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Showing most liked content on 05/14/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    So currently mortars are only allowed to be used during wartime and cannot be used against Rasman or Feruz Abad which means that you can't even use the smoke rounds, white phosphorous or the flares without it being war. So can you change the rule and allow non HE shells to be used since WP is the God of shells and doesn't explode an entire city block.
  2. 1 point
    Islamic Emirate of Takistan History & Backstory The Islamic Emirate of Takistan was born out of tribal struggles in 1992. After the election of a Socialist Government supported by Russian troops as a last ditch effort to spread Communism, several tribes especially those from the rural, mountainous south of the nation united under the banner of Islam to form what was first known as the Takistan Islamic Party. This was a counter to the largely atheistic government currently in power which they felt did not represent the majority Muslim nation. After their political front was not recognised and they were not allowed to stand in elections or campaign, coupled with the closure and demolition of mosques and places of worship across the nation, the group combined with other armed groups from across the Middle East, most notably Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network to from the Islamic Emirate of Takistan; a Wahhabi Islamic militant organisation dedicated to armed struggle against both the Takistan Liberation Army in the South and the NATO peacekeeping troops in the North. After a series of bombings and attacks on military and government targets, the group was very quickly branded a terrorist organisation and the TLA sought to exterminate their presence in Takistan. Nevertheless, due to weapons left behind after the conflicts past and present throughout the Middle East, they were able to maintain a stronghold and establish de-facto territory in the South-West of the country which they launch attacks from and hide from counterattacks by the TLA in the mountains and villages. Current Operations The group has a very active presence throughout the whole of Takistan. Due to the more aggressive stance of the Takistan Liberation Army in the South, the group largely seeks to avoid confrontation and use the mountains to illegally cross into the North to target NATO forces, which they see as foreign occupiers of their land. Their tactics include guerilla style attacks on NATO vehicles and troops patrolling the area as well as concentrated and highly effective attacks on static targets such as defensive emplacements and especially checkpoints. The group uses their assault rifles and machine-guns to attack at very close range especially at night, using maximum aggression and suppressive fire to overwhelm their enemy through confusion and aggression. Bombings are also a favored tactic, and their improvised explosive devices have routinely destroyed soft-skinned vehicles and there have also been numerous instances of enormous car-bombs detonating in Rasman, the capital, and wiping out entire checkpoints and armored vehicles too. More advanced anti-armor and anti-air capabilities are limited for the group, these usually take the form of truck-mounted SPAA or Cold War era radio-guided missiles fired from captured vehicles. Despite this, on certain occasions the group has managed to acquire and effectively utilize more advanced anti-armor and anti-air kit such as MANPADS and TOW missiles to target both NATO and TLA armor and air. Membership and Organisation Although the Islamic Emirate of Takistan is one of many armed groups fighting in the area, it is by far the largest and most powerful as well as the most effective. The structure is largely based on a tribal hierarchy but attacks are loosely organised. At the top is an Elder which coordinates the group's activities locally, followed by several senior members and then foot-soldiers. Membership is organised through tests of faith and loyalty to the cause even unto death. Members' Roster Emir ConReese Mujahideen SlimBone MustafaL!kaWeeWee 0rbz Isaac Esau NOTE: This is meant to be an organisation much like OPFOR's VVS. It's meant to be an organisation within the INDEP faction to encourage more guerilla/terrorist roleplay besides just blowing shit up. It's meant to encourage both propaganda to be created as well as coordination of attacks beyond the lone indie with a FAL in Rasman.
  3. 1 point
    lmao the FAL is probably one of the best cheap guns indies get. If think that you're unorganized for using a good gun the gtfo
  4. 1 point
    "You mean only trying to use bikes and fals?" Dont use a Fal others will think your unorganized.
  5. 1 point
    -1 for much of the same reasons allready stated. I don't think it would do all that much to improve RP and it would make it much harder for new players to get used to the server. Overall I believe that the cons would outweigh the pros.
  6. 1 point
    TFR would do nothing but kill the server man. Neat idea but maybe it'd work better if this server goes to Arma 3.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Originally you had to have supporter (Donor) to play PMC. I don't think anything was changed other than unlocking it lol...
  9. 1 point
    This faction isn't gonna stop you from playing indep. It's essentially a little group within the indep faction for people who wanna do stuff together for fun.
  10. 1 point
    Edited...will be adding more.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I play more OPFOR now...but if you want I can keep working on it with someone.
  14. 0 points
    I have started to notice that lots of people have over 100mill or more in their account and there has not been a stat reset in the entire time I have played on TLX (almost 4 months) and I know that there will be a stat reset when the update comes out but as we don't know how long that will take I would like to have a server wide stat reset now and if needed we can have another stat reset when the update is released. It has just been way to long since the last stat wipe and at this point the new players can't keep up and enjoy the game as well because there are a bunch of people who have been playing for a while with maxed accounts. I vote that we have a stat wipe now in order to give new players a chance to catch up with the rest of the server.
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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