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Posts posted by 0rbz

  1. Increasing RP a little is good...but the bottom line is the concept of Taki Life was never meant to be anywhere near heavy roleplay. It's meant to be mainly for people to arse around and have fun. If you look at the way it is built to the very core, none of this is realistic at all. Increasing RP a little makes things more interesting, but push it too hard and the playerbase will drop massively as it's simply not what the majority of people will come here for.

  2. 2 hours ago, Kane said:

    VDM is never okay, At all, If anyone says so otherwise then let a staff memeber know, if none are on make a player report

    So not even if, say for example, you're a cop in the middle of the street and an indep begins firing at you as you're driving towards them?

  3. I think there should be a physical limit scripted in, so that the bank can only be robbed every 30mins-1hr and only when there's 5+ cops on. Perhaps more effort should go into robbing the bank such as the purchasing of extra equipment such as explosives or a saw to bust the safes open.

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, Unknown said:

    I have looked into making the bank indestructible, its quite harder than you think on Arma 2. I have still yet to find a working way to do this, if anyone knows of anything, let me know.

    We can easily extend the time it takes to Rob the bank, thats not a problem. As for the southern bank, All we need to do it place the containers down there and its done.

    Extend the times to 30mins to 1hr, make it so you have to buy a blackmarket tool to open the safes (explosives or a flame torch) and make it so there need to be 5+ cops on.

  5. 3 hours ago, ConReese Whurston said:

    i think there should be a delay of atleast 30 minutes between bank robberies which would give the incentive of trying to get the job done right rather than spamming the bank over and over again as for other factions not allowed over the border it can be very taxing

    Agreed...30mins if not one hour. There should also be a scripted feature where the bank can only be robbed if 5+ cops are online. Bank robberies should also take longer and require some kind of tool/explosive to crack the safes.

    • Like 1

  6. 13 hours ago, Smidge Griffkin said:

    Unless its me dumping my hot load on you....
    To be honest, I don't understand why people think the Hind is some godlike piece of equipment.... as you can see below, they will drop just as easy as any other aircraft if you hit it in the right spot or if you can take the crew out. People just need to get good.


    This video is very a e s t h e t i c. I've never been taken down by an RPG-7 but I have loads of near-misses that are too close to call especially when ConReese or Simeon are on.

    • Like 2

  7. My view would be to shift the INDEP base to Mulladost to drastically reduce the distance between the base and the north, this by giving the Indeps their own strip of land which is actually theirs as well as expanding the base circle. I've seen this be very successful on other servers.

    I've played INDEP extensively and would genuinely love for it to be a successful faction, the use of IED's and guerilla tactics should be encouraged and so MANPADS, IEDs and so on should be much cheaper as well as RPG-7s to make the faction more fun to play.

    Tbh, I wouldn't mind if indeps got to keep their weapons...

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, Giovanni said:

    "At the border" does not have many definitions. The rules specifically state this:

    War ground vehicles may be used during peacetime within 100 meters of a border checkpoint. They may only engage targets for the purpose of border protection or any targets that engage them first.

    If it happens anyway, then it's on you or other players to report it, just like any other rule violation. There's nothing more we can do after it's prohibited by the rules except enforce it on a case by case basis. It's not our fault that people don't report things, instead they make broad statements about how "everyone does X."

    I should have mentioned that it's also excessive. BLUFOR have access to armed helicopters, armed vehicles and great kit. It's about not only being ingenious and proactive but also giving civs smuggling stuff and indeps a fair chance for the sake of RP. They're meant to patrol and take active measures instead of sitting looking through a thermal optic.

  9. 7 minutes ago, JumpyWizard said:

    It isn't useless at all, it's a good way of defending your border. But if you see someone doing that, you should indeed let us know and we will definitely do something about it.

    But again, why not stop it from happening in the first place? You can post static defenses, armed heli patrols and others at the border.

  10. Just now, JumpyWizard said:

    +1 To the majority of the things you have stated, there is one thing that I don't agree with though.

    The martial law/war vehicles that are taken to the border, is only allowed to be used at targets at the border, meaning that you can not under any circumstances take an Abrams to the border, just to shoot indies in Rasman. You may only fire at people who aren't within the safezone if they engage you first, that being indies aswell.

    It happens regardless though. They are used to engage targets far away, and 'at the border' has many definitions. It makes this rule either OP or useless.

  11. Some of you may know me as somewhat who enjoys playing independent quite a lot, others may remember me from various staff positions on RISE gaming. I'm writing this thread to make a few suggestions which I feel would make things better for everyone after hearing out what people have been complaining about when chatting to them.

    1. Expand the list of war vehicles for BLUFOR. (Expansion of Rule 3.4 §5)

     - Currently, the inventory of vehicles which BLUFOR can get at any time still creates a feeling that they were too overpowered. Whilst the current list is good, it does not include vehicles which the vast majority of other servers considered war vehicles for a good reason, and this is that they create an unfair style of play and are listed below. The main issue with these vehicles is as BLUFOR's job largely consists, both in an RP sense and in a literal sense, in dealing with civilians in a war-torn country and thus taking on a Military Police role, it is an unnecessary amount of force projection to be driving around in a Stryker M2 whilst pulling people over. This also creates an unnecessary amount of kills and drives people away from playing on civ; I've seen countless examples where BLUFOR in such vehicles have opened fire on civilians and killed them needlessly as through the thermal sights, they look just like indeps. (I know we have support rooms, but why not stop it from happening in the first place?). It's also simply unfair; it's unfair to anyone playing civ or playing indep if as BLUFOR, you simply sit in an armoured box that we have to spend $600,000 to attempt to destroy. Anything that is fully armoured and has a weapon system should be considered a war vehicle and only be used during martial law/war.

    • CROWS
    • Avenger
    • All armed stryker variants.

    2. Expand the inventory of the Independent faction.

     - The independent faction is currently vastly underpowered and unrealistic; there needs to be several changes in order to make it fun to play. Firsly, the cost of IED's must be lowered so that they can actually be used. This should be the main tool of insurgent forces as it enhances ingenuity and craftiness and currently, $310,000 for an IED is extortionate considering the fact that unless you're in a good timezone, it's extremely difficult to make money. The insurgents also need some kind of anti-material capability, this being the KSVK. This allows them to have some sort of viable ambushing capability and is something the vast majority of other servers had and people loved. However, a MUST are man-portable anti-air systems; being able to purchase the Igla 9K38 as an insurgent is something that needs to be purchased as currently, the faction has no real anti-air capability. Having an Igla Pod or ZU-23 truck is fine, but considering the fact that this appears as an enemy vehicle on radar, this meant that by the time you've gotten an appropriate distance from the safezone and set up, you've already been taken out from 5km away by the missile from a Hind. I cannot stress how important this is for indeps to have. Lastly, indeps should be able to use Mortars; this may be controversial, but mortars do actually require indeps to think if they are to be effective and requires team play and coordination, all that needs to be implemented are restrictions on what can be hit.

    3. Remove the ability to bring martial-law vehicles to the border (Removal of rule 3.4 §6)

     - There is an enormous amount of ways in which this can be abused. This also allows people to simply camp the border and engage targets several km away just by turning up the view distance and also means that civilians WILL be attacked too.

    4. Massively harder enforcement of policing rules (Especially 3.1 §7)

     - The BLUFOR faction is currently in a poor state. All day I see civilians who were legtimately doing nothing wrong being killed on sight for alleged breaches which are not permitted, such as for approaching a BLUFOR vehicle in their car or for 'running away'. Below are several genuine excuses I've seen civilians be killed for;

    • 'He ran from me'
    • 'He had a gun in his car'
    • 'He is wanted'
    • 'I saw him walking with a gun'

     - All these reasons are ridiculