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Weapon Cache missions!

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Let's give opfor blufor and insurgents something to do! At random intervals a location would be provided to insurgents of a weapons Cache. They can capture it for weapons and funds (it will be in a loadable ammo crate simular to what you can buy in the fortification store). But they must hurry because opfor and blufor will be made aware of their location and they must destroy the cache.

If insurgents win, they gain weapons and a healthy temporary boost to their paychecks.

If opfor or blufor wins, they also get a healthy paycheck boost! 

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8 minutes ago, Jesse said:

Let's give opfor blufor and insurgents something to do! At random intervals a location would be provided to insurgents of a weapons Cache. They can capture it for weapons and funds (it will be in a loadable ammo crate simular to what you can buy in the fortification store). But they must hurry because opfor and blufor will be made aware of their location and they must destroy the cache.

If insurgents win, they gain weapons and a healthy temporary boost to their paychecks.

If opfor or blufor wins, they also get a healthy paycheck boost! 

Not a bad Idea ... +1 

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No no paycheck bonuses would definitely be a requirement, opfor and blufor are required to destroy the weapons, and plus just selling them wouldn't be worth it. Plus, for to reasons selling them would just put them back in circulation

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Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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