So I was recently killed at cpr by an indep who shot me and claimed it was a planned terror attack. Because I was in CPR it was allowed and I would like the limits of planned terror attacks to exclude just shooting all civs in a certain area. if we allow it to stay then indeps and declared terrorists could at minimum, kill anyone at all that enters CPR. how I see it this would ruin the game for all civs as they would not be able to use the main entrance to the most important city on the server without being killed. I went to support and it was ruled by the staff that was online that it was within the limits of a planned terror attack and was allowed by the rules. here is there video of me getting killed. I understand that they where allowed to kill me under the rules but I believe that the rule that allowed them to kill me needs to be elaborated on but NOT removed the rule as a whole is good and should stay but my understanding is that the rule was put in place to allow collateral damage when civs ether get in the way of killing cops or are in the vicinity of a bomb explosion not just any civ in CPR