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Posts posted by Heart

  1. Have you wondered why the servers population is so low? Around 15-25 people?

    Regardless Im going to tell you how to change that problem by Increasing the server population.

    • Spread the word! Tell your friends and other players about the TLX ArmA 2 (Takistan Life Xtreme Server)!
    • If your friends ever mention missing the old ArmA 2 Life servers just mention TLX.
    • Share your posts from TLX on social media, If enough people share this server is destined to get a high population.
    • Make a video! If you have Obs or even fraps you can record gameplay and edit it.

    If you agree with these tips drop a thumbs up and a comment.

    • Like 5

  2. 22 hours ago, Gen Richotvz said:

    TLX should add a script to allow the as50 to shoot longer ranges more accurately. If the range would extend to 2300m then the gun would be strong and I would really like that. I enjoy the as50 all I do is snipe. This will make finding me more interesting.

    Ultimately this would destroy the purpose of what this server originally meant to be.

    Joking or not.

  3. On 4/2/2018 at 4:21 PM, VladimirPutin said:

    Blufor and Opfor have been abusing this strategy and at one point they closed all the checkpoints with no one manning them, really harmful for civs and the role playing involved.

    If for example indeps have taken control of a checkpoint, the should be able to remove both of the barriers, dont you agree ? 

    • Having every checkpoint manned is not anywhere near a possibility knowing what kind of players are on the server.
    • Secondly it doesn't really ruin roleplay just going through one checkpoint (CPA), but having nobody manning CPA is the real problem.

  4. 22 hours ago, Haqqa said:

    Scanning the mountains is something we do a lot now, however, unlike the other fortifications, the camo nets cannot be moved once bought. I've spent like 10 minutes looking for the interaction menu with them, resetting TLX keys and all and they are un-interactable, so it would be nice if they were added to CPA by default. Also maybe add a fortification shop to CPA so we don't have to back and forth since OPFOR base is so far from CPA?

    You can't spam camo nets because vehicles cant drive through them, but I have found placing lots of bunkers are more effective giving you hard cover from snipers and explosives,

    • Like 1

  5. Many of us can agree that ArmA 2 is getting a little DEAD and most people, but not all have a PC that can (AT LEAST) run an ArmA 3 life server.

    Some benefits of TLX hosting one of these servers are the endless possibilities because of all the DLCs, mods, maps, and editing tools available. The best part is the mods available, you can quickly add anything you want on your server in a FLASH. Weapon mods, Custom and arma 2 vehicles, Server setting presets are just as simple as clicking a few buttons and clicking LOAD.

    By now we should all be begging and donating to TLX for an ArmA 3 server.


    • Confused 1

  6. 2 minutes ago, Anonymous User said:

    Finally a post without that big image. Good points my goy. You seem to want to help out the community and have made some good threads so far. One of the best things to have is a good attitude and don't get too mad, you'll make plenty of friendos and have a great time.

    Thanks for the feedback

  7. SlavNation is a group of hard-bass individuals who originate from the city of Chelyabinsk  in Russia. The group grew up as young Gopniks who only ate borscht and lived selling rousty shed tools and pumpernickel bread. Like true slavs the group joined the Russian military and are now stationed in Takistan. The gang initiation consists of how many vodka bottles you can drink before you pass out, can you properly squat and can you produce some catchy hard-bass.


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  8. 3 hours ago, Smidge Griffkin said:

    I think you will find, if you frequent the server a bit more, that we do have wars quiet often. They don't happen without prior admin approval or valid reason. Teams must also be balanced etc. 

    I cant constantly be on but I will most definitely try to be more involved in the community

  9. Have you wanted to have a better RP experience In Takistan Life? Here is some advice to creating a less toxic time when interacting with other players.

