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  1. 3 points
    What? Barely any of the staff applications have been accepted. Of the 29 we've received here, 3 candidates were accepted and hired as staff. That's not even counting the applications made via Google Forms prior to being set up on the forums. Just because you meet the minimum requirements doesn't guarantee you will become a staff member. A key difference with the supporter requirements is that if you meet them there is a high certainty you will be accepted, but with staff applications this is not the case as we want to leave most of our evaluation to after people apply. This is a huge overstatement. People seem to think that "admin" is synonymous with "staff." It's not. We have two Administrators out of a staff team of 15. When someone is brought into the staff team following the acceptance of their application and an interview, they are a Junior Moderator. The majority of our staff team consists of Junior Moderators and Moderators. They spend the majority of the time dealing with support cases - being staff isn't as fun as you make it out to be.
  2. 1 point
    In the come week, Bluefor and opfor are going to be whitelisted. I had a idea that when you complete a certain course, you get a promotion and your eligible to purchase a certain license. When you purchase the certain license, your pay check goes up a certain amount of money. Please comment if you got some suggestions to my topic or if you like the idea.
  3. 1 point
    I totally agree. It really puzzles me that it is easier to be a staff member than a supporter. I feel like unless the person already had staffing experience in another RP server in Arma, they probably should have to either be a supporter first (and then wait a couple more weeks) or at the very least have to wait the same period of time. I mean, you will entrust someone with being an admin before you will entrust them with cheap, really cool toys? C'mon man!
  4. 1 point
    To be a leader you need to be able to follow.
  5. 1 point
    Thank you sooo much Pavel! It worked.
  6. 1 point
    I could agree on putting limitation to Helicopters on the line of no Mi-24s unless direct threat or unless escorting Opfor units to Checkpoint Bravo. But when it comes to armour... Opfor armours are pretty weak. Mostly in close range encounters with Indies. I feel like on that point there's not much to do other than restricting Opfor to using some utterly useless vehicles like the BRDMs and the BTR-40s or even the T-55s... I like the idea of the TLA being more of an occupation force whilst Blufor is more of a policing force. Making the TLA weaker will only make it that much harder for people trying to RP in Rasman due to the already constant slugfest that is that city at present. whenever I'm civilian I avoid Rasman like the plague due to the sheer number of explosions that happen there. I feel safer mining in the south. Which is pretty ironic considering the south is more or less the Wild West. I don't think that making the border less secure will improve the server one bit. (except for those who want to Allah Ackbar in Rasman....)
  7. 1 point
    -1 how I see it it is not supporter that needs lowers because staff requirements are low but instead staff requirements need to be increased. There are quite a few people who should not even be applying yet doing so. There have been a lot of staff applications recently and a large portion of them are new players. By this I mean that they have only been playing on the server for one or two weeks. I feel that anyone no matter how good of a person they are or how great they could do the job would have enough experience on the server after only one or two weeks of playing on it. On top of that it does not give other players and staff enough time to get an accurate understanding of the player. People can say anything in their application so people rely on personal experience with players to judge their eligibility to join staff. For these reasons I would like to request that there be a set amount of time that they have to play on the server before they can apply. Personally I would recommend at least 1 month but preferably 2 months.
  8. 1 point
    Whenever you create a gang you cannot access the gang, because it says "You are not the gang leader" even right after creating the gang. Members of the gang can repeatedly join the gang, and cannot access the gang shop after the leader has capped the area.
  9. 1 point
    You're right. Maybe we could make it so that you would have to have a good roleplay reason and could only do it once a day or have to clear it with a staff member?
  10. 1 point
    Excellently said, if the server is based off realism/roleplay then kamikazing should be allowed, seeing as the Independents are Islamic extremists that would die for their cause.
  11. 1 point
    At the moment Blufor/Opfor do NOT have to lower physical borders if they are not manning a checkpoint because it does not state it in the rules. This should change so they have to lower them so Indies can actually get around the map without having to pay for speed 5 and nitro or drive to the border and walk from there.
  12. 0 points
    Hello, when you compare the Supporter requirements and the Staff requirements you´ll realise that there is something wrong. A member of the server for 2 months or greater. VS You must be an active and mature member of the server. At least 100 hours of play time in game. VS You must have at least 15 hours of play time in-game. At least 25 posts on the forums. VS You must have a working microphone. A forum reputation of at least 20. VS You must be able to commit a reasonable amount of time per week to staffing the server. No recent bans or warnings on record. VS You must be willing to attend staff meetings on a regular basis. We usually hold them on Saturdays at 6 PM EST. So currently its easier to become a Staff then a Supporter. (Based on the conditions) Because some people were able to buy the rank and this is no longer possible there is a gap within the playerbase in terms of special donator items and previleges. So I would suggest lowering the Supporter requirements. An example: A member of the server for 1 months or greater. At least 75 hours of play time in game. At least 25 posts on the forums. No recent bans or warnings on record. What do you guys think about that topic? I know it might be bad for the people who spent real money but we have to do something against the difference inside the playerbase. Thanks for listening!
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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