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Smidge Griffkin

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Posts posted by Smidge Griffkin

  1. Makes sense, they are valid reasons for use of a mortar in my opinion as opposed to just nuking an area in hopes of getting kills. I admit I do love watching the odd white phosphorus barrage from afar lol. 

    It only takes one or two retards to ruin it for everyone though. 

    • Like 1

  2. Hmm, I don't know if most of you recall back when mortars were allowed earlier in the year, and how cancerous the server was. You couldn't log in without Rasman being flattened, those who were using them weren't really even targeting Blufor/Opfor, more so just indiscriminately firing into populated areas. Certain players found locations where they could set up and avoid radar detection, further causing problems when it came to dealing with the issue directly in game.
    As soon as the rules were implemented the problems ceased... All I can see happening is people abusing mortars again if they are allowed out of wartime. They cause far to much collateral damage than necessary in built up areas, and it kills my frames by like 10-15 when everything is in ruins...... 

    What can be achieved with mortar fire can be done with IED's and RPG's anyway...

    Either that, or remove the op targeting computers. Make them operable by manual means only...

    This is just a personal opinion so don't take it too hard.


  3. Agreed. Even if they dont have a mic it still pays to be able to hear what your team mates are doing. Not only that, but we have been getting a lot of paycheck farmers sitting afk lately... its not fair on people actually wanting to play. More frequent sweeps of the ts and checking for afk players needs to happen.


  4. 4 hours ago, ConReese Whurston said:

    usually coming forward and mentioning that you can now 'control' your temper means you've had temper issues in the past

    Oh yea, there is no denying that. I was once a teenage lad myself, its human nature... I don't think I have better control over myself nowadays.... I know it. You might not, but that's because you don't know me. Yet.

    Thanks for the feedback guv.

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    • In-game Name
      Smidge Griffkin
    • Steam Profile Link
    • Gametracker Link
    • Country you live in
      New Zealand
    • Time zone you live in
    • Date of Birth
    • How long have you been a TLX player?
      Found it back in 2014/15. On this server currently 12665 mins.
    • Do you meet the minimum requirements set above?
    • Have you previously been banned from the server?
    • Have you previously been a staff member here?
    • Describe yourself
      I am a 28 year old meat popsicle, a father of one, currently studying at university while I take a well overdue break from contracting. I am pretty chilled out most of the time, although I can lose my cool like everyone. I am always down for a bit of shit talking and jesting, I can take as good as I get.. I have played arma2/dayz since 2012 and can say it is probably the game I have enjoyed the most during my gaming life. It always draws me back regardless of what mod or game mode it is. I know not everyone in the community will react positively to this application, but that is expected. Im only here to offer myself as a helping hand.
    • Why should you be a staff member?
      The main reason I would like to help out with staff is that during the times that I tend to play, the staff from around the globe are asleep or busy with work/school, and are just unable to help... we have problems where people use this to their advantage and use the time to break rules and make the general experience less enjoyable for others. My studies are about to conclude for the year and I will find myself with a lot more spare time as I did prior to February. Because of this, I will be online a bit more often as I was earlier in the year, id like to use the time to assist in community/server. I am always open to hearing all sides of a story and dealing with problems fairly for all parties involved. I like helping and teaching people when the need arises.
    • What qualifications or experience do you have to offer? (if any)
      Unlike most of the people here, I was not a member/staff of RISE or the DNICE days etc... (what a fucking casual). I have been an admin on a few dayz Epoch servers, a couple of overwatch mod servers and I have owned and run my own Epoch and Origins servers. I know its not a walk in the park all the time. Having a child has taught me how to deal with younger folk extremely well, to relate to them and how to better control my temper when dealing to them when the need arises. In my line of work I am always in charge of a small team of other tradesmen, I have 8 years worth of experience as a site foreman for my fathers concrete contracting business - running crews and organizing logistics, payments, dealing with disagreements, liaising with clients and all the other goodies entailed.... all while getting in the mud myself. I know how to manage my time and that of my subordinates effectively. I know this is not in game experience, so to speak. But its real life experience with people that can be used accordingly, as the people make the server what it is. Thanks for taking the time to read my application and I look forward to seeing both the positive and negative feedback. Cheers, Ash.
    • Like 3

  5. 10 minutes ago, Fakie said:

    The second clip I see that he had shot you in the safezone damaging your tank and a cop's SUV for no reason, but I can't make that judgement because you could have engaged him prior to the incident of him rocketing that safezone like you did in the first clip

    I can get the footage a bit further back if so required, to show that we didn't fire on him apart from the first video (videos are not in order). Regardless, it almost seemed as if those rockets were intended for the fleeing Blufor, not us. That video in particular was to show the arrival of the Blufor and the rocket barrage that followed him. In the first video we all gone done fucked up lol.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Simeon Baghdadi said:

    Your childlike testicles are not developed enough to produce semen to "drop a hot load" on anything

    The milkman must have paid a visit to my house then, and damn he must look a lot like me. Either that or I unknowingly conjured my child via black magic and bloodletting.

    Now, as for the video sunshine, prior to what I uploaded that pilot was doing as you stated, flying high and fast most likely spamming his targeting looking for easy kills. But...I and the indeps online at the time evaded that shit.... He dropped his guard, acted foolishly and it cost him.. I was a civilian too btw, and not prepared initially to take on a Hind. 
    Ill say it again... Get good. Learn to play. Learn how to thwart radar and use cover and the surrounding environment more effectively. Learn to command AI better. Take a different route. If they have hardware in the sky, then invest in something different than an FAL and a motorbike for once... IGLA pods are effective... Work on a solution in game instead of crying for rule changes and trying to limit the operational procedures of Opfor. B| 

    Meh.... I don't care it doesn't bother me. If you guys got your way and Hinds were made no go... then Opfor would most likely just beef up armored patrols and positions in the mountains. Given the amount of bitching in regards to the Hinds, that would be the next topic "Ban tanks/apcs at the border REEEEEEEE"

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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