistan is a team deathmatch. Takistan life was never rp. There was no rp on JG, Rise, HWG or soap. When you try to rp you get shagged by a blufor/opfor/indi. (Trust me i have tried plenty of things). Indies never roleplay. The closest thing i have seen an indie do to rp is kamikazi a plane into the International hotel in Rasman for allah. After being yelled at by plenty of people i decided to switch my vehicle from a hind to a BRDM 2. When i did this indies started complaining about me using AI. I agree the hindfor tactic is a dickhead move and it needs to be nerfed. but i honestly am getting sick and tired of the amount of dumbass indies who decide to counter a hind shooting everything pas the hashish emporium is to drive a UAZ to the hashish emporium. The thing with alot of indies is that the tend to be a massive bunch of hypocrites. EXAMPLE on 13-4-2018 i was hindforing someone. after about an hour (and a ton of complaining from the indie) i left opfor and switched to blufor only to see the indie steal a opfor shilka which someone left behind. Drive it straight to Rasman so he could base camp blufor. The problem with indies is that they only care about going into Rasman to kill cops and getting a massive killstreak. The whole hindfor ruins rp is a bullshit argument. The way we kill you is not a base for roleplay. And if we were to stop using a hind to patrol and we were to use something else they would still find something to complain about. And if we were to stop with hunting you guys in "Indie lands" you guys would just end up getting shagged by the mk19 strykers at cpa or cpb. Message to Hordon. It is easy to counter the hind spam. Just pull out a zu 23 or a aa launcher. Get a ai gunner (do to their aimbot.) drive out of your base (NOT OVER THE FUCKING ROADS) press tab to turn off your tlx keys and tell your ai gunner to shoot the hind. The thing with the hinds is that they are great at dropping missles on stuff. but they have a long turn around time. meaning that you can shoot them in the back. The igla lauchers are good for scaring the hell out of a hind pilot. They will tend to fly lower. This is when u use the ZU 23 (Truck). What i think they need to do 1. Add Lock on missles to every faction (Not only indie since no faction has em). 2. Implement the rank system and put the hind to atleast 2nd leutenant+ 3. Make zu 23 trucks and igla pods a tad cheaper (Not a lot. Just a bit.) That is my opinion on this. TL:DR Comp
  2. Prentiss Tigers

    Welcome to the Prentiss Tigers, " Rich kids with guns. It's easy to dismiss them that way. God knows, that's what they are. " From the most expensive colleges from Europe, North America and some Middle eastern countries these college kids come to turn Takistan into their very own playing ground. They do not come to serve justice. Just to see things blow up and have fun. From blowing up terrorists to hunting drug runners. They just want some exitement instead of sitting on instagram or snapchat while doing nothing on their parent's estate Requirements to join: 1. Understand the Rules 2. Know how to RP 3. Must have a mic 4. 16+ years old (Exeptions can be made) Applying You apply by commenting on this forum post with the following format ingame name: Age: How long have you been on the server: Backstory (To see RP skill): Why you wish to join: Members: Wolfslayer (Name and Logo are from the Game APB reloaded.)
  3. Fuck it Done with the server

    WHO WIll WIN THE FUCKING KICK NOW! <21:16:12> "DefaultFun" disconnected (Will be back soon)
  4. Fuck it Done with the server

    resining u high? <21:16:12> "DefaultFun" disconnected (Will be back soon)
  5. Supporter License Giveaway

    if i win this i shall never ever ask for comp ever again... so basically i will not say anything anymore since that is all i say.
  6. Prentiss Tigers

    Tbh. i do not think they would care about this. A. i do not make any shekels from this. B. i have added (Name and Logo are from the Game APB reloaded.) to the bottom of the post.
  7. Kick Giveaway

  8. Staff App - Wolfslayer

    Make that date of birth 12-11-1997. 12 november not 11th of December.
  9. When playing as an indie or as a civ terror i have seen plenty of cops just leveling a building with either a Rocket launcher or with a vehicle just to take out the one independant solder with a akm, aren't they ment to protect Rasman? cuz nowadays they do more damage than that one guy with a AKM. This also leads to rasman usually being destroyed at 69 minutes uptime.
  10. Having A Takistani Police Force

    as long as they do not rise it by turning indep into UN i'm fine with it
  11. In my week of playing on this server i have had two helproom issues where the moderators had to compensate me. One time i was teamkilled and lost a 5+ million dollar vehicle. I still have to receive comp for this. The other time i had an issue where a team mate blew up my diamond truck. When i told the admins they said that they would talk to him when the person would come online again. I have received comp for this after nagging the guy 2 days later for 2 hours. I think Moderators should be allowed to comp since they handle most of the helproom calls and have to pay with their own money when there is a need for staff comp.
  12. Vehicle storage upgrades

    Mabye by using a trailer or something like that
  13. Would it be an idea to make a upgrade similiar to the vehicle speed upgrades where you can increase the storage of a vehicle. like for instance 1 for 1 mill to add 100 storage 2 for 2 mill to add 300 storage 3 for 3 mill to add 500 storage
  14. The current locations of the Capture zones are bad according to me and here is why. Blufor have their capture point no where near anything. It's easily defendable due to it being on the otherside of northern Takistan. So if indie or opfor wanna take it they need to move right trough a open field where they can get taken out by blufor helicopters. The indie capture point is about 700 m from their base and is defendable and attackable. And then the opfor capture zone is close to the economic heart of Opfor (Southern resources). It is about 3k away from opfor base with hills between them. What i suggest is one of 2 options a. Move opfor capture zone to timurkalay making it more of a detour for indies to capture it. b. Move blufor capture zone to Sell LSD or somewhere near there.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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