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Abdullah Al Arganeen

Stun weaponry and tear gas for Indep/Civ

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As I have played a lot as Civ recently, i really miss the opportunity to use non lethal weaponry, its really pain in the ass sometimes. Want to kidnap a cop? Well then, try to punch him for 20 mins and end up with him speaking on TS or side chat to his buddys about your location, getting sniped from 1km or shot with 20 7,62 bullets spray from behind...

So do the other civs too.

We really need this stuff working, in Gun shop. Would give more opportunities for RP. 

Also, the tear gas. Its just some pepper spray in pressured metal can. Why only armies can use it?


If somebody wants to say - hey, cops will lose their guns when stunned!- Well, they already can buy 80% of their stuff after 3 paychecks... Its cheap, easy to get, and if they even lose it - they lose it once a 1000 times...



I dont remember correctly if indeps have working saiga stun ammo and tear gas, but if they dont, they should.

Thanks for reading.



Sorry for mistakes, im quite sleepy

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10 minutes ago, Abdullah Al Arganeen said:

We really need this stuff working, in Gun shop. Would give more opportunities for RP.

Don't know if you have realized this yet, but we are working on the new mission file. Not the current one. So please be patient, we will get there.

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