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Everything posted by ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

  1. Typical Blufor lmao

    But it's not just "little kids and whiners" It's indeps and blufor who spam out armoured vehicles that are the problem. How you supposed to RP when you're sitting on a hill fighting with M2's and M240s?
  2. Typical Blufor lmao

    Sounds good to me
  3. Typical Blufor lmao

    Blufor mainly though
  4. Typical Blufor lmao

    Hence why I said BOTH need to stop. Not just indeps
  5. Typical Blufor lmao

    He's got a point. Indeps and Blufor are in a vicious cycle of Armoured Vehicle warfare. Both need to stop
  6. Travolt

    Forum is glitched so Evidence is up here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406103710 and https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1406104258 [Player name] : Travolt [Date issue occurred] : 8/06/2018 [Issue] : Travolt was an Opfor member who had driven up North and taken control of Checkpoint Rasman. Being the loyal PMCs we are,me and my friend Stan tried to detain him and get Blufor to help. He tried to run, so we disabled his bike. He got off his bike,stood there after multiple warnings that if he tried to run or draw a weapon, he would die. He then logged off during the issue. [Evidence] :
  7. Ratio Of Factions

    https://steamcommunity.com/id/stanwitherplan/screenshot/925933977504005231 Another one
  8. Criticism

    Okay. So,to everybody that knows me/has had experience with me. I want to know what you dislike about me. I know everybody hates something about me,whether it's my insatiable appetite to speak or anything else. I want to know everybody who can be bothered to give me honest,mature criticisms about me to give it to me. In this post,whenever you want. I really want to know how to improve myself as both a player and a person,and I think taking criticisms from people will be a great way to do this. So please,if you have the time and the effort,tell me. Thanks -Your least favourite Enfield Boi
  9. Blackwater PMC Reformed

    Okay. First of all I'd like to apologise to anyone who applied to the original Ion PMC application form,that was forgotten by me,please excuse me on that. However,I'd like to inform everyone,I'll be remaking it - the application. All it will require from now on is a talk with me over TS and you're good. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eKGwO8ni0kvhiKzY3cO3PXXjvbo4wRyev8l0rs1d-6Q/edit?usp=sharing
  10. WAR TIME Suggestions

    It is Just still in Beta
  11. Remove Insurgents

    Never seen that happen. Doubt I ever will. I've seen terrorists force civs to suicide bomb... But...
  12. WAR TIME Suggestions

    You realize Arma 2 will still be relevant right? A lot of the player base will stick on Arma 2. Which means as soon as the A3 server is out, A2 may be dead for a few weeks, but will soon get at least half the number A3 gets if not equal. Which means it will still need updates.
  13. Remove Insurgents

    Put simply. Indeps need to roleplay more (never once experienced an indep rp with me except when taking contracts as PMC in all 70 hours) AND Blufor need to stop being pussies and hiding in hills with DMRs and Strykers. I play Blufor,PMC,Indep and Opfor and I've only ever used a sniper as PMC as an assassin. Nothing more. Nothing less. Blufor to me is just glorified police. But most others see it as an invasion force that should KOS things with a gun and arrest random civvies
  14. VDM

    I've been told conflicting things in regard to VDM. I want confirmation of multiple people. If someone is standing in the middle of the road, Is it VDM to not make an attempt to swerve or is it the players fault? I've been told conflicting things by Staff Members so I want a definitive answer.
  15. PMC rules that don't exist that are enforced

    If the PMC dies yes, but if the person who contracted the PMC dies, why can't the PMC complete the contract if only to prove he does contracts?
  16. PMC rules that don't exist that are enforced

    How is it NLR to honour a contract given? If the contract is to assassinate someone. And the payment has been given. Then the contractor dies, explain how it's NLR to honour the contract?
  17. rejected Staff App - ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

    In-game Name Thicc T-34 (Formerly Comrade Corbyn) Steam Profile Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheresaMayEatsChildren/ Gametracker Link https://www.gametracker.com/player/%5BPMC%5DThicc%20T-34/play.tlx-gaming.com:2302/%20%20%20%20%20%20%20(Check%20Corbyn%20and%20all%20variations%20of%20that%20name,it%20is%20also%20me) Country you live in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Time zone you live in GMT 0 Date of Birth 21/07/2004 How long have you been a TLX player? Mid February-Ish Do you meet the minimum requirements set above? No Have you previously been banned from the server? No Have you previously been a staff member here? No Describe yourself I am a decently funny guy (I think), I think I have a good sense of humour but I can be serious when it's required/expected/better to be serious. In relation to the age requirement,I ask you to speak to Elijah about my maturity and he will tell the truth. On that topic,I consider myself an honest person and I am very active in trying to make this server better. Why should you be a staff member? I want to be a staff member because I wish to see this community grow and become better than it already is. I want to be active on Arma 2,especially when Arma 3 Life releases as I see a lot of staff spending time on that over this. I want to make sure everybody has a fun and enjoyable experience on TLX whilst rules are being enforced. What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any) None except a few weeks of Trial Staff on a server that is no longer around
  18. Clarity of Rules

    Right. First things first. This is NOT me trying to say my strike was wrong,I broke rules,whatever. Okay. So. My point stems from an incident where a contracter who me and a friend were contracted to died,and we completed the contract maybe a minute after he died at most. Now,my defense was that it is never mentioned in the rules (to reiterate,not shitting on staff or trying to dispute my strike), which in my eyes made and still makes sense. Rules that are never mentioned in the Arma 2 rules Document seem to be brought up in support cases (again,not saying staff are doing their jobs wrong). In conclusion to this and after too much rambling,the rules need to become clearer and rules that are not on the document but are still there need to be added or made void. Yours Truly- One Thicc Soviet Tank Boi
  19. PMC Proposal

    Thanks man. But yeah, most of the time it's at least 2 PMCs if not more.
  20. Clarity of Rules

    Whether staff have the final say shouldn't matter when so many rules they bring up aren't even listed in the rules of the server. Stans post better explains the PMC side of it but there's bound to be more. I'm not saying staff aren't doing their jobs or you're a bad owner or anything, just saying rules like not being able to finish a contract when the client dies are never mentioned yet enforced. It annoys me because how am I supposed to know not to do something when it's never mentioned anywhere it can't be done? It's also annoying when staff bring up the "Common Sense" argument, I'd like it if when you get a chance, if you do get the chance, to at least skim over the rules and add rules that aren't in there.
  21. PMC Proposal

    Bearing in mind that money is usually split between 2-4 PMCs and we don't always get paid by people. You can see our problem can't you? I suggest dropping the DMR to 500k Slightly fairer in my opinion seeing as the DMR can be easily countered by ARs and even SMGs.
  22. Criticism

    Shut it Pearse. I can't control what my £100 headset does. This is abuse. I'm calling the RSPCA
  23. PMC rules that don't exist that are enforced

    Also User was banned permanently (Staff Disrespect)
  24. PMC rules that don't exist that are enforced

    You forgot 7: If a PMCs Contractor dies, the PMC CANNOT complete the contract he assigned to the PMCs whether upfront payment was given or not.
  25. Staff App - ComradeCorbyn{Socialist}

    I'd like to mention that the strike is for a rule that is never mentioned in the official rules on Arma 2. That being that when a PMCs contractor dies, the PMC cannot complete the contract whether he was paid beforehand or not.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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