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Posts posted by Slimbone

  1. 12 minutes ago, Smidge Griffkin said:

    On the fence with this one although it would be nice to see the as50 removed from indep support to be replaced by the KSVK.

    I want a ak-74 pso sd. But hey.


  2. 4 minutes ago, Gregory Porter said:

    I'd consider myself one of the supporters who don't use the OP stuff, which there really is barely any of, that you can get from being a supporter. The only thing I actually use from supporter is sometimes a ghillie, cheap speed upgrade 5, and a SUV. I pretty much only use the SVD in terms of weapons.

    Like your anti-material TWS scoped SVD. Jk.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

    Smidge told us not too, Told me and Dereck and that we'd get punished. You're not allowed to Kill infantry/vics unless they fire at you or your friendlies. Ask him about it

    Was this during the time he was hit in a safezone by you guys? Cause if so that was about a jet not a heli and targetting/attacking someone in a safezone.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

    True, I doubt the server will be up long. I'm seeing people leave, I actually had to get off last night cause Insurgents were camping Blufor SO hard the Civs kept robbing the bank. I lose over 500k/bank robbery.

    Was blufor working together to deal with the threat? Declare martial law for those sweet heli's which can be a daunting task to take down? Hire a pmc to take them out?

  5. 2 hours ago, ComradeCorbyn{Socialist} said:

    Never seen that happen.

    Doubt I ever will.

    I've seen terrorists force civs to suicide bomb...


    Just depends on when your on theres been many times we've made a checkpoint at truckshop and rped with civs till blufor rolled up with a vic mounted grenade launcher and leveled all of truckshop.

    When i first joined the server indies could barely leave their territory without a hind or two blowing you off your bicycle. That was the Hindfor era. And every indie complained it was ruining rp. Now the tables turned. 

  6. 39 minutes ago, TheDevilApe said:

    Ah hell ye nice  to see an insurgent group thats organized , yall gonna be though to take on 

    We try to! We now outnumber the slots available to Indies.

  7. 10 hours ago, Haqqa said:

    then make it so that terrorists(insurgents and civilian terrorists) need a reason to declare terror. Cop blew up your tire? Declare terror. Cop killed your buddy? Declare terror. Don't like Martial Law? Declare terror. Taxes too high? Declare terror. It shouldn't be acceptable to declare terror simply cos you wanna kill people (which I myself am guilty of).

    Two invading armies imposing laws on your brothers and sisters? Declares independence and puts an IED at T Junction.

    Note: My IEDs make the streets safer from the Smurf and Red Smurf infadels.

  8. 8 hours ago, Lt. Col. Stryder said:

    Any Opfor helicopter can only kill Insurgents if they are fired upon/firing at your allies. Since this is currently not a RP server that makes no sense!

    If I remember correctly we had talked to you about this yesterday. Opfor can KOS Indies and vice versa and nothing to stop you from using a heli *cough* Hindfor *cough*. Dunno what staff told you only if you've been engaged can you shoot. If this were the case then I would be requiring so much comp from all my times playing Indie. Yeah @Jake Thompson I want my money!


  9. 1 hour ago, Abdullah Al Arganeen said:

    Salam aleykum

    It would be a pleasure for me to fight arm in arm with such great warriors.

    We will retake our land from hands of filthy western infidels.

    Allahu akbar!

    With great honor do we accept you into our brotherhood. My takistan see the light of Allah once more! Find either myself or Isaac ingame and we'll get you filled in.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Pearse said:

    Ah, got you there. Just wondered why you chose the 3 desperados

    Memes relevant to whom i see on. You three are the most common i see aside from jordanlee though he dies once and spends the rest of the session complaining.

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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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