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Posts posted by PastyHoneybuns

  1. Format


    [Accused Party] : Josef Mengele

    [Accusing Party] :  Pearse

    [Issue Summary] : RDM & Fail Comp DC when in support room.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Pearse

    [Additional Evidence] : 


    [Additional Notes] : n/a



    [Player Name] : Josef Mengele

    [BattlEye GUID] : 6adb94efb56944f178843c33998f941b

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 3 Day Ban

  2. Format


    [Accused Party] : Perdonas

    [Accusing Party] :  Steur

    [Issue Summary] : (Describe the overall issue that occurred and list the specific rule break.) 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Steur was trying to roleplay as charging a civilian their medical cost for healing them. RDM him 5 times. DC before I could get on and help Steur

    [Additional Evidence] :

    PublicVariable Log: [Medic] Steuer #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Perdonas killed [Medic] Steuer (Unarmed Civilian)"]

    PublicVariable Log: [Medic] Steuer #1 

    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Perdonas killed [Medic] Steuer (Unarmed Civilian)"]
    1:09 PM
    PublicVariable Log: [Medic] Steuer #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Perdonas killed [Medic] Steuer (Unarmed Civilian)"]
    1:04 PM
    PublicVariable Log: [Medic] Steuer #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Perdonas killed [Medic] Steuer (Armed Civilian)"]PublicVariable Log: [Medic] Steuer #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","SGT Magnus killed [Medic] Steuer (Unarmed Civilian) with a vehicle"]

    [Additional Notes] : (State any additional notes on the issue if there are any.)



    [Player Name] : Perdonas

    [BattlEye GUID] : e8720fa984aad2148a567f2d882f7bab

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 7 day Ban

  3. Unknown he was banned previously for this shit please don't lower the ban. There is no ban length for safe zone camping. Maybe you should add more options for bans including camp basing.


    [Accused Party] :  Mr SpazMcgee

    [Accusing Party] :  Shark and Multiple Others.

    [Issue Summary] : Was spamming soundboard with a whisper option.

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Was told multiple times to stop his shenanigans and I pulled him into the teamspeak to discuss why he was given a strike decided to ear rape so I was done with his shit and perm banned him. 

    [Additional Evidence] : none

    [Additional Notes] :  n/a


    [Player Name] : Mr SpazMcgee

    [BattlEye GUID] : ec757d843b0b03fc09532f575e6eb603

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : Perm Ban on Teamspeak 


    [Accused Party] Sgt Youngblood

    [Accusing Party] :  Lore and Pearse

    [Issue Summary] : Safe Zone Camping

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Pearse was camped multiple times by Sgt Young Bloood. Lore complained to me on the discord about someone camping so I got on to check the situation out and I told Pearse that if he didn't have any evidence I could not take the case further. He was then killed as I am speaking to him about the situation I pull Sgt Young Blood up and told him in game and poked him a few times on teamspeak to please reply to my chat messages so we could discuss.  He was camping near the hishish imporium excuse my spelling camping with a m2 gpk. He was previously banned a while backed so I went with my gut and banned him end of story. 

    [Additional Evidence] : none

    [Additional Notes] :  n/a


    [Player Name] : Sgt Youngblood

    [BattlEye GUID] : 85d39e2b9ff46bec76ed7b3f57bf2722

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 4d Ban


    [Accused Party] Hickup

    [Accusing Party] :  Bob, Lucas, Job Jelle, Dueshing

    [Issue Summary] : RDM 5 Civilians for no reason called him onto team speak and disconnected from the game. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Bob, Lucas, Job Jelle, Dueshing

    [Additional Evidence] : 7:38 PM
    PublicVariable Log: Du Yuesheng #1 "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","hickup killed Du Yuesheng (Armed-Criminal Civilian)"]

    7:38 PM
    PublicVariable Log: Job Jelle #1 "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","hickup killed Job Jelle (Armed Civilian)"]

    7:43 PM
    PublicVariable Log: staan #1 "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","hickup killed staan (Armed Civilian)"]

    7:44 PM
    PublicVariable Log: Bob #1 "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","hickup killed Bob (Armed Civilian)"]

    7:44 PM
    PublicVariable Log: lucas #1 "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","hickup killed lucas (Armed Civilian)"]


    [Additional Notes] : n/a



    [Player Name] : Hickup

    [BattlEye GUID] : 1a2f4f6fe49f44e49166f4274d32d0fb

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 7 day ban. 

  7. Bina

    [Accused Party] : Bina
    [Accusing Party] :  Fakie
    [Issue Summary] : Bina was running around rasman just killing everyone insight, involving civilians and blufor.
    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Josh, Dalton, Unbeanable
    [Additional Evidence] : N/A
    [Additional Notes] : N/A
    [Player Name] : Bina
    [BattlEye GUID] : 85fbb19e38fe8704284cba3814807fc5
    [IP Address] :
    [Action Taken] : 4d ban

  8. I told him multiple times to stop trolling because I felt bad for the kid I decided to perm ban him based on his previous actions. 


