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Lt. Col. Stryder

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Everything posted by Lt. Col. Stryder

  1. Staff App - Maverick

    And ouch, what's with all the -rep for -reping someone's application Jesus lmao.
  2. Staff App - Maverick

    If you have more hours then I would +1
  3. A simple guide to Opfor

    Hmm. It's a bit hard to find yall, I think yall wait to look in chat for it to happen or wait for the map to turn white.
  4. A simple guide to Opfor

    lmao, legit I tell new players to do this all the time.
  5. Staff App - LT. Potato

    A hard -1
  6. Make war more frequent

    Hey man, I want that 25 cent raise lul. But I thought I clearly stated that it might be true and if it doesn't just ignore it lmao. I was not certain of its truthfulness
  7. Staff App - Maverick

    Ay, we almost have the same birthday but same month only a few days off :3. I would say add some more on describing yourself other than just saying you are mature, like what made you so mature? I would say you would put that under good qualities. I do not think I have seen you on anyway? And after looking at your game tracker from what I could see, you just joined back. -1 Until you get more hours under your belt. I kind of dislike people instantly coming back after a long break and applying. They do not know a lot that is currently happening.
  8. Make war more frequent

    Cool kid, if you read it. "THIS IS WHAT I HEARD". Please learn how to read and not be incompetent, could have been before TLX died and got revived too. "WHICH I AM NOT SURE IF STAFF GET STAFF PAYCHECKS''. 20k bonus is actually a lot if you play for a while I hope you do know. Ex. if you get a 25 cent raise that's decent.
  9. Manning border checkpoints.

    I can hold Arma, at the lowest settings. I have about 20 settings on lowest settings, low render, pretty much everything and I still freeze from time to time. And do not get spotted first? Bro we're talking about checkpoints, are we not supposed to be in the open checking people? Independent does not have much of a money issue either unless you're unskilled and can easily Farm off of Blufor for the easy 100/k. I went Independent with a 50k gun and got a million when I died. Gatta love the Independent always -repping and disagreeing.
  10. Manning border checkpoints.

    Wait I just noticed if you look at the results of the vote, everyone who is Insurgent said yes and everyone who said no is not Insurgents. (mainly)
  11. Manning border checkpoints.

    Okay, many things wrong with that. eyes peeled? Are you kidding me? You do realise this is Arma and to see a player model within grass and rocks, and shit over many hills and many kilometres away is kind of difficult especially when people do not have good computers, including me. I play on 70% 3D resolution, go from 200% to 80% that will be like that shit anime with the graphics so bad you want to cry yourself to sleep LOL. Our radar does not even reach any checkpoint beside delta and Feruz Abad. We also have to stand in the open to man the checkpoint and to get people through and to open and close the stuff. We can not really bring vehicles cause why to waste all that millions of dollars to kill someone who is hiding and risk getting shot down. When we get fortifications up, Cool. Now when we go to check for passports and search vehicles we get sniped. No, but seriously, Yall do not man checkpoints, I rarely do see you guys on Opfor/Blufor actually manning checkpoints without having 20 guys there with Abrams and bunch of shit there. (Note Lance or ANC actually lost his Abram to 1 BRDM ATG). Manning checkpoints are harder than you guys really think. We do not really see you guys going up on the opposite hill because our radar does not go up that far, we also do not have people looking at that hill 24/7 I can barely pay attention in my classes if all. We do try to bring armour or helicopters but what is the point when you will lose it before you even see your enemy or know what hit you. Or have your helicopters shot down by AA-12 HE. We don't want to expend so much money to lose it and barely make a dent or mark on your offensive push. Insurgents do not really lose that much besides weapons, and I play PMC/Insurgents so I do lose my stuff. You gain more just at a slower pace if you do not really kill people that much. Time to get -reps for telling truth rip
  12. Make war more frequent

    I mean, I play Blufor and Opfor a lot. Mainly Opfor though, Opfor do not really want war I am not speaking for everyone, but the majority do not want war. Blufor really wants war and frequently break rules to try to make it happen. I do not really think to have a war would that good anyway, it is just a way to waste money that most people work hard for. It can easily cause a lot of issues since Civs will get in the way and just going to stress out staff a lot more. Which is why we have to ask Admins first and why they mostly deny it because Blufor like to go overboard with a lot of things. Not saying all and that is is just Blufor, but the majority of the time it is Blufor. Another thing is that Opfor is going to pretty much lose most of the time since most people play Blufor and Blufor will automatically have a player advantage. But since Opfor usually out skill Blufor I guess that counters my previous statement. Another thing would be staff getting on (THIS IS WHAT I HEARD) is that some staff would give 20mil to every other player on Blufor. Which I am not sure if Staff get Staff Paychecks I do not know if it's true then that is valid I suppose.
  13. Can you abduct people by arresting them?

    Yeah, we are not able to move people for some reason. Another thing I should point out that PMC/Civs are able to Ziptie people but are unable to Ziptie. A way to get around this is knocking them out with your gun whilst they are restrained. This sometimes might work or they go into a knock out glitch. Use at your discretion.
  14. Typical Blufor lmao

    How are you to RP when you are getting sniped and destroyed and camped
  15. Manning border checkpoints.

    What if you get killed at the Checkpoint? If you are at the Checkpoint you will just get sniped. We usually have it closed so people do not just run through. When we get sniped it stays closed because if we come back we know they're waiting. Even if we tried why waste money to just unclose the barrier if we are just going to get sniped?
  16. How to Increase Server Population

    Why not reward people for inviting friends? Having like a referral thing.
  17. Typical Blufor lmao

    Hmm... You make the least, yet Insurgents are able to buy Tanks, scatter Igla Pod AI, buy 10+ ZU trucks and run them around. Yeah totally.
  18. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

    Cool, he doesn't play anymore though.
  19. Typical Blufor lmao

    Ah... So I presume you're the one scattering Igla pods with AI inside them then.
  20. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

    Sir, you have not played Opfor. Never buy any ground armoured vehicle as it will be shot from 3,000 kilometres away and 1 shotted.
  21. Typical Blufor lmao

    Just buy the Blufor drone, and kill all indep vehicles the second they pass xD.
  22. Couple of rule suggestions

    I mean, we wouldn't have this issue if Insurgents did not spawn camp but whatever.
  23. TLX Memes

    A bit of backstory, we were at Checkpoint Alpha. Haqqani had to leave and he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory from ANC. Sadly, ANC was having a bad day. https://gyazo.com/6e355f7487e70919d1aa127cb46e415e Us saluting his death! https://gyazo.com/40f9ce1c6770a4312525437306e8c537 ANC missing a none moving target... https://gyazo.com/0e7a287bfca992b22bc7b0e32aed5a28 ANC shot once more before that picture and missed, and then Haqqani took out his RPG and killed himself. Moral of the story? ANC on a bad day...
  24. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

    Hmmm. Love seeing only the people that do it respond.
  25. New Weapons

    Actually, I think it would be nice if Opfor got some new weapons, it has gotten really difficult lately to deal with Insurgents. They would sit on hills with BRDM/AA from about 2-3k away. When we try to get money, our shit is more expensive than the Insurgents since those Insurgents are mostly supporters. Adding some new weapons for Blufor/Opfor would be nice.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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