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Everything posted by LordWookie

  1. So it seems players can not get along talking nicely about politics. And well, it got to a point where one player has even been banned because of it. Therefor, I feel it's best we take an approach many other communities have taken and that's to ban all discussion of real world politics on the Discord, Website, Teamspeak and in game. As it stands right now, two members of staff have Staff Channels which are decorated in political messages, and as specific players have made this an issue, I feel the best action forward is a blanket ban on politics. Why? Because this is an online gaming community. A place people go to escape politics, not argue about it. My recommended punishment guideline for such actions would be as followed. Warning, Final Warning, 3D ban, Perm Ban (Appeal on Website) As much as I stand up for freedom of speech, your freedom of speech only gives you the right to publicly voice your opinions to a Government Agency. TLX is a private owned entity and since people are too immature to discuss it respectfully, I feel no discussion of the matter should happen at all. I will add one note however, I do feel, inside of a private voice chat. (Supporter Room or Staff Channel), verbally discussing political events is fine, but abusing other players for their views is not. In a private room, if you disagree with somebody, you can just leave the room. tld;r Ban Politics from channel descriptions, in game chat as well as the website and discord server.
  2. My Issues With The Server

    The first case is something the server has always suffered with. And although I do have a number of suggestions of how to fix this, but most of them were ignored and honestly since retiring from staff, I'm kinda unsure just how much I want to put into a really detailed solution considering it'd probably never get listened too. The second one, is something the current staff do need to address however. It's absolutely sickening to think anybody would make jokes about this incident, but even worse to think staff members would ignore it. I myself would have asked you to not refer to other players as a retard, but for staff to then ignore what was going on in global makes me further question some of the members of the current staff team. Now the third case is where it really get's touchy and I'm gonna have to be honest. Some people here won't like it, but I'm known for speaking my mind. The current state of the staff team is the biggest issue this community needs to over come. There are members of staff who quite simply, lack the maturity and ability to be staff on this server. To a point where I can even point at staff members who break, bend, abuse or simply don't know multiple rules. How to tackle this? Honestly, the only way this will be solved is a full staff meeting, and people need to be told what is expected of them. There are multiple people whom are staff now who would never have passed the interviews I was giving. Should they be removed? No. But do they need some additional work? Definitely. I've played a little bit the past few days again, as I've had a bit more free time and the lack of staff on at a peek time and another incident, I was witness too... The final point, bans. Bans will always be difficult, BUT. Their is a reason we had a system on old TLX, now since stepping down from Staff Manager, I'm not sure what's changed. But if things remain the same as when I was here, such a system is lacking and from my experience playing and what I've heard it definitely seems this is the case. Although I will say, there is a reason I made a suggestion that all political discussion should simply be not allowed on TLX. I won't get into that here, as I don't want to de-rail your topic however.
  3. Ban Political Discussion.

    As much as I don't agree with attacking members of the staff team, I can see your point and do understand your reasoning for thinking this. However I do ask you don't de-rail my post into something about the staff. But, there are members of staff, who should be leading by setting a better example.
  4. Ban Political Discussion.

    Eh, clearly a large part of the community disagree so far.
  5. Ban Political Discussion.

    That's a very aggressive and snappy remark that isn't needed from a staff member. Not once did I directly mention yourself, Pasty or anybody else. I did however say, MULTIPLE (More than one) staff member had it. I also didn't mention any individual ban, as this isn't the place to discuss that, however the entire argument was started because of political views. There is plenty of things to talk about other than video games, and politics isn't one of them in a video game community. I love talking about politics, but there is a time and a place for it. And this isn't it.
  6. Forum Moderator

    "Better to have one than not" Actually no. Most of the time that makes things more complicated and leads to disagreement. Although in this case, any disagreement or final decision on website cases would be decided by Gio. Maybe in the future, the need for this role will arise but currently there most definitely is not a need for it.
  7. L-39 limited stock

    That "targeting" thing is a thing in the game. It's an issue in ArmA which we can't remove. However, the biggest issue with the L-39 is it's speed, agility and Radar. People know me. I used to spam L-39 and MI-24 on the last server and would often finish with huge kill streaks, but also ruined the game for an entire faction. A good pilot in an L-39 is immune to even two Humvee Avengers, never mind Igla's and Igla Pods.
  8. Forum Moderator

    I really see no need for a "forum moderator". TLX has always managed fine having staff handle it and there is no reason that won't be true now. The forum never has been and never will be hugely active. We don't have 50~ people posting an hour. We have 1 - 2 per hour max. And that won't change ever, gaming websites just generally are not that active. I see no reason why a normal moderator can't just look over, monitor and maintain the website as that is part of the job they were signed up for.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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