    [Accused Party] : Pvt Nolan

    [Accusing Party] :  Makarov

    [Issue Summary] : Pvt Nolan tried to rob Makarov and shot Makarov in the process of robing them. Called him onto to teamspeak and he failed to do so. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Makarov

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    9:09 PM
    PublicVariable Log: [PMC]-Makorov #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","[EasyCo] Pvt. Nolan killed [PMC]-Makorov (Unarmed Civilian)"]

    [Additional Notes] : n/a




    [Player Name] : Pvt Nolan

    [BattlEye GUID] : 19a11d5f362a5267ed9b9879f1f16711

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 7 day Ban

  10. Prods


    [Accused Party] : Prods

    [Accusing Party] :  BlueRiddler

    [Issue Summary] : Teamkilled blue riddler. Asked him to get on teamspeak 3 and he refused to do so. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Blueriddler

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    9:03 PM
    PublicVariable Log: Blueriddler #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","Prods team-killed Blueriddler (Armed Insurgent)"]

    [Additional Notes] : /na



    [Player Name] : Prods

    [BattlEye GUID] : 858911c17cb56960e33046351a155846

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 3d Ban

  11. Smelo


    [Accused Party] : Smelo

    [Accusing Party] :  Connor Thomspon

    [Issue Summary] : Basically spawned a helicopter on top of Connor Thompson when he was ilding there waiting to pick up some friends. He failed to get on teamspeak 3 after 7 minutes then joins the waiting for members tag after the ban was done. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Connor Thompson was the only witness and 

    [Additional Evidence] : https://gyazo.com/46391eca8499823b382337c53c29e4f2

    [Additional Notes] : n/a



    [Player Name] : Smelo

    [BattlEye GUID] : 5f681ad9d708f5be2fd36af5fc1012f8

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 3d ban.


    [Accused Party] : TheMentalist

    [Accusing Party] :  Montel Williams

    [Issue Summary] : The Mentalist was a cop that just randomly killed Montel whom  was armed but did not pose a direct threat to The Mentalist/

    [Witnesses/Testimony] : None only Montel whom was the victim

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    PublicVariable Log: Montel Williams #1 
    "serverLogger" = ["KILL LOGGER","TheMentalist killed Montel Williams (Armed Civilian)"]

    [Additional Notes] : I'm pretty sure he was on the teamspeak another time and refused to get on this time for some reason. 


    [Player Name] : The Mentalist 

    [BattlEye GUID] : 04df5cfb757db7a42f127427ac0bf20e

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 3d Ban

  13. leifr

    [Accused Party] : leifr

    [Accusing Party] :  Fakie

    [Issue Summary] : Said Nigger over global chat in voice. Was banned previously for racism so we upped the ban to one month. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] : Fakie and Aaeler

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    [Additional Notes] : n/a


    [Player Name] : leifr

    [BattlEye GUID] : a20503d03776e8372d3bd1f79c96d8a0

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 1 Month Ban

  14. [Accused Party] God and Hink

    [Accusing Party] :  Mark Stavaros and myself

    [Issue Summary] : So basically they were pulled into a help room 5 minutes prior to this situation occurring and I told them to stop being toxic or further punishment will occur. I kicked god from the game because he was not on Teamspeak3. Hink then proceeded to tell me to commit suicide on side chat according to Mark Stavaros. They then proceded to join join the channel that I'm in to get Mark's testimony of the whole issue. Got potato to ban them for 3 days. 

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Potato

    [Additional Evidence] : I really don't have any evidence on the issue just testimony's of players and also potato witnessed the latter comment in the conversation. 

    [Additional Notes] : n/a


    [Player Name] : God and Hink

    [BattlEye GUID] : f56ea5ce42aacf037999fc2567828d8e God

    16d43511bbced77d97626c719050d517 Hink

    [IP Address] : Hink God

    [Action Taken] : 3d Ban

  15. 2 hours ago, Mr. EyeBrows said:

    an idea would be to move terror hideout to a more reasonable location civs dont declare terror because of the 12k journey they would have to make maybe seeing the base near gas station 2 or out past gas station 5 out the west side would make civs want to go there and get weapons 

    The reason why it's out in the middle of nowhere, so it's not convenient for civilians to declare terror and kill cops.

    • Like 1


    [Accused Party] Echo_1

    [Accusing Party] :  PastyHoneybuns

    [Issue Summary] : Echo_1 was in civ spawn and was calling people "Dirty Niggers" I don't have any voice recording of him doing it but he was calling people "faggots"

    [Witnesses/Testimony] : Roque 

    [Additional Evidence] : 

    11:15 PM
    taw faggot

    [Additional Notes] : na


    [Player Name] : Echo_1

    [BattlEye GUID] : 7831cc78ff4c881256d4db3a49081f99

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 30d 


    [Accused Party] Game Machine

    [Accusing Party] :  Bush Wookie 

    [Issue Summary] : Bush Wookie was basically vdmed by Game Machine

    [Witnesses/Testimony] :  Bush Wookie

    [Additional Evidence] : A3B32E3854D48E8B648DE9095A2D4536AD56EB71

    12:35 AM
    Pasty: You are required to be on teamspeak you have 5 minutes to do so (sent by Pasty)
    12:36 AM
    Pasty: You are required to be on teamspeak you have 5 minutes to do so (sent by Pasty)
    12:40 AM
    Pasty: I meant 2 minutes (sent by Pasty)

    [Additional Notes] : na


    [Player Name] : Game Machine

    [BattlEye GUID] : 4637d5f7e74b252bae032e434739d900

    [IP Address] :

    [Action Taken] : 3d Ban

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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