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Jake Thompson

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Jake Thompson


    [Accused Party] XXX

    [Accusing Party] :  Gary

    [Issue Summary] : XXX shot Gary for no reason thinking when he robs a gas station that he can KOS cops. He now knows and said he will initiate properly.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  N/A 

    [Additional Evidence] : 7:08 PM

    PublicVariable Log: Gary #1 "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","XXX murdered Gary (Armed Cop)"]
    7:08 PM

    [Additional Notes] : N/A



    [Player Name] : (XXX

    [BattlEye GUID] : b0b78423c5f71c1097ef3e0f993e4c15

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [X] Ban

      Length of Ban:

    [✓/X] Strike: For RDM 1 Week

    [X] Warning


    [Accused Party] Michael

    [Accusing Party] :  Jake Thompson

    [Issue Summary] : Michael joined the opfor channel and said commit suicide to People in the channel, The players in the channel took Disrespect towards this comment.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Wolfslayer

    [Additional Evidence] : N/A

    [Additional Notes] : N/A



    [Player Name] : Michael

    [BattlEye GUID] : 2833e76eedf20a1536f85471d7803fb6

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [✓] Ban

      Length of Ban: 2 Day Ban for Player Disrespect and 2nd Offence

    [X] Strike

    /X] Warning


    [Accused Party] Simeon Baghdadi

    [Accusing Party] :  Jake Thompson and Logs.

    [Issue Summary] : Simeon Baghdadi decided to say Nigger over global, He was previously warned that if he were to do it again he would be banned.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Logs

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    5:00 PM
    y'all niggas ain't shit

    [Additional Notes] : @Unknown Can you up the ban to 14 Days 



    [Player Name] : Simeon Baghdadi

    [BattlEye GUID] : 95c144737a39632cc62827beda838f95

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [✓] Ban

      Length of Ban: 14 Days for Racism

    /X] Strike

    /X] Warning


    [Accused Party] Dimitri

    [Accusing Party] :  Games 

    [Issue Summary] : Dimitri was being corrupt, By selling blufor Vehicles, Ticketing Peoples Violent Crimes to be unwanted and letting people sell Illegal weapons.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] : N/A

    [Additional Evidence] :

    4:40 PM
    silkofox give me 10 grand and thats your licence for selling illegal guns
    4:40 PM
    im not corrupt
    4:41 PM
    silkofox is ok to sell illegal weapons to civs and cops

    [Additional Notes] : When Dragged into support he admitted it.



    [Player Name] : Dimitri

    [BattlEye GUID] : e24a2f93667988bc9abd81bee3d5fac6

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [X] Ban

      Length of Ban:

    [✓/X] Strike: One week for Corruption

    /X] Warning


    [Accused Party] Pearse

    [Accusing Party] :  Jake Thompson/Logs

    [Issue Summary] : Pearse put 15million into a Vehicle, and took it out later while on a different faction, He admitted it when he was dragged into support.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  N/A

    [Additional Evidence] : PublicVariable Log: Pearse #1 

    "serverLogger" = ["TRUNK LOGGER","MONEY ADDED",""Pearse"",1.58537e+007,<NULL-object>]
    8:16 PM
    PublicVariable Log: Pearse #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["TRUNK LOGGER","MONEY REMOVED",""Pearse"",-1.58537e+007,<NULL-object>]

    [Additional Notes] : N/A



    [Player Name] : Pearse

    [BattlEye GUID] : d32075c7d2392341921ca83cfe91a12f

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [X] Ban

      Length of Ban:

    [X] Strike

    [✓/X] Warning: For Faction Money Transfer

  6. Hey, I tried to file a bug report but waiting on an email back so I can join forum   What happened was I was accidentally on global and when I was typing my caps turned on global talk it kicked me but at the same time it did not I am not able to exit the game.  I am still in the same place where I was I can look around at the same time I can see people moving around me it still gives you paychecks only way to get out of the game is  Alt f4  and at the same time, you can still talk in Global.  it is  not properly Kicking  out of the game


    I only sent this as he cannot sign up on the website.

    • Like 1

  7. On 01/05/2018 at 10:37 PM, ConReese Whurston said:
    • Date of Birth
    • How long have you been a TLX player?
      April 23rd 2018 - Present
    • Do you meet the minimum requirements set above?

    Well to start off your birthday is wrong.

    You have been a member here for just over 1 week, which is a really short period of time



    I personally think you are good at the game and you are a cool guy and all but for now it's a 

    -1 from me.

    • Like 1


    [Accused Party] Michael - Civ

    [Accusing Party] :  Mr. EyeBrows - Opfor

    [Issue Summary] : Michael Started harassing Mr. EyeBrows when he was killed and was disrespectful towards him When brought into a help room he was still disrespectful towards him

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  N/A

    [Additional Evidence] : <20:01:21> "Mr. EyeBrows": <19:55:48> "Michael" pokes you: HOW ABOUT YOU HAVE SOME BHALLS AND PLAY SOMTHING OTHER THAN OPFOR YOU CUNT

    <20:04:31> "Mr. EyeBrows": <19:550> "Michael" pokes you: HOW ABOUT YOU DONT BE A SPASTIC AND NOT USE A MIC ON A LIFE MOD YOU DUMBASS

    [Additional Notes] : N/A


    [Player Name] : Michael

    [BattlEye GUID] : 2833e76eedf20a1536f85471d7803fb6

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [X] Ban

      Length of Ban:

    [✓] Strike: For Disrespect 1 Week.

