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Showing most liked content on 02/12/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    theres no fucking format so uhm I was ban for racism an staff abuse I said the n word in the heat of the moment and I was never staff so couldn't of abused
  2. 1 point
    I would like to point out some of the rules are very vague. Would like to suggest they be more specific. The rule that has recent come into question between a mod, a player, and I was: In my opinion the use of commas following "planned terror attack," and "not follow direct orders," tells me these are 3 separate qualifiers for lethal force and not that all 3 need to be met but any of the 3. Now on top of that I was told by a mod that a planned terror attack can only be "some sort of bombing". I disagree with this interpretation as the rule does not define specifically what a planned attack is. I conspired with 2 fellow Independents and orchestrated a planned active shooter attack on the city of Rasmen. In my opinion this IS a planned attack and this type of attack is not expressly forbidden. I would also like to add this is a realistic threat from extremists, as I'm sure we are all very much aware of in today's world. This misunderstanding led some heated exchanges in Teamspeak. I fully intend on following the rules and believe that the rules should be more specific especially because the consequences for breaking said rules can result in a ban, temporary or otherwise. If anyone (staff/moderators/players) would like to weigh in on this rule, I would like to hear it. Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Kommando666 aka Rob (In game name)
  3. 1 point
    Im sure most of you could agree that staff are very helpful in keeping a server alive and well maintained. You cant run a server without staff just like running this forum. I believe there should be a forum moderator completely separate from all other staff roles with dealing in game. A forum moderator would help and aid in the process of making sure everyone on the forum website is doing what they are allowed to do within the rules of the website. Most of the rules should be common sense but there will always be those posts and trolls that will join just to cause havoc. In my opinion it would be too much of a burden on the staff to have to deal with in game issues, team speak issues, and forum issues all at the same time. You wouldnt need alot of forum moderators only a few to make sure everything is moving smoothly and everyone is using the website according to the "rules" and by "rules" I mean the common sense rules that everyone should know. Would love to hear your feedback whether you agree or not, leave your opinion down below.
  4. 1 point
    I really see no need for a "forum moderator". TLX has always managed fine having staff handle it and there is no reason that won't be true now. The forum never has been and never will be hugely active. We don't have 50~ people posting an hour. We have 1 - 2 per hour max. And that won't change ever, gaming websites just generally are not that active. I see no reason why a normal moderator can't just look over, monitor and maintain the website as that is part of the job they were signed up for.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    +1 Totally agree with you
  7. 1 point
    +1 but for the future, not needed as of now
  8. 1 point
    Civ's should NOT be able to move objects, it is so freaking aggravating when they ruin the checkpoints so no one can get through, and then when u go and move them the civ's ambush u and kill u for no reason, there is WAY too many RDM's and VDM's happening, this is ridiculous! I suggest this community goes whitelisted. Just my opinion.
  9. 0 points
    As you all know the L-39 was restricted the other day to a stock of 6. Now me with my love of aviation and only playing opfor just to fly the L-39 I feel like the restriction of limited stock will be kind of useless and hurt more than you think. The L-39 im sure you all know is a trainer jet that has an armament of 64 s-5 rockets and a main gun that has 150 rounds. The main issue that I dealt with in my time of flying the L-39 so much on TLX was the issue with independents. Most people saying the L-39 is too op for what opfor should have should keep in mind that Opfor "Russia" is a militaristic state, they dont follow the common laws that the blufor have because the blufor are a peacekeeping faction, they dont need the use of war vehicles because they are peace keepers. Russia on the other hand obviously is corrupt and are not following the same laws. In my time flying the L-39 it cant do everything. Ive been shot down multiple times from stingers and igla pods. L-39s are invincible as you people may think. The only seriously OP thing on the l-39 would be the targeting. If you wish to nurf the L-39 you should remove the targeting of players on the ground, that is how i get most of my kills because the L-39 can for some reason lock onto a person on the ground who is 3km away from you. The L-39 takes a certain skill to use and it will challenge the pilots even more if you remove that targeting. Indeps could easily get off of their bikes or what not and run, it is hard to spot a 6'0 durka durka running around 1km in the air. The lock on that the L-39 has is not the most effective at some times, it will either lag and show their location from the past 5 minutes or just not work at all but when it does work its like Gods hand guiding you to the death of a durka. If there were to be restrictions i feel they shouldn't be on the L-39 they should be on the mi-24, the mi-24 has lock on rockets and is a two seater with a gunner. If you put AI in that bish you are unstoppable. The only thing that the L-39 has is the speed and altitude it can reach. Now with the rank structures I talked about in another thread I said that certain ranks should allow vehicles, higher ranks should allow tanks, jets, etc. And lower teir should allow low end vehicles. I feel like this could fix the situation. If you have any thoughts about the topic leave me a comment so we can talk about it, any feedback would be great! Thanks!
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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