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Everything posted by ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

  1. Criticism

    That's why I said people who know me ya dingus. Nah, I understand why. I stick with my friends too much honestly.
  2. Server Event: Death Race

    Tour De Takistan? That sounds, surprisingly fun. Can you speed upgrade bikes?
  3. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    If you meet the prerequisites, i'd say try. Worst that can happen is being rejected and all that means is you have more time to get to know people and get support.
  4. Criticism

    Oh sorry, It's how i've always typed and been taught to type, i'll try put spaces.
  5. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    Hey. If I get the position,I'll discuss having something like this. Unlike most PMCs it seems,me and Stan have TS so we can figure it out
  6. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    We can work something out. Tomorrow when i'm on,come find me and Stan and we can work an event out together. Relatable. Even better when cops aren't RDMing random PMCs for nothing.
  7. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    Hey. Contact your superior first man. As Stan said,we'd be down to do proper work with indeps/terror civs and infact we love doing it because it shows us a different perspective of the KOS Indeps that massacre everybody. Also,please don't behead us when we ask for payment. Spasiba. I MEAN Thanks
  8. The Humvee TOW

    They may be easy to counter,but they're time consuming and expensive to deal with for people who aren't rich. A.K.A all my friends par Elijah and Domocop. Money may be easy to earn,but earning money takes away from gameplay and most of the time isn't fun. Unless you find it fun,then as much as I find that wierd,each to their own.
  9. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    We could probably organize something if people are down for it. Not sure though seeing as most Blufor just jump in guns blazing with TOW missiles and SMAWs. I'd like you to know,I'm not like that. You can ask N.Wolf as well that I try my damnedest to stay CQC and in RP with indeps without using anything more armoured than an unarmed humvee/littlebird
  10. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    I only ever KOS indeps because they KOS me. If there was a chance of RP,i'd take it. I think the problem is people take the rule of indeps can be KOSed as indeps MUST be KOSed.
  11. Staff App - ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

    With the detail things,I never know what to put because I feel that people should know me from how I interact not what I say about myself. It's always been the same and I really want people to know I'm not lazy with this and I genuinely care,I just want people to judge me off what they see,not what I say
  12. Staff App - ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

    I totally take that as valid critique. However I play almost every day and my name in game is Thicc T-34 as I said. I spend at least 3 hours a day on this server during school holidays and a good 1.5 hours a day during school time. However,if you feel like I do not play enough,I totally understand and accept your point. Thank you for the criticism
  13. Improved Takistani Immersion (I am gay)

    Yeah Searnoix has got a point. Instead of adding stuff like this,this server needs to focus on dealing with internal problems of rule breakers and shit. Honestly,this server is the last beacon of Taki Life that's standing now seeing as USG and JG died. This server has to focus on fixing bugs and fixing rules/rule breakers over adding things otherwise it will become too cancerous to play and Takistan Life will die like DayZ. None of us except a few cunts want to see that happen,so perhaps we should start focusing on fixing the fixable things,clarifying rules,making rule breakers learn their lessons,making sure no other big hackers join and mess this up,then get to adding stuff.
  14. Enforce penalties to rdm and failed roleplay

    Thing is though Isaac. Indeps don't try to RP. Half the time they try to missile PMCs that haven't done anything but drive out of base. I personally want to RP,even as Blu4, with indeps but never get the chance because you guys roll up and KOS/Suicide bomb us. That isn't RP,as much as some of you say it is,that's just shooting people. If that was RP,Domination servers would be Takistan Life servers.
  15. TLX Memes

    Got a fresh one just off the line based of a sick shot I just pulled. Not bragging or anything. Just great memes potential
  16. Improved Takistani Immersion (I am gay)

    Maybe. But it won't be for atleast 2 years
  17. Improved Takistani Immersion (I am gay)

    Because a lot of people still play Arma 2 and will continue to play Arma 2 after the Arma 3 server officially releases.
  18. The Humvee TOW

