I'm official resining from TLX since there's been fuck all going on with the server, it's dying also with the constant nothingness the community gets, the server is really unbalanced making it no longer fun to play any side other than blufor or opfor, INDEPS get spawn raped every fucking time being unable to leave their area cause OPFOR decide to camp out all the exits with fucking Hinds and other bullshit, YOU NEED supporter to combat them with IGLA rocket launchers it's pointless to play on the server now, we've been promised updates for a while now and we've had NOTHING for the past MONTH, a lot of the players have left because there's fuck all to do. ZERO RP actually happens when Blu4 just camp in fucking strykers and do fuck all.   This server is literally a shit show now and it's pointless staying here, i'd rather play fucking dating simulators instead of this server.