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Everything posted by Supersahen

  1. General Suggestions

    Yeah but in my whole 75 hours in the server i've seen 1 spg, 1 Military offroad with an AGS-30, and i've seen like 3 DSHKM's. No one actually uses this stuff and it can be easily dispatched with a 5.56 rifle.
  2. General Suggestions

    The only thing the Stryker won't block is an explosive, just need to watch out for RPG's which barely anyone ever has. Armed Strykers are really not needed for general patrolling.
  3. Remove location saving

    +1 its infuriating when you lag out while driving through the desert or your game crashes in the middle of no where, and your car is locked so you have to get someone to deliver you lockpicks or get hiking.
  4. General Suggestions

    How so? It takes a minute for the police chief to go back to base and declare martial law and then they can pull out their fancy avengers and shoot down the ka-137 PK. And then put the fun toys back once its dead and go back to policing. The avenger is a very good vehicle against infantry which most people don't seem to realise, and Strykers are just dumb. We don't need like more than 1 stryker at peace time and it doesn't even really need to be armed, armoured transport is more than enough to take out some goat farmers with fals.
  5. Unique cloths

    I'm trying to get 100 hours up to apply for supporter for this reason. Although its kind of annoying the blufor one is in the south. Covert ops for uniforms.
  6. My thoughts

    135k per paycheck as chief with all the licenses, but yeah avengers are expensive and it will still take 1 and a half hours of max paychecks to buy an avenger. You then also lose over half of that money when you sell the avenger or all the money if it dies. But i have also noticed the lack of common sense with cops being absolutely wrecked by like a single t-34 up on a hill, and rather than spending 600k on a M47 Dragon and just 1 tapping the tank they continue to drive out of base down the same road in SUV's constantly dying complaining that they need martial law and the game is unbalanced and indys should be removed and they are camping the safezone and they should be banned. Like Jesus Christ there is more than 1 road out of cop base.
  7. General Suggestions

    +1 i agree with 4 and 5, the rest i'm impartial about and don't really care either way.
  8. no indeps in blufor channel pls

    I didn't actually use any information, i was just in there because there was literally no one else on the server and i didn't want to sit in a channel by myself. They weren't even communicating and I gained absolutely no information, i was simply talking out of context with my friend who was also in the channel. If anything they gained more information since i told them i was in a tank, and i told them i was far away just to give them a chance because they were being swiggity rekt.
  9. Manning border checkpoints.

    There should really just be a timer so that after a while of not being manned the border gates go down, there is no reason to leave them up.
  10. Guides & tips section

    haha, quality quote
  11. Staff App - Jake Thompson

  12. TLX Memes

    Is this an old meme yet
  13. -1 to opfor selling shit as well, Civs should only be allowed what civs can get. Theres no legit situation where a civ needs a hind or an armed jet.

    wtf is dis
  15. HUD/ On screen money

    Also the inventory weight and civ number would be nice +1
  16. Moving subdued people

    +1 this should definitely be a thing already
  17. Staff App - Unknown

    poor effort in application -1
  18. Weird camera bug

    Yeah that sounds like headbug, AFAIK its a problem with ARMA/desync and has nothing to do with the mission file. You can also fix it by making your way over to a vehicle and mashing E to get in.
  19. Robberies and cooldowns

    Really? I think that the bank robberies take too long ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Usually if i'm in truck shop as long as i have a fast vehicle I can get to the bank as they are leaving. And with a chopper the whole north is in range of the bank for when it gets robbed. And usually when is there not a cop in rasman, nearly always the majority of the cop base is sitting on CPR.
  20. Allow moderators to comp

    of cause the junior mod would +1 it, wooooooww biased much. actually though +1
  21. AI command & Faction vehicles

    The war vehicles aren't that bad. Most of the indy war vehicles are independant, most of the blufor war vehicles are blufor and most of the opfor war vehicles are opfor. Its mainly the things you can buy from the car shop, such as motorbikes, SUV's, military offroads, etc. These vehicles are nearly all civilian. I would like this to happen, but frankly i don't see it being possible without severely limiting what any side can use.
  22. Terror vechiles

    +1 More Blood for the Blood God, Blackhawk is hungry
  23. Staff App - Kush

    I think i'll abstain for now but i'm leaning towards a -1 Can i ask what your name was on RISE and what staff rank you were? Maybe if I remember seeing you on RISE I can bump it up to a +1
  24. Phone/Tablet GUI

    I'll +1 that when i'm a supporter

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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