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Smidge Griffkin

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Everything posted by Smidge Griffkin

  1. Security Guards

    @ComradeCorbyn{Socialist} More often than not the PMC's are robbing the damn thing or providing overwatch for the civs performing the robbery LOL. ... I don't know about you @canadianbacon22, but if im robbing the bank, im looking to steer clear of a shootout and focus more on getting that money out of Rasman. The loot is my priority as a burglar, not the thrill of the gunfight. There is technically nothing stopping anyone from joining civ and guarding the bank, and as you say @Lex_The_Great, the RP is to be created by the players(when does that happen?), but to be honest I have never witnessed players actively guarding the bank apart from Blufor. If this has been tried and tested in the past then by all means disregard my suggestion. I was unaware its been implemented before.
  2. Bank Robbery's and Rule Suggestions

    I think the cool down between robberies needs adjustment, not so much the time it takes to crack the safe. Unless you are on a push bike/on foot or not is Rasman you should be easily able to make it to the bank in time. I don't think we need supervisors as there are admins and mods generally watching at all times.
  3. Lowering Borders

    -1 The roads are not your only entry into North/South Takistan. Buy a dirt bike and go through the middle part of the illegal breach where the gap is slightly larger than usual. Or you can head to where the sandbag barrier is non existent in certain parts of Indep territory bordering the north. Its merely a line on the map. Get a good off road vehicle, don't be a lazy insurgent. Sometimes there aren't enough Blufor/Opfor to man the CP, whether its due to server population or situations that require the faction in questions presence elsewhere.
  4. A High-yeild warhead convoy

    +1 Sounds like it could be a cool idea to build on.
  5. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Brb getting popcorn.
  6. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    May I piss on you in an alley? You do me ill do you.
  7. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    What drugs are you on dude? Id be keen on some....
  8. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Nah Potato that's far to reasonable im going to go fuck up in game, then request your help, and then.... because im not satisfied with your time and effort, im going to abuse you, and if you get offended, im going to come and make a post about how I cant get away with being a douche.
  9. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Whip it out Gio, Smidgey is hungry. The thing is, most people will disagree with you apart from other fuckwitts.
  10. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Or just delete it since his claims are void as fuuuuuuuck.
  11. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Im not, im trying to figure out the point of your post other than bitching about not being able to abuse staff. You can be angry without being abusive, you can be angry and still converse like an adult without blowing your top. I mean how angry are these players you speak of? Its just a game lol, if they are getting that worked up over it, then perhaps they should find something else to play.
  12. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    But you care enough that you cant do it to others?
  13. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Yet here you are, bitching because you cant be an offensive little shit toward the staff. Ironic... It not "BE NICE TO ME OR ELSE" Its more like "BE NICE TO EVERYONE" I think its more immature to resort to name calling and offensive language directed at someone, than for someone to ban someone for said actions. Common sense son. *REEEEEEEE I CANT BE ABUSIVE TOWARD STAFF IM GOING TO MAKE A POST ABOUT IT*
  14. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    Yeah nah mate. Nobody needs to be called Nigger or Faggot, if they have dark skin what the fuck has that got to do with anything? if they enjoy sucking cock and plundering man ass, what business is that of yours? I mean, its pretty easy to not be an asshole. Talk to the admins how you would want to be spoken to. And im guessing you'd rather not be called faggot etc.
  15. Ban form

    You could help yourself by submitting this in the correct format as Winters has posted above
  16. Ban Appeal

    Ok here is my two cents, if you simply cant afford comp and an admin can can confirm this easily, then you should serve time in prison, it is an RP server after all. But if you have the means to pay up, pay up like the rest of us lol. I know comp is cancerous but its there for a reason. As for the driving on the right hand side of the road, I have never had an issue with it on TLX. Being from New Zealand and we drive on the left hand side, I too sometimes forget and have to correct myself, but have never caused such a crash that an admin needed to be bought in lol.
  17. stop punishing players for staff disrespect

    They have every right to ban offensive and aggressive players. Plain and simple. They run the server/community and they have standards to maintain. I admit Iv had my issues with some staff members where I haven't agreed with something, or thought I was in the right. I didn't go on a spree of verbal abuse toward the staff, sure I might not have been as civil and polite as I could have been but I was still not a piece of toxic shit toward them. Take your ban/punishment/warning for what it is and improve on it. As for the respect thing you bring up a good point, but it goes both ways for staff and players alike... Respect is like a currency that needs to be earned. You don't just get it because you want it.
  18. Causes & Solutions for the Server

    I think an overhaul of the money system may be a remedy as you say. But like crazy stated perhaps impliment after next wipe. +1
  19. Randomly Dying

    Has happened to me too, I just took it as one of those Arma things.
  20. ABU JASEM unban appeal

    What if hes not hacking but knows he has desync/lag issues and is using them to his advantage? Iv had some really fun skirmishes with Abu, hes is good, but also at times iv questioned some of his movements/spotting speed/no show on thermals. Edit* As above, let the guy prove it.
  21. Gavrilo Unban Appeal

    There there, its alright.
  22. My Issues With The Server

    LOL For fuck sake.
  23. My Issues With The Server

    I agree bud, getting offended and bitching about shit and making drama shows your insecurities about yourself/whats being said.
  24. My Issues With The Server

    Ahhhh... such is life.
  25. My Issues With The Server

    I mean.... what person in their right mind gets offended at being called a bundle of sticks......

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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