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Showing most liked content on 04/25/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This is a pretty simple suggestion so i don't think there is that much to explain really. I think AI should be removed as they are just silly, they cause way too many border skirmishes, team killing, rdm, killing random civs, firing and destroying inside safezones, etc. Constantly i'll walk up to the border and opfor will just obliterate me, and they'll say "sorry it was my AI" and then continue to do it again. If you can't reliably control your AI and tell them to not shoot at everything they shouldn't be there.
  2. 2 points
    Gio, in regards to spotting foot soldiers, the only real way for them to be spotted is by shooting at said vehicle Ai are in, ie a tank or hind, the way I have found to spot is you just have to spam right mous button over a certain area, once you get that square identification box, then Ai get their location and you track them from their. You are correct on it being a huge recon advantage. im sorry to say but I think, your example #1 is semi false, as most players name check the vehicles they see, be it in a helicopter, tank, car ect. No one really drives by and dismiss them. #2 isn’t quite right either, Ai don’t spot immediately unless shot at, most of the time, players have to spam target, ie I spam spot when we have snipers within the hills of CPA, I just use Ai to track them, then I release a barrage of rockets. but #3 is corrrect, Ai placed in that manner can be used to entrap them within their spawn, but far as I have known, no one really places vehicles near indies spawn, far as it goes, routine patrols and tracking indies is as far as it goes. i should also note, with Opfor vehicles like the Su-27/34, you NEED to have a gunner, or things like the AA/AGMS won’t work, you can’t manual fire the missiles and use targeting systems, the TAB keys interferes with the locking system, I don’t know if their is a secondary targeting system but the only way to counter that is using ai. If removal of the Ai happens, you would need to have a either some vehicles removed, or have some of the other faction vehicles in place of them, or have a rule in place to ensure their is enough people on for war instead of just having higher up agree to war ect.
  3. 2 points
    So, what you are saying is due to a few people who cannot control AI everyone has to loose the privilege, I use them to spot people as the Tab key is annoying, or they help me mine, which helps me maximise my profits. I don't have unlimited time. So instead of removing it, why not find a solution to the current problem, instead of removing it from everyone. why not make it its own license or make it so supporters can only get them? I personally don't see the point of taking away AI They don't cause many issues(From what I have seen). Most people don't even know that AI exist.
  4. 1 point
    Then it's on you for not bringing a taser. The rules of engagement don't change just because you forgot one. That said, I want to leave it to the discretion of players if they wish to equip a taser or not. If they go into the field without one, it may end up putting them at a disadvantage but in the end, that's their fault. Just because someone isn't carrying a taser doesn't mean the use of force rules change and they're all of a sudden allowed to kill somebody. As Unknown has stated, BLUFOR is a military occupational/peacekeeping force. They are not your local police department. TL;DR: Not bringing a taser puts you at a disadvantage. It does not change the rules regarding use of force. If people want to make the choice not to equip a taser, it's on them.
  5. 1 point
    I personally don't see the point of removing AI. Most people don't know how to use AI, I use AI for more than killing indeps. They help me transport other vehicles for me etc. My AI rarely messes up, because I know how to use them. If you don't know how to control an AI don't use them. No need to remove AI they are useful for other things not just killing indeps.
  6. 1 point
    Once whitelist is in (gunna take a bit) Gun running will be allowed again
  7. 1 point
    Negative, I've always wanted to put forward the suggestion and hear other peoples opinions just never been bothered. Its a lot more of a problem for blufor considering our main vehicle the SUV is a civilian vehicle, whenever you crash or shoot one you can become a Teamkiller. Our main target is also Civilians which obviously drive civ cars around and killing a civilian is enough to make you a teamkiller.
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