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Add the L115A to OPFOR

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1 minute ago, Jake Thompson said:

We’re trying to keep northern weapons on Blufor and Russian weapons on OPFOR. So I don’t see this happening. 

Again, the Russians use it, so thats not a problem, besides Opfor has the M24

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4 hours ago, Jesse said:

Also the L115A isn't even an American weapon, its a British made weapon ( Accuracy International ) exported to more than one military than the Russia SF.


5 hours ago, Jesse said:

Again, the Russians use it, so thats not a problem, besides Opfor has the M24

I would love to see Opfor have more air, but what the admins want are to have Opfor air being in Opfor air, Nato weapons/Air in Nato. Yeah, there is some stuff that is together but that's meh. Opfor air is severely underpowered, more than what most people think and I would like to see Opfor have more air.


Also, some appreciation if you just did not -1 @Mez just because he -1 your idea lol.

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12 minutes ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

Also, some appreciation if you just did not -1 @Mez just because he -1 your idea lol.

Not everyone is as immature as some people and he may have just -1'ed because he doesn't like the idea :wink:


13 minutes ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

Opfor air is severely underpowered, more than what most people think and I would like to see Opfor have more air.

Also, wut. Considering most of the time OPFOR are talking about how superior their aircraft are and the stalin/putin armour, I as a main blufor player rate the SU-39 & SU-34 as the better jets and some of the russian helicopters are just great.


But i digress, this is a thread about the L115A, which i give a -1 to. I like the idea of having NATO weapons on blufor, and Russian weapons on Opfor with civs and indies having a mix of both.

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4 hours ago, Supersahen said:

Not everyone is as immature as some people and he may have just -1'ed because he doesn't like the idea :wink:


Also, wut. Considering most of the time OPFOR are talking about how superior their aircraft are and the stalin/putin armour, I as a main blufor player rate the SU-39 & SU-34 as the better jets and some of the russian helicopters are just great.


But i digress, this is a thread about the L115A, which i give a -1 to. I like the idea of having NATO weapons on blufor, and Russian weapons on Opfor with civs and indies having a mix of both.

I wish I didn't have to repeat my self, the L115 is used by Russian forces,

Opfor has the m24, which is a nato weapon, which isn't documented to be used by the Russians, so why the hell does opfor have it, plus its hot  garbage!

Then move on to the l115, which IS documented to be used by Russian forces, just swap the M24 for the L115a and stop keeping all the cool guns.

Swap it out so both sides have a non donor sniper that is actually worth a damn, especially since it is backed up by Russians actually adopting it into their armory.

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Jezus dude, all weapons are used all around the world, thats why Special forces are so special, because they not only acquire their trening but also experience in using other weapons


In the saame way we could give whole  Arma 2 armory to OPF, Blu, and Ind, as there are not many differences. Blu and Opf can use all guns they want cuz they have money for it, Ind can use stolen weapons or picked from battleground.


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The whole logic over the years in most Taki servers to the weapons that OPFOR has is usually based on the premise of Soviet surplus being backdoor smuggled into the middle east (as is actually the main reason most dodgy countries and organisations in that area use them).

The L115A wasn't created until 1996 which is a fair few years after the Soviet collapse so in any lore sense its incredibly unlikely a questionable OPFOR group would have them.

57 minutes ago, Jesse said:


^ L115 Exported to various NON NATO countries

Most of the non-NATO countries on that list are UK allies, failed attempts to bring former Soviet states over to the west or dodgy political dealings like with Russia.


3 minutes ago, JUDGE said:

It's a game, not a friggin milsim. Just give them the guns they want. 

If you want to say fuck lore then sure go ahead but it will look hell of a strange.

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2 minutes ago, Casey Chapman said:

If you want to say fuck lore then sure go ahead but it will look hell of a strange.

Lore? Oh my god lol

Not one fuckin' person on this server uses a gun and thinks "oh i better make sure i'm following the lore!" You come on the forums to whine about it but in reality you will not even think about it ingame, no one will because we will just use whatever we want because it's a friggin game.

I've seen topics like this come up quite often regarding guns for certain factions and honestly it is a game. No one is thinking about lore while killing virtual takis with a gun in a video game. And if you are, you need serious help or go join a milsim and get kicked out because you whine and nitpick every little thing.

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1 minute ago, JUDGE said:

Lore? Oh my god lol

Not one fuckin' person on this server uses a gun and thinks "oh i better make sure i'm following the lore!" You come on the forums to whine about it but in reality you will not even think about it ingame, no one will because we will just use whatever we want because it's a friggin game.

I've seen topics like this come up quite often regarding guns for certain factions and honestly it is a game. No one is thinking about lore while killing virtual takis with a gun in a video game. And if you are, you need serious help or go join a milsim and get kicked out because you whine and nitpick every little thing.

Let me know who pissed in your cornflakes and pushed you out the wrong side of bed this morning, I'll give them a slap for you... (But seriously take a chill pill)

You make the above argument that the "lore" (bad choice of word but most sensible people would get my point) but I'd like to see you play Takistan if we suddenly turned the map from a dry desert  region into a snow tundra, gave all OPFOR M4 rifles instead of AK's and gave the Western "invaders" AK rifles...

In my experience over the years Takistan is a very careful balance between weapon power and aesthetics, I completely 100% agree OPFOR need a buff but a sensible one.

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1 minute ago, Casey Chapman said:

Let me know who pissed in your cornflakes and pushed you out the wrong side of bed this morning, I'll give them a slap for you... (But seriously take a chill pill)

You make the above argument that the "lore" (bad choice of word but most sensible people would get my point) but I'd like to see you play Takistan if we suddenly turned the map from a dry desert  region into a snow tundra, gave all OPFOR M4 rifles instead of AK's and gave the Western "invaders" AK rifles...

In my experience over the years Takistan is a very careful balance between weapon power and aesthetics, I completely 100% agree OPFOR need a buff but a sensible one.

Slap my ass then I felt like being pissy

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2 hours ago, Casey Chapman said:

The whole logic over the years in most Taki servers to the weapons that OPFOR has is usually based on the premise of Soviet surplus being backdoor smuggled into the middle east (as is actually the main reason most dodgy countries and organisations in that area use them).

The L115A wasn't created until 1996 which is a fair few years after the Soviet collapse so in any lore sense its incredibly unlikely a questionable OPFOR group would have them.

Most of the non-NATO countries on that list are UK allies, failed attempts to bring former Soviet states over to the west or dodgy political dealings like with Russia.


If you want to say fuck lore then sure go ahead but it will look hell of a strange.

Yea ikr all these damn militarizes getting soviet era surplus T90s and Ka52s

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9 hours ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

so, some appreciation if you just did not -1 @Mez just because he -1 your idea lol.

He never -1'd anything I just don't like the idea

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