    +1 If only to stop cops spamming the cunts. It's annoying trying to do contracts on cops when all of them are camping on mountains in Humvees with 50cals. It's possible to do it of course,just more difficult. Honestly,this could be an entire topic of itself that cops need to start doing CQC because I rarely see cops that have money actually fight in close quarters.
  19. Too many cops

    Not sure how the system working,but on an Arma 2 Island Life server they had a system were if cops outnumbered civilians or a certain ratio,all cops would receive a 3 minute warning that someone (starting with the lowest ranks) needed to log off and how many. If no one logged,lower ranks would be kicked/banned dependent on how many times they had broken this rule. Don't know if this could be implemented seeing as how I barely understand the basics of Python but...
  20. AA-12 OP?

    Nobody said anything about Blufor keeping their gear. That issue was never brought up, this issue is the weapon not keeping it after death. The weapon itself is OP not being able to keep it after death,as annoying as that can be,it makes it somewhat fairer on actual boots on the ground cops like me who don't have trillions of dollars and don't spam out Avengers and M113s
  21. How to Install the Arma 3 Mods

    Love that Best Copyright Free Music tab Fakie. Thanks man. Been ages since I used A3Sync and I'm still as retarded now.
  22. New Weapons

    I was wondering if we could add the DLC Weapons. I don't know if it works the same way as the Arma 3 DLC where it just doesn't let you buy it. But if it does,having Czech weapons would be pretty good. I know we already have PMC weapons,but everyone can use them I think
  23. AA-12 OP?

    PMCs are fully capable of getting the AA-12 for 175k As much as I love the weapon and think it's amazing. It's most likely too op for TLX. Given we already have indeps running around with T-34s and Opfor in hinds camping indep and blufor zones,perhaps it is necessary. Maybe a rule change or something so that it can only be used in AT/AA but,how well that would go down is something I don't know. Gotta agree. The amount of times I've annihilated people with just the pellets atests to the weapon being good, because i'm utter dog shite at Arma so
  24. ION PMC Company

    Hi. Now you've bothered to look at this (why I will never understand), I'd like to inform you that me and a friend are creating our own Private Military Company. We'll still follow all PMC rules as set by the server/Gio. But we have our own set of rules,CoC,Prices yadda yadda. We've made our own spreadsheet for this (Please do not discredit me immediately for it's poor quality) and we're welcoming anybody who is active on PMC. Our only requirement is for you to not be Toxic. Thanks Tanny/Corbyn/Cancerous Thirteen Year Old https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L5ZzWHXncc_Ht0k2nL-zlwM5ySEI8bgdnmxP8Rq8rCo/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BWlBFq5fy8rSou7NNc6RyI1yiHDn2B5w4zz44AUAkUY/edit#gid=0 https://goo.gl/forms/JfxRMjamTXQq34f32 (Application)
  25. rejected Staff App - ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

    In-game Name ComradeCorbyn Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheresaMayEatsChildren/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/top_players/?query=ComradeCorbyn Country you live in England Time zone you live in GMT How long have you been a TLX player? TLX Player since about 2 Weeks Ago. Taki Life Player since January 2017 Have you previously been banned from the server? No Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself Active. Friendly to Most. Got Quite a Few Friends. Pretty Trusting of People (That can be a bad thing but...). Very Critical of Rule Breakers. I Try Not to Annoy People and I Try to Make Friends. Why should you be a staff member? Because I understand the rules very well,and if something in the rules confuses me I ask for help instead of just ignoring it and getting into trouble. I hate people who break rules and ruin fun and I actively push to get new rules made to make the server more fun for people. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) I've been a Moderator on Arma 3 Life servers which are much stricter than A2 Life. I've played Taki Life since the start of 2017. And I have only been banned once in that year span of game play. That ban,was however from a misunderstanding between me and a staff member and was immediately revoked. (Not sure whether this counts or not but Moderator Jay reccomended me to apply for staff)

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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