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Han Solo

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Everything posted by Han Solo

  1. Lowering Borders

    An intelligent person would move them to the side to be able to get across, especially when there are no cops in sight.
  2. Lowering Borders

    There is also 2 different biases here. Most opfor and blufor believe they shouldn’t have to man the checkpoint so they just pull the barricades down. Independents on the other hand just want to get across and kill. I’m in the middle. Heck even Complexity, one of the competive Blufor player wants them to not be allowed.
  3. Lowering Borders

    Can we adapt by simply lowering the barricades?
  4. Lowering Borders

    There should at least be a way to close both of the barricades. No reason why Independents shouldn't be able to take them away.
  5. Lowering Borders

    The people who don't understand the situation fully always begin their sentence with "You can". Yes, you are correct. We can do that, however it is no fun for us indies, and it is a sign of BLUFOR/OPFOR's laziness to guarding a border. It's even worse when they camp it even when the barricades are up. Almost every situation when it comes to these types of things, people argue it by saying "Well, you could just do this, or do this". People fire back at that with the same moral, different meaning. You could just not close the barricades.
  6. +0.5 I think there is a way to move the OPFOR side barricade by going inside of the line keeper box. Not sure about the BLUFOR side, however. We should be able to "do" the same to both sides.
  7. No balaclava.

    There is a supporter skin that has a balaclava I think.
  8. Section 1 - General Rules Rule #10 States the following: 10. BLUFOR and OPFOR (excluding staff) must be in their respective faction's public channels. I believe this rule should be changed so that people who are in supporter channels, with the owners permission should be allowed in said private channel, regardless of what faction they are playing as. This makes a lot of people mad when 4 or 5 buddies who are on BLUFOR are hanging out in one of their private channels then some moderator comes in and yells at them like they were banned by BattlEye. There is no special treatment here, I just think it is fair as they/us are paying for that channel for the sole purpose of being in it, and being able to play Taki Life whilst in said channel. It should be changed to this -> 10. BLUFOR and OPFOR (excluding staff, and people in supporter channels) must be in their respective faction's public channels.
  9. Staff App - Skettiee

    +1 Because you're honest, and by that I am simply talking about the time you said "Han Solo I literally fucking hate you". Or something similar to that. Eh, who am I kidding, -1. Not only is the playtime low, but I think you should try to handle "certain" situations a little better than you already do. Being a staff member, especially on a Arma 2 server requires A LOT of patients, and that, you do not have. Hopefully this is the right person I think I'm talking about, otherwise, disregard what I just said
  10. My Resignation

    Good luck in life in life.
  11. Staff App - London

    To be fair, without being properly educated on country flags, some would say the New Zealand flag and the Australian flag look similar. Accents are similar as well, but obviously "they" can tell the difference.
  12. Disable Independent

    Contradicting yourself...
  13. Disable Independent

    I will remember this the next time I snipe you. It will be a meaningful kill Also, you avoided my question. How is sniping from long distances as an insurgent not role play?
  14. Disable Independent

    So getting sniped by a good sniper from 2000 meters out is not role-play? Care to elaborate?
  15. Disable Independent

    If you say the server is mostly independent, then you can say bye to most of the player base. Blufor also have GPK’s, Humvee TOWS, and Humvee CROWS at their disposal that can easily take out a group of infantry. If there is a vodnik, a single rocket can take it out, not to mention, a 5.56 round can easily penetrate the driver seat. There is also Martial Law.
  16. Disable Independent

    Then they should not suck so bad and get good.
  17. Disable Independent

    -1 Independent has been around for a long time and there is no way they would remove it.
  18. Textbook of suggestions

    +1 to all of these but the one about CPR. Why? Because it’s fun to go in the building beside it with the little hole in the wall and kill blufor from it
  19. Staff App - London

    +21 was pretty good on RISE and will no doubt be good on here as well.
  20. Faction Whitelisting - an update!

    So will a cop be able to rank up by completing objectives in-game, or will it be given out by the leaders of the two factions who they feel deserve it? Also.. YESSSSSSSSSS!!
  21. As an Independent player (most of the time), I think we can all agree that some of the vehicles that OPFOR and BLUFOR have access from the get-go are pretty overpowered. This needs to be changed. There is almost nothing an Independent can do whenever SOMEONE gets an Mi-24 or a L-39ZA. It is pretty disappointing when someone buys one of those things and destroys every single Independent that tries to make their way across the border. The server I was previously on did not have this issue as the owners agreed that it was overpowered and have had it set to be used as a martial law/war vehicle only. This is what this server lacks. Imagine, playing as an Independent loaded up with a RPK and an RPG-7 which costs around 900k, arriving 300 M away from Checkpoint Bravo only to get mowed down from an angry OPFOR with an Mi-24 from 5000 meters away. I feel this would balance the gameplay if such vehicle was not allowed when a war is not in action. BLUFOR has a different but similar story as they can purchase a HUMVEE TOW and destroy anything from crazy distances with only a press of a button with it's lock-on missile. These overpowered OPFOR and BLUFOR vehicles really need to be modified as to when you can purchase them. It just makes people want to quit and not come back when it happens, which is overall bad for the reputation of the community. I really enjoy Takistan Life, but there is always room for improvement. Thank you for taking the time to read my salty-ish post, and feel free to give your personal opinion as well. (P.S, It is okay to -1 even if you use these all the time, I understand ) VEHICLES THAT I THINK NEED BE CHANGED: Mi-24 (OPFOR) HUMVEE TOW (BLUFOR) L-39ZA (OPFOR) Edited for logical statements about some vehicles not being overpowered. List any OPFOR/BLUFOR Vehicles that you think should be changed.
  22. Lowering Borders

    +1 because this makes sense.
  23. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    Also, you should have to be a certain rank to buy out of certain weapon boxes at BLUFOR and OPFOR base.
  24. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    I think I may have already +1'd this but here's another one. I think that this would encourage more people to play as the 3 main factions as they can get a sense of achievement
  25. No bombing the bank

    There could be a possibility of them adding some kind of building restoration script, similar to that of tree fixing, but for buildings. I think either the Moderators or Administrators have access to a world building repair that mainly fixes the FPS.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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