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Everything posted by I3o0M

  1. Make Takistan Great Again

    Lets just start an event where all the remaining players join at once (maybe friday evening) and maybe then there will join some new players which will stay..
  2. Supporter License Giveaway

    nice, would be a reason to come online again
  3. Fire/EMS More rp Fun

    Would be awesome
  4. Equal opportunities

    Not in my timezone :c
  5. Having A Takistani Police Force

    The NATO thread is for Arma 3
  6. Equal opportunities

    During the week there are mostly just like 20-25 people online and if they would spread even more you wouldnt see anyone at all I guess..
  7. Hello, when you compare the Supporter requirements and the Staff requirements you´ll realise that there is something wrong. A member of the server for 2 months or greater. VS You must be an active and mature member of the server. At least 100 hours of play time in game. VS You must have at least 15 hours of play time in-game. At least 25 posts on the forums. VS You must have a working microphone. A forum reputation of at least 20. VS You must be able to commit a reasonable amount of time per week to staffing the server. No recent bans or warnings on record. VS You must be willing to attend staff meetings on a regular basis. We usually hold them on Saturdays at 6 PM EST. So currently its easier to become a Staff then a Supporter. (Based on the conditions) Because some people were able to buy the rank and this is no longer possible there is a gap within the playerbase in terms of special donator items and previleges. So I would suggest lowering the Supporter requirements. An example: A member of the server for 1 months or greater. At least 75 hours of play time in game. At least 25 posts on the forums. No recent bans or warnings on record. What do you guys think about that topic? I know it might be bad for the people who spent real money but we have to do something against the difference inside the playerbase. Thanks for listening!
  8. Phone/Tablet GUI

    +1 would be awesome
  9. Intro Music

    A little more quiet would be sufficiend.
  10. I think it would be nice if doors would stay open and dont close after a minute or something because it would be more realistic and you can do nice mindgames with that.
  11. My thoughts

    Arma 3 server is coming? With Arma II vehicles would be nice because I dont like the a3 content
  12. Kamikazing

    Kamikaze is okay what really annoys are suicide bombs.
  13. Thanks!

    Hahaha nice but I wish I had donated aswell :c
  14. Thanks!

    How was the server name before xtreme?
  15. More checkpoint supplies

    Yeah, the small green tower, wire fence, tank traps all this stuff would be awesome!
  16. Checkpoint Rasman

    +1 when i build sexy checkpoints civs always destroy it
  17. Snow

    Snow in the desert? I dont like that idea also the RL winter is over aswell.
  18. +1 Ranking system is motivating
  19. Disappearing stun mags

    this does always happen to me, also i loose my skin on every server restart.. anyone else?

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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