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Everything posted by JumpyWizard

  1. Commander and 1st Sergeant

    +1 gimme blufor chief
  2. Military Medics

  3. Staff App - DOMOCOP14

    +1 nice guy
  4. Allow Blufor and Opfor to accept bribes

    It should, however, first be implemented if the rank system goes through, simply because there would be no one to enforce "proper" police work and punish the cops who accept bribes. So if you as of today could accept bribe without there being no such thing as martial law, I believe it would escalate completely
  5. ABU JASEM unban appeal

    -1 I'm not sure if you're hacking or not, but one thing I know for sure is that you're a very toxic person, at least from what I've seen.
  6. Community/Server Issues

  7. Allow Blufor and Opfor to accept bribes

    +1 would be fun
  8. Staff apps.

    Why is this a forum post? If you have no issue at all regarding this server, why spend time complaining?
  9. Vague rule set

    Hello everyone I suggest that the rules are looked at again and either re-written or added more to them. Either because some are vague and simply hard to understand what they really mean. Other things are simply not states in the rules anywhere, such like cops are required to have stun pistols equipped. Or that borders aren't to be abandoned with the gates activated, as no one can put them down again. If the ruleset does indeed get rewritten, I think it will decrease the amount of misunderstanding of the rules and make the server more accessible. I know it will take time to rewrite the ruleset, however, I and I hope other people reading this will happily both submit rules that need to be re-written and rules that simply needs to be added. Wizard <3
  10. General rule addition

    Good day everyone I suggest a general rule addition/gang rule addition stating that if multiple players are going to rob the bank, they are required to be in the same gang. Why is this needed? Personally, I feel like it adds more to the roleplay part of the game, as in real life, 4 random dudes don't just decide to rob a bank, right? It also to some sort contradicts the fact that random civilians can't avenge/kill cops that are killing/arresting other civilians, only people within the same gang can do so. It may also, now this is me dreaming about really good roleplay, actually make players organise their robberies a bit more. To end it all off If implemented, it would be rather easy to do so, simply add a line or two in the rules and that should be it. Enforcing it might be a bit tricky for the staff to keep track of who and how many players robbed the bank and so on. I personally don't really think it would be that big of a deal, I'm simply trying to see things from multiple perspectives. If you as the reader has any questions ask and I will answer as soon as possible. Wizard <3
  11. Ability to spawn at the supporter shop.

    +1 @montel give them rise mission file
  12. SRT/Special Nato Team

    +1 lets just steal RISE mission file
  13. Inventory resets

    Good day everyone! For the past few days, I've experienced my inventory getting reset. I still have my weapons, keys etc but not all the medikits, repair kits and bank insurances, which is both expensive to repurchase all the time and just takes time. I have tried relogging, switching to a different slot and so on. It can happen randomly when I die and respawn or when I log back in. It seems to be random and I, unfortunately, have no idea what could be causing it. I don't know if this has happened to others if so, I feel sorry for them. I hope the issue will be looked into, if possible, and that a fix will happen soon since I have lost quite a bit of money on it. Wizard
  14. Inventory resets

    Well the reason why it's a problem is because I'm always a cop (Looking back I realised I forgot to make that clear) and losing your weapons over and over as a cop is both expensive and time wasting
  15. Rules Clarification

    +1 Totally agree with you
  16. Police Chief Pulling Over Other Officers

    I simply meant reskinned versions of patrol vehicles
  17. Staff App - Drew

    +1 very good cop and RP'er
  18. Civ, problems

    I was not aware of that, since I tend not to operate checkpoints
  19. Police Chief Pulling Over Other Officers

    Yes, keep it in those slots, like SRT on RISE, remember? If you pick an IA slot you are IA, if you pick a normal cop slot, you are just a regular cop. I know there will be negative sides to it, like what you should do if you see a cop acting up when you're just a regular cop. An option should be implemented so it would be possible to report cops to the IA, either easily done over side chat or even (Very far-fetched) designated TeamSpeak rooms to deal with cops not acting accordingly. When it comes to vehicles the IA should still have access to regular vehicles, however also access to SUVs with I.A on them or something along those lines. Of course, there should also be something similar to OpFor as it would be rude leaving them out
  20. Civ, problems

    +1 with the fact that civilians shouldn't be given the ability to move objects, perhaps make it a finable offence when caught once, doing it twice will land you a minute or two in jail. Whitelisting the community would be a bad idea if you ask me. It will most likely decrease the number of players on the server if you have to go through a process of being whitelisted. Yes, I agree that the amount of RDM and VDM is too much, to be fair, there shouldn't be any RDM or VDM, however, it will always be there, even if the server gets whitelisted.
  21. Police Chief Pulling Over Other Officers

    It should be a slot that you get whitelisted to use, so let us say there's a maximum of 4 IA slots if all of them are filled out, well you need to wait if you want to be IA. When it comes to standing out, perhaps another default skin/clothing would be added, and with that access to other vehicles etc, perhaps not better vehicles, but reskinned versions of the already existing ones.
  22. Police Chief Pulling Over Other Officers

    Love that idea. Where do I sign up
  23. BluFor, OpFor and Independent ranks

    Yes, I am a fan of that. Besides encouraging people to actually play the game properly, it also, to a certain extent, makes sure they have a bit of experience (Granted they a new to the game) before they jump in an armed helicopter with rockets or even pull out a LAV.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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