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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by JumpyWizard

  1. Staff App - Skettiee

    its a -1
  2. +1 were you kicked chilling in one of my channels?
  3. Staff App - Skettiee

    -1 Simply based on your play time which is only 22 hours
  4. Staff App - Haden

    -1 Needs a more in-depth application and until you can provide that, I don't feel you should be a part of staff just yet
  5. Ok, we need to talk!

    -1 It's not only the prices of items that will get a rebalance, also the amount of money we earn will be rebalanced in a way to fight inflation
  6. Is This A Roleplay Server Still?

    +1 If you have video footage to support all that, I would love to see it, thanks bby <3
  7. Faction Whitelisting - an update!

    +1000000000 Very nice, perhaps the top ranks of blufor should also be able to pull cops over for offences such as speeding and so on, would definitely help the roleplay aspect of the ranks
  8. Staff App - Kane

    +1 Has done a lot for the OpFor faction, perhaps he can do even more if he was to be staff
  9. Staff App - Baby Face Nelson

    -1 What is this even
  10. Staff App - London

    -1 Basically the same as Complexity. London and the rest of the Australian staff team was nothing but a nightmare on RISE. She got admin then proceeded to fuck off and do nothing
  11. No bombing the bank

    Hello everyone You shouldn't be able to suicide bomb the bank into ruins, simple as that. Why? You may ask. Because it ruins the whole RP of it. Imagine if I decided to blow up the bank at 20 minutes uptime, then the bank wouldn't be able to get robbed in the next 340 minutes. Yeah, I know that it sounds like a wet dream to the blufor players, but it ruins the whole reason to even being able to rob the bank. Now there could be a sneaky way or whatever to actually rob it when the ruins have disappeared and there is nothing but floating boxes, but I currently don't know one and it seems like other players don't either. What to do about it? Trust me, I am no developer in Arma, so I have no idea if it's possible, but if it is, then make it so the bank building actually can't be destroyed. If that isn't possible perhaps an addition to the rules stating that the bank shouldn't be blown up. So if a person is caught blowing up the bank, which probably wouldn't be hard to know who, the person would be in rather serious trouble (Or at least a VERY serious warning) Wizard
  12. No bombing the bank

    I've never actually been able to fix a building with the treefixer. I've gotten the money and a message saying it did it, but the building stayed ruined
  13. Cpl. Danete Ban Appel

    -1 He is fully aware of what he is doing. I suggest that he reads the rules very carefully, then perhaps he can have his ban shortened
  14. Cpl. Danete Ban Appel

    I'm still curious as to why that picture is needed
  15. Good day everyone I started playing on the server 2 weeks ago or so, and I feel like an implementation of ranks for the 3 factions would be a good idea, especially for BluFor and OpFor. How can it work? Like a levelling progress, you need X amount of points for the next rank etc. Points can be earned by doing things your faction already does. If you're BluFor and OpFor it could be killing independents, terrorists, arresting civilians and such. Independents will just get points for killing the other sides, as the things they do are a bit more limited Why have such a system? Especially for BluFor and OpFor it will enforce better roleplay, especially if the higher ranking OpFor and BluFor will be able to ''control'' the lower ranked players. Now I'm not indicating full control over them and be able to boss them around, but more to mentor and guide the newer players into how you should properly play each faction. I personally also feel like there is a 'lack' of grinding to do, not saying I want it to take 100 hours to achieve max rank, but it shouldn't be something that can be done in 2 hours either. Plenty of rewards! Paychecks can also be, just like with licenses, based on how high your rank is. Perhaps also a special shop in all three factions giving them access to other vehicles, weapons or maybe just a little discount on things. To end it all I am in no shape or form a dev or ever tried to be one. I have no idea how much work this will require. I simply proposed it. I got the idea from RISE where I used to play a lot, and the system really seemed to work there, of course, there can and will be a few issues but there are almost always issues with any ideas. I hope you will take my idea, or a version of it, into consideration at any time. Let me know if anyone has any questions and I will be sure to answer them as quick as possible JumpyWizard
  16. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    Unfortunately I also do think that will happen
  17. Staff App - Aaron

    -1, never had any good times with this guy. Made fun of the way I speak
  18. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    I agree with you, and that staff shouldn't just have power over a faction because they are staff. They should still be selected under the same requirements as regular player
  19. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    I agree with you
  20. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    Is that meant in a negative or positive way?
  21. Remove rule please! 5.1 rule number 4

    -1 it's a good rule
  22. Presidential Rules

    +1 as long as the crime can be justified roleplay i.e no robbing gas stations
  23. Bank Robbery's and Rule Suggestions

    +1 give me blufor commander

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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