    • Don't be toxic, don't be that guy finding loop holes In rules or spawn camping, nothing makes people more aggravated  than a person with an RPG at Indi spawn.
    • Try not to abuse armor or border-line marshal law/wartime vehicles like strykers or bmps.
    • Avoid pulling out heavy weapons unless someone is a big problem, for example try to only use hinds or bmps when Indi's  pull out a t-34 or camp cpa in buildings. Try to use them as plan C.
    • Try to communicate effectively with others, for example when at CPA try to get through as an indi acting like a civi and watch the memes that pursue.
    • Be a nice and helpful person, no explanation needed.

    If you enjoyed these tips drop a thumbs up and a comment on how you could improve hostilities in Takistan.

    • Like 5

  10. 12 minutes ago, Anonymous User said:

    No need for anything to be balanced, it should be Blufor is the most powerful, Opfor should be second most powerful, the indep.

    Good point they are big factions anyway and its mainly an rp server not a warfare one.

  11. War, war never changes.


    War. War never changes.

    In Takistan Life Xtreme sometimes you wonder why all this high end, expensive, and thicc vehicles are just sitting around. Today I propose to the community we put In some Pre-server-wipe-war.

    In recent times war vehicles are just used during marshal law or are simply not used, Its like someone locked my toybox, ok. So how about an hour before the server resets war is declared between Opfor and Bluefor, this would make great use of these iconic yet locked up vehicles that the communitys been longing for.

    Make sure to put a thumbs up and a comment to further this idea.

    If your interested here's my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjqXUPc_ULwh-sTY2F00-g

    TheStrategists [TSTS]

    TSTS PIC.png

  12. 3 hours ago, Roque said:

    This is really just a duplicate thread of all the current ones asking for the same thing, and they're all from newer players who have come from more RP friendly servers I've noticed.


    I didn't intend it to come out like that, but I can see what your saying about the AA-12 and how its been argued about. The main point was to just have the server and all of its vehicles and weapons balanced.

  13. Many have first-handedly felt the pain getting through checkpoint alpha, the struggle manning it and just "It" In general.

    Cpa is just a cess pool of pure garbage. From snipers on the surrounding mountains, roadblock spam and retardation surrounding the checkpoint in general I feel I have the perfect solution. If the TLX community encourages the leaders to have these following additions to cpa it would be much better.

    • Add a canvas roof or hanger style roof overhead of the checkpoint. This would lower the chances of you getting you head shot off.
    • Add more tank traps, cement dividers and hesco barriers. This would in theory slow incoming traffic down and create a more (calm) cpa.
    • Make the checkpoint more valuable. If more important activities were centered around cpa than there would be more people traveling In between creating interesting scenarios

    Be sure to leave a thumbs up and a comment. I am free to help anyone who has a question.

    Here's my YouTube channel if your Interested: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjqXUPc_ULwh-sTY2F00-g

    Join TheStrategists [TSTS]

    TSTS PIC.png

    • Like 2

  14. Many players have been whining about the various problems that are yet to be fixed in Arma 2 Takistan Life. So i listed several problems that need fixed to improve combat, roleplay and community toxicity.

    • First we have the heavy vehicle or armored vehicle problem, I cant count on my hand how many times I've spotted or been killed by as an Independent player by a Stryker with a grenade launcher or a Bluefor with a Dmr or a sniper.  The point is that the prices on many of the Bluefor and Opfor vehicle prices need some serious tweaking. Also regarding Opfor, when purchasing heavily armoured vehicles, apc's or tanks it seems that there needs to be some more restrictions for when your are able to use them. I can understand that because they are closer to the Indi spawn and are Slavs but the Indis dont even have a chance.
    • Independent players are forced to spam Ai players ,ATGMs, tanks and other derp guns just to have a fighting chance to get out of the south or make money but on the other hand they are exploited.
    • Crazy weapons like the AA-12 need to be fixed or removed, they are just as powerful as a 30mm cannon and can shoot down a hind with one round.

    If you agree or support what I've stated, thumbs up this post and drop a comment down below.

    If your Interested heres my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjqXUPc_ULwh-sTY2F00-g

    TheStrategists or [TSTS]




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What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


This website is not affiliated or authorized by Bohemia Interactive a.s. Bohemia Interactive, ARMA, DAYZ and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