    [X] Warning

  9. I'm going to put this out there, when you are applying for VVS/MAFR, you start in infantry and prove yourself, once EyeBrows and I see that you are trying and there is a free pilot slot you will be assessed to see can you fly. 

    We want to have a powerful ground force and a powerful airforce. 


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact either Wolfslayer, EyeBrows or my self.


    We do make acceptions but they are rare and only the best of the best get an exception.


    [Accused Party] henrique

    [Accusing Party] :  Jake Thompson (I was spectating him.)

    [Issue Summary] : While I was spectating henrique he shot a civ with his hands up, When called onto Teamspeak he left.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  My Self

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    2:56 AM
    PublicVariable Log: Jerome Jones #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","henrique killed Jerome Jones (Armed Civilian)"]


    [Additional Notes] : N/A



    [Player Name] : henrique

    [BattlEye GUID] : 46a11d4c3b6737127f099c9157771304

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :

    [✓] Ban

      Length of Ban: 1 Day for RDM and Fail Ts

  11. 31 minutes ago, Unknown said:

    The only way this would honestly work is if whitelisting was implemented. People aren’t going to listen to a random person they don’t know 

    Isn't that the reason we can Blacklist? Also, most people are on TeamSpeak(It's a Requirement) and can see that the person has a Rank.


    [Accused Party] : Meandia

    [Accusing Party] :  staan

    [Issue Summary] : Meandia stole staans ATV in spawn, When dragged into teamspeak he left the Channel and said fuck the admins in global

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  N/A

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    10:37 PM
    fuck the admins

    [Additional Notes] : N/A



    [Player Name] : Meandia

    [BattlEye GUID] : da13be9d9c9ec3b525e1bb1acef511a7

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :


    [✓] Strike: For Stealing from Greenzone, Second Strike


    [Accused Party] Jubileu

    [Accusing Party] :  staan

    [Issue Summary] : Jubileu shot staan for no reason, When called onto teamsepak he joined but when pulled into support he Left and did not respond. When he was banned he Kept joining Waiting for help and leaving. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] : 

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    9:23 PM
    PublicVariable Log: staan #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Jubileu killed staan (Armed Civilian)"]


    [Additional Notes] : N/A



    [Player Name] : Jubileu

    [BattlEye GUID] : 5d4160c4de983c9d76ba43c2b8543c96

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :


      Length of Ban: Permanent  for RDM, Staff Avoidance & Ban Evasion (In-game & Teamspeak)

    Pasty & Slingshot's Decision to up it.



    [Accused Party] Tobias (Civ)

    [Accusing Party] :  Abdul Malkhaiir (Civ)

    [Issue Summary] : Tobias Shot Abdul Malkhaiir for no reason, When called on to teamspeak he failed to join.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  N/A

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    9:08 PM
    PublicVariable Log: Abdul Malkhaiir #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Tobias killed Abdul Malkhaiir (Unarmed Civilian)"]
    9:15 PM
    Jake: Tobias, You are needed on TS3. This is your final warning. Ts.tlx-gaming.com (sent by Jake)

    [Additional Notes] : N/A


    [Player Name] : Tobias

    [BattlEye GUID] : 1980a7190d19b9017c928d24caef9832

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] :


      Length of Ban: 2 Days for RDM and Fail Ts

  15. I did read it. But my point is, if you know you can't make the AI hold fire then don't use it in that vehicle. 


    Gio, I have never once had an AI auto spot for me, I follow the radar tracker and spot him, at what point I tell my AI to track him. I don't see how that is over powered, we don't use AI to insta spot. Either way they only do the spotting for me and I manual fire. Its just without AI Your jobs gets twice as hard flying and trying to keep track of a suspect is not easy, and there is not enough people to go 2 per vehicle. 


    And Super not always, if you have a 30mm cannon or a 100mm cannon just load He. From what I have seen AI don't fire with He

  16. I'm going to put this out here again, why not just try to fix the issue? 

    Make it so you require a license? So you have to know and prove you know how to use AI? Or make it supporters only? There are two easy fixes to stop noobs with AI.


    Its easy to control AI Switch them to a rocket. So they have to be told told to fire, its not that hard to prevent your AI from shooting.

  17. So, what you are saying is due to a few people who cannot control AI everyone has to loose the privilege, I use them to spot people as the Tab key is annoying, or they help me mine, which helps me maximise  my profits. I don't have unlimited time.


    So instead of removing it, why not find a solution to the current problem, instead of removing it from everyone.


    why not make it its own license or make it so supporters can only get them? I personally don't see the point of taking away AI They don't cause many issues(From what I have seen). Most people don't even know that AI exist.

    • Like 2

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

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