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Showing most liked content on 02/10/18 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Good day everyone I started playing on the server 2 weeks ago or so, and I feel like an implementation of ranks for the 3 factions would be a good idea, especially for BluFor and OpFor. How can it work? Like a levelling progress, you need X amount of points for the next rank etc. Points can be earned by doing things your faction already does. If you're BluFor and OpFor it could be killing independents, terrorists, arresting civilians and such. Independents will just get points for killing the other sides, as the things they do are a bit more limited Why have such a system? Especially for BluFor and OpFor it will enforce better roleplay, especially if the higher ranking OpFor and BluFor will be able to ''control'' the lower ranked players. Now I'm not indicating full control over them and be able to boss them around, but more to mentor and guide the newer players into how you should properly play each faction. I personally also feel like there is a 'lack' of grinding to do, not saying I want it to take 100 hours to achieve max rank, but it shouldn't be something that can be done in 2 hours either. Plenty of rewards! Paychecks can also be, just like with licenses, based on how high your rank is. Perhaps also a special shop in all three factions giving them access to other vehicles, weapons or maybe just a little discount on things. To end it all I am in no shape or form a dev or ever tried to be one. I have no idea how much work this will require. I simply proposed it. I got the idea from RISE where I used to play a lot, and the system really seemed to work there, of course, there can and will be a few issues but there are almost always issues with any ideas. I hope you will take my idea, or a version of it, into consideration at any time. Let me know if anyone has any questions and I will be sure to answer them as quick as possible JumpyWizard
  2. 3 points
    I was actually expecting a better argument.. Now i'm disappointed and will now be leaving the indep side and never play it again.
  3. 2 points
    Good evening everyone, I'm pleased to be showing off the new website and forum suite for Takistan Life Xtreme. I have to thank several members of the community for their generous contributions which have helped us get this site going. There's a lot more to be done however things are in good shape so far. We plan on creating proper some informational pages for the community (About Us, Community Policies, etc.) External content such as our Rules on Google Docs will be brought over onto its own page. Application forms will be brought over. They may start off as templates on the forums but I definitely plan on setting up some fillable forms. We would like to move most of our major discussions from Discord over here where things are easier to navigate and more organized. The best thing you can do to help us out right now as a member is register for the site. You can set up your account manually or sign in via Steam. As always, suggestions and feedback are welcome. Giovanni
  4. 1 point
    Why opfor is the best. 1. Its russian 2. Experienced players play on opfor 3. Because were russian
  5. 1 point
    Mortars = Bad Frames and No RP Keep Mortars War Weapons
  6. 1 point
    I dont like the fps drop associated with a destroyed Rasman/shelling. I lose around 10-12fps. Yuck.
  7. 1 point
    Yeah man I like eating McDonald's when i'm in the mood.
  8. 1 point
    The first thing that must be stated is that Mortars are incredibly powerful weapons. They can easily be used to take out massive chunks of Rasman from 4km away, which not only puts Civilian lives at risk (As usually they are used without a Spotter in their current state), but causes massive amounts of lag due to the destroyed buildings. That being said, I agree that they should be taken off the War list, though much stricter control, as suggested by Zerix, must come into place. I agree with all of the suggestions, though the most important one is suggestion 2, Mortars most definitely need Admin approval before they are put into use. As this is a suggestion as well as a rant, I shall move it to the appropriate area on the forum
  9. 1 point
    Honestly Mortars are ridiculous so id rather it be staying as a war vehicle
  10. 1 point
    I'm a fan of it :* Yeah I know it would be harder to implement it for independents, however I thought they might complain if they were left out
  11. 1 point
    To be honest, this seems pretty cool, I will try implement it on My test server, Gives developers over here some time to focus on other things. If the coding works, i'll submit it to either here or github Considering standard paycheck is 100k Recruits: 100k Privates: 125k Corporals: 150k Sergeants: 200k Blufor / Opfor Commander: 250k. Paychecks will be based upon the licenses system. Recruits will have no license which allows them the standard 100k. But each license gives more but previous licenses will be removed to stop too much income. So if you're promoted from private to corporal, you'd have your private license removed. Promotions will be based on how well the player roleplays and does his/her job as a blufor "Soldier / Cop" or as an Opfor soldier. You're probably wondering why a change in paychecks? Well, it will "Make" the player want to roleplay and if they continue the good roleplay, it will reward them Although, you did say 3 factions. I don't see this working for independents as they can get 1mil easily from a kill spree But higher rank = better weapons? I guess?
  12. 1 point
    +1 on this, worked very well on RISE. Currently new faction members often don't know what they can and can't do and have access to powerful weapons very quickly. This feature would make it much easier to prevent faction abuse by new members.
  13. 1 point
    I would give this whole thread a thumbs down if I could.... #Bluforbestfor
  14. 1 point
    Server Information Arma 2: Takistan Life IP: play.tlx-gaming.com or Port: 2302 Teamspeak 3 IP: ts.tlx-gaming.com Click here to connect Discord Invite Code: rWsDd2h Click here to join
  15. 0 points
    BLUFOR Prices should be lowered or OPFOR limited. The reason being OPFOR, also known as TLA, is a Communist Country backed by Russia which would most likely have several dozen economic sanctions for backing a country against NATO. This, in turn, would cause Russia to slow or stop all funding to that nation as they would need to focus on the motherland. This is why it is so confusing that they have access to such amazing vehicles for such low prices. If we look at BLUFOR, also known as NATO, is an alliance of 29 Member Nations; backed mainly by the United States, the last remaining Superpower. If we think about this, what are the odds that a small communist nation with starving people and a crippled economy would be able to fight off NATO? Slim to none are my odds. Unable to feed their own population and constantly in a fight against Independents how would they have the time, money, and resources to get vehicles such as an L39 for 8 Million while NATOs cheapest Jet is an AV-8B LGB. While the AV-8B LGB is much more equipped than the L39, it is also much more expensive coming in at $12 Million USD. There is a way to limit vehicles to only have access to certain weaponry and I think this would be a good thing to do in order to balance the vehicles. In regards to equipment, BLUFOR has no Anti-Air Launcher in it's normal shops while OPFOR does. Just another example of how a trash hole communist country in disrepair is somehow better equipped and funded than an organization backed by 29 First World Countries including the United States of America. These are just a few of the issues that I provided as examples, my suggestion is that the developers look into balancing OPFOR and BLUFOR a little bit better. The small things can make all the difference in war.
  16. 0 points
    Last i played opfor won all the wars.
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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