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Resources and OPFOR land

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After a few days of manning cpa I noticed that civs don't really have much of an incentive to cross the border besides diamonds and drug runs which not a lot of people seem to do. I think it might be nice to have some things moved to OPFOR territory to promote civs crossing the border. Of the top of my head would be moving some markets to opfor land like the oil barrel trader/market exports or terror hideout, maybe move some of the taxi routes too since they are all currently in the north.

Also perhaps move the oil, gold and silver mines that are deep in south takistan closer to feruz abad and that region, going that far for silver and gold isn't worth it considering what you get from it. Also in general I think it'd be good to do an overhaul of the location of resources and their profits, make the really valuable resources farther from the populated areas and worth the time to mine them and make drugs worth the risk and time.

I don't know how much the staff if willing to alter the mission but I think these could be some interesting changes, lmk what you think.

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