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Smidge Griffkin

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Everything posted by Smidge Griffkin

  1. Military Convoy

    +1 If the Indeps are invited too
  2. Team Balancing

    I would really like to see this happen in game vs of the more competent Hindfor pilots. If I witness it I WILL +1 the removal of HE rounds
  3. Typical Blufor lmao

    These threads have become so fucking pointless.
  4. Typical Blufor lmao

    10+ Zu-23 trucks LMFAO
  5. 9P117 SCUD-B

    Too much damage lol. Too much potential for an unruly Opfor player to launch one into Rasman. FPS (for me anyway) goes to shit when something that large goes off. -1 for adding it to TLA arsenal in full function. But +1 for using it in an RP scenario or community event. Kind of off topic: A few months back the idea was bought up to have Opfor and Blufor conduct a joint RP event to transport the SCUD from the TLA base, to the NATO base, while us Indep's are actively trying to destroy the convoy and make off with the warhead. Sadly it never came to be, perhaps we need to organize something similar. With some decent planning and a limit on what vehicles/gear can be used, I think it could prove to be a shit ton of fun for all 3 factions, and making use of something that currently serves little purpose.
  6. TLX Memes

    That second pic loool
  7. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

    That's because we only do it when we really need to and we do, we place them strategically, not "all over the map with ai" e.g When someone sits in an MI-24 patrolling the roads and killing us from an altitude where we can barely see them let alone engage in combat.
  8. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

    They expect us to cease existing.
  9. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

  10. New Weapons

    We can buy the ammunition but not the weapon
  11. New Weapons

    On the fence with this one although it would be nice to see the as50 removed from indep support to be replaced by the KSVK. @ Stryder Opfor already has enough firepower not including what's available at the supporter zone. At your disposal you have jets and attack choppers plus the TLA radar....... we have none of that. You realise we sit at a distance because we want to keep out of the radar range?
  12. Remove Insurgents

    LOL.... Indep's give the 2 military factions and the PMC faction something to do other than sitting at a border checking passports and crossing swords with one another.... They are a part of this game mode and make it what it is. If we remove the Indeps we may as well remove Opfor too and disarm Blufor to a level that suits a server where there is no insurgent threat..... Doesn't sound fun at all to me. So... its a big fat nope from me too. -1 P.s,,,, Don't sit on top of a hill in a Shilka with the sky behind you....
  13. Staff App - SlimBone

    +1 Would be a great addition to the team. Chill guy and fun to play with.
  14. Staff App - Isaac

    +1 Will be a welcome addition to staff. Good guy to play with.
  15. AA-12 OP?

    I should have quoted the comments I was ripping the piss out of. I'm fully aware of what automatic grenade launchers can do. ALLAHU'AKBAR
  16. Motorcycle > dragons teeth....
  17. AA-12 OP?

    Nade launchers cant be spammed...... LOL. This post is going nowhere, much like the last one.
  18. Bring TLA Back

    Good god..... if you are going to make a meme, make the text legible with a decent font. Good one though
  19. AA-12 OP?

    I think an increase in price of the weapon and its ammunition would be a suitable compromise. I honestly think its too cheap at $500,000. This weapon is available to supporters of Independent's, I use the gun and the ammo in question a lot, due to its potential and price when compared to buying an rpg-7 on top of a primary weapon. Even the pellets are still devastating on soft/unarmored targets.
  20. Blufor need a trial peroid

    This is the kind of thing cops have to deal with, on top of insurgents giving them a run for their money lol..... If you come across a player you think is breaking RP/rules, bring it to support and it will be dealt with accordingly.
  21. Blufor need a trial peroid

    I feel like Blufor would RP a bit more/better, if Civ players were to do the same. It goes both ways..
  22. SA 58 Varient Availability

    I checked earlier and they are not available at Indep supporter unfortunately. So... +1 They should be able to be bought from both the regular and supporter traders at the Indep base.
  23. Sons of Shariah

    Allahu'akbar brothers.
  24. GO away AA12HE

    Or maybe its because until now, there were no complaints regarding the gun or its ammunition...

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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