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Everything posted by Giovanni

  1. Where is this rule you're referring to? I don't see it and I don't recall ever writing it. Criminal civilians can't "shoot cops as they please."
  2. Good afternoon, Today's update is going to be brief since I have to get going within a few minutes. We have taken the next steps into incorporating the faction ranks and whitelisting after some discussion during the staff meeting and between the administration. @canadianbacon22 and @Kane have been selected as the Majors for BLUFOR and OPFOR respectively. @Comrade Potato and I will be overseeing the factions as Colonels, however we will be leaving most of the decision making to them. Applications for both factions will be opening up here on the website soon. We will also have an accelerated process available for qualified individuals to make it to Officer and Senior NCO ranks to assist with faction management. Teamspeak has already been set up for the most part, however some permissions will be changed. Forum categories and user groups will be created here as well. We are diligently working on the website/mission changes and regulatory policies & procedures so we can make whitelisting official within the following week. We'll stay in touch here! In addition to all this, expect some of the following adjustments shortly: Rules being moved to the website Proper application forms being set up for player reports, staff complaints, ban appeals, blacklist appeals, etc. Economy and pricing updates Touch up of Teamspeak icons + addition of group images on forums
  3. Faction whitelisting: the next steps

    Canadian Bacon did apply. So did Maverick, Supersahen, and Mark Stavaros. Those 3 were appointed to their ranks after we reviewed their Major applications and felt that they exceeded our expectations, although obviously Canadian Bacon had already filled the position of Major. Your proof of his application as requested: Most of the staff don't have any positions in NATO or the TLA...
  4. Faction whitelisting: the next steps

    No, as this tag was given out freely without requiring anything. Originally there was a qualifications test, but it was virtually impossible to fail.
  5. Vehicle storage upgrades

    It's not hard to implement, it would be pretty easy. I'm talking about how it's not realistic to incorporate. How does a vehicle magically gain more storage while remaining the same size?
  6. Vehicle storage upgrades

    I don't see this being implemented, because I don't know how you can magically make a vehicle hold more storage.. Best thing for you to do is just purchase a vehicle with a larger storage capacity.
  7. Drew Ban appeal

    Looks like you're Loki, I'd recommend changing your name in-game because a lot of our script filters look for mentions of "loki" or variants of it. Ban lifted in-game.
  8. What? Barely any of the staff applications have been accepted. Of the 29 we've received here, 3 candidates were accepted and hired as staff. That's not even counting the applications made via Google Forms prior to being set up on the forums. Just because you meet the minimum requirements doesn't guarantee you will become a staff member. A key difference with the supporter requirements is that if you meet them there is a high certainty you will be accepted, but with staff applications this is not the case as we want to leave most of our evaluation to after people apply. This is a huge overstatement. People seem to think that "admin" is synonymous with "staff." It's not. We have two Administrators out of a staff team of 15. When someone is brought into the staff team following the acceptance of their application and an interview, they are a Junior Moderator. The majority of our staff team consists of Junior Moderators and Moderators. They spend the majority of the time dealing with support cases - being staff isn't as fun as you make it out to be.
  9. speed up the op-for de-arming process

    There is no "Opfor de-arming process." Once the ranking and whitelisting is in, certain vehicles will require qualifications or specific ranks to use, however nothing is being removed.
  10. Kamikazing

    Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that many players have bottomless bank accounts and would love to waste all that money on helicopters to constantly kamikaze into other people.
  11. Global chat

    I feel like disabling global chat altogether just makes the server feel less lively and more.. inexpressive. Perhaps dealing with the core issue - people using global to argue over their issues - would be a better solution.
  12. Hello everyone, This week we migrated our Arma 2 server and website over to a new dedicated node based out of New Jersey. Along with this, we are now running on an SSD instead of the previous HDD. Furthermore, IPv6 support has been added to the website allowing your client to choose whichever route loads faster - IPv4 or IPv6. Depending on where you live, you may find that your ping to the Arma server has improved. In addition, we have made some tweaks to the server's network configuration to reduce desync, and will make further improvements as we go along. As far as the mission currently goes, I am currently working on adding functionality for saving Staff, Supporter, BLUFOR, OPFOR, and PMC whitelists to the server's database files instead of inside arrays within the mission file. What does this mean for you? You will no longer have to wait for a server restart for your whitelist information to update. Admins will be able to update your whitelist levels in-game and they will be saved to your persistent stats to be loaded any time you log in. Additionally, I am making efforts in reducing the amount of chat spam in the mission and making use of systemChat instead of other forms of messages (globalChat, groupChat, commandChat, etc.) This makes mission messages more pleasant to read and less disruptive. We are still working on the implementation of the faction ranking & whitelisting. Regulations and protocols are being drafted up for both NATO and TLA. Likewise, the economical changes are being worked on as well. We will have updates to share soon and there won't be a stat reset until these undertakings have been completed.
  13. Staff App - CouchNoob

    Thank you for applying to become a staff member at Takistan Life Xtreme. Upon administrative review, your application has been rejected. Please wait 2 weeks before submitting a new application.
  14. Why Management?

  15. Share your music

  16. Faction Whitelisting - an update!

    The BLUFOR Verified tag is extremely easy to procure as the test is nearly impossible to fail, therefore having the tag will have no effect on what your position will end up being. Aside from a few commissioned officers at the start, most will be starting at the bottom and they will be evaluated for senior positions on a case by case basis.
  17. Blufor/Opfor Dispatch and codes

    BLUFOR and OPFOR are meant to be military forces, not police departments, so I don't think this really fits in.
  18. The problem with letting people hang out in private channels when on BLUFOR and OPFOR is the lack of communication between members of those factions. This was a huge problem on the old TLX server as the public faction channels would be empty while everyone was in their own private channels, often with friends from a different faction. There is no requirement for Independent and Civilian to be in their public channels since communication between team members on those factions isn't necessary. BLUFOR and OPFOR on the other hand are military forces, ones that are now becoming whitelisted and regulated. Staff members are exempt from this rule as they are often going channel to channel dealing with support issues.
  19. Staff App - London

    @Comrade Potato hey this guy just called you an Australian
  20. Staff App - London

    We have no staff members from Australia @London I will consider this application if I see you around more. It looks like you haven't been on since Friday.
  21. ABU JASEM unban appeal

    ABU JASEM's permanent ban has been reinstated.
  22. Forum Signatures

    Yep, signatures are now added. You can edit yours in the account settings.
  23. Following the update on faction whitelisting, we are in search of someone who feels that they are capable of holding the Major position on BLUFOR and leading the faction. The Major will be supervising the entire NATO occupational force in Takistan and as such, a level of commitment and responsibility will be required. They will have to oversee the creation of procedures and protocols, manage the membership and promotions within NATO, in addition to liaising with the staff team. Responsibilities will be delegated down the chain of command as required. Ideally, someone to hold this position would have similar experience from another Life or Milsim community. If you are interested in fitting this role, send me a private message here on the forums or send an email to [email protected]. Please put effort and detail in what you write and include information about who you are, why you would fit into the position, what your plans are for NATO, and any experience or qualifications you have. Thanks for reading, I hope to be receiving some qualified candidates in my inbox soon. Feel free to send recommendations my way if you know someone that is interested in the position.
  24. Staff App - Baby Face Nelson

    Thank you for applying to become a staff member at Takistan Life Xtreme. Upon administrative review, your application has been rejected. Please wait 2 weeks before submitting a new application.
  25. Ban Appeal - WuKuN

    Let's clear something up here since people want to jump to conclusions. WuKuN is a former staff member of TLR. He jumped on our Teamspeak just to throw insults at me and the other head staff in my channel. He admitted to DDoSing our server and something was said about "getting people not to play here". I banned him. Why did I ban him? He wasn't here to legitimately play. He was here to cause drama. He then returned with a new identity and IP address since he was using a VPN. He tells me that he's just here to "talk to some old friends" and that if I ban him he will just keep coming back. I'm feeling a little lenient, so I let him go up into the channel that some of his friends are in. I'm told not long after by someone else that he's talking about DDoSing. Some people are telling me he should be banned, and I'm on the verge of doing it. WuKuN then has the audacity to send me money over PayPal with a note about how this is his "apology". I refunded his money and banned him immediately, because the way I see it, he's just trying to pay for a way out of a ban. To the friends of WuKuN, I am so sorry that he thinks he can just come onto our Teamspeak and act like a complete cunt and expect that he won't be banned.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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