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Showing most liked content on 05/01/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    1. The whole Gang managing thing is a known bug 2. Seems weird, hopefully people go straight to rubies diamonds or platinum, best way to make money 3. I believe the only civilian weapon that stuns in the saiga from the gunshop, I have noticed that the stun rounds at supporter dont work but that would be kinda op IMO 4. PMC needs stun rounds, the stun ammo is like a must 5. Private storage wiping is known aswell just sucks, might be hard to fix
  2. 1 point
    My Opinion's 1. I would like to see you playing on the server as frequent as possible as you have only been here for just over a week 2. I would like to see you more active on the forums making some quality posts and getting that reputation up -1 If you can complete the tasks above I may consider changing my -1 to a +1
  3. 1 point
    My view would be to shift the INDEP base to Mulladost to drastically reduce the distance between the base and the north, this by giving the Indeps their own strip of land which is actually theirs as well as expanding the base circle. I've seen this be very successful on other servers. I've played INDEP extensively and would genuinely love for it to be a successful faction, the use of IED's and guerilla tactics should be encouraged and so MANPADS, IEDs and so on should be much cheaper as well as RPG-7s to make the faction more fun to play. Tbh, I wouldn't mind if indeps got to keep their weapons...
  4. 1 point
    Dude I live in the boonies, we have 0 outside influence
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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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