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Showing most liked content on 02/07/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    We should all now know by now that the item shops will be having a full-scale price rebalance, along with the fact that some weapons will be removed. The as50 thermal will be one of many items removed from VIP. Now, understanding it's a thermal weapon it is "strong" not "op". I will tell you why as50 thermal needs to stay in VIP. Blufor weapons/vehicle prices will be going down immensely. If as50 thermal will be removed it will make it extremely hard to play long-distance sniping. As50 thermal will no longer be "op" because blufor will be able to constantly afford vehicles and helicopters. Keeping this previous note in mind, we can logically make sense that the as50 will now be counter-played and will be very weak because currently blufor rarely pull out any vehicles because the independents will just blow it up with lock-on missiles..... but, oh wait, that's getting NERFED too. The lock on rocket and missiles will increase in price heavily as well and the meta for independent will no longer consist of lock on rockets due to the insane price increase. Summary: As50 thermal needs to be kept to keep the system of 'long-distance sniping. Helicopters will constantly be scouting, armored vehicles will be patrolling. Any close 800m sniper will be quickly eliminated. Sure, as50 will be strong for the first few kills without being spotted, but with the help of the decline price cost for weapons/vehicles for blufor and in the incline of prices for independent rockets and gear. There will be a balance, if the as50 thermal is removed, indeps will extremely weak and will not stand a fair chance against blufor. ~ Gen Richotvz " time for a true display of skill"
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