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Smidge Griffkin

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Smidge Griffkin

  1. Remove AI

    I smell change in the air. RIP AI
  2. Remove AI

    I'm on both sides of the fence for this one.. although when you are the only indep on sometimes it's handy having a few retarded jihadists drawing fire away from you.
  3. TLA Gun running (Updated)

  4. Camel for all

    Could be good. They were tons of fun in the old overwatch dayz mod.
  5. Salty feedback

    Just stop being shit at indep.....
  6. Fuck it Done with the server

    Seriously how retarded are you people who play indep. You get raped because you never change your methods. Its always the same plan of attack..... stay on the road.... head to cpa or cpb and get rekt. Then hit the forums up crying..... Ya'll motherfuckers ever heard of the Nagara Valley? Fuck me...... Iv played a shit ton of hours as indep and have not once been spawn camped, iv been hit leaving the safezone maybe twice in the few months the servers been up. Some of these claims make me laugh. Good riddance .
  7. Prentiss Tigers

    What is this exactly? PMC? PSC? Football hooligans? Paid opposition? Crochet group? Sounds like a kids rugby team or some shit
  8. General Suggestions

    Perhaps you are unaware, but the factions are going to be whitelisted and changes will be made in the way they operate. Its kind of limbo atm while we all wait for it to be implemented. Just you wait until Bacon has his way with Blufor. Criminal civs and indeps/terrorists are going to have a much harder time when Blufor is militarized a bit more. More air patrols, more drones, more armed vics patrolling the borders and checkpoints..... ya know, "active measures" as you put it. Also..... Blufor cops flak regardless of what measures they take. Such is life.... So from me its a: -1 Leave the current vehicle rules as they are.... we just need people to stop abusing them or trying to find ways around them.
  9. bina

    You gone done fucked up son.
  10. Battleye kicks me out

    Have you only just got A2? There is post made by @Jake Thompson regarding battle eye shit at the top of the forums.
  11. Staff App - Kapitan Bob

    +1 for the Kapitan.
  12. elaborate on "planned terror attacks"

    Wtf is that disgusting overlay lol?
  13. Big Willy ban appeal

    Yea keep this shit perma'd.
  14. Staff App - Jake Thompson

    -1 Im sure your a good lad, but you obviously missed the part on the application that indicates you are underage for the staff position. Despite the fact staff might not be online in the server when you play, someone will always be available in team speak or discord. They are ubiquitous lol.
  15. Where is the players?

    Its sucked ass not being able to play lately....Iv had to direct my attention and time toward my studies as im nearing lab tests and exams etc. Such is life... But im currently on a 3 week break, which seems to have timed in well with the stat wipe. Im going to rack up as many hours as I can.
  16. I believe it would be a wise idea to remove this rule

    Big fat -1 Why remove it? It just means every civ who gets caught up as collateral damage can bitch and moan and drag people into TS. Civilians are usually the main casualty in a terror attack in real life.... There's a big difference between catching a few civs in a roadside bombing aimed at a Blufor convoy and just RDM'ing. Also I find it hard to believe that staff "couldn't" do anything about someone mass killing for no reason.... They aren't that slack....

    Coinciding perfectly with 3 weeks of study break. Perfect.
  18. PMC clarification

    That's where you're wrong buddy. Some of us do.
  19. Multiple Rule Suggestions

  20. A faction with 7 playable slots..... Slots that fill up fast when the server is at a decent player count. So for people wanting to fight blufor/opfor, the only option is to declare terror if there are no free slots on independent. -1 Im starting to like the idea of the southern branch of the Takistan National Bank being able to to be robbed, so long as there are 3 or more opfor currently playing. +1
  21. Multiple Rule Suggestions

    I play civilian terror a lot, we are not part of the mujahideen so obviously we don't need to have access to tanks and attack choppers. I like to be able to have access to vehicles like the Vodnik BPPU or BTR-DshKN, or even some of the older armed vics though. They are in no way overpowered, small arms can take them out with ease, though they still allow me to fight Blufor/Opfor vehicles somewhat fairly. To be able to buy these off the insurgents if I cant deal through the TLA would be nice. With the impending militarization of Blufor under Bacon's leadership, things are going to get a bit harder on terrorists. They will never have a level playing field, I understand that.

    You know whats even worse? Marxism.
  23. Multiple Rule Suggestions

    Just with this one, Is it not already a fly zone for blufor unless granted permission? And Opfor controls the South, plain and simple, how come they cant patrol the skies of the lands they hold? Perhaps they should be limited in what they can conduct air patrols in during peacetime? So we would still be able to purchase some of this stuff via the indeps?
  24. Are we indeps/terrorists being denied service in future?
  25. TLX Memes

    Keep going LMAO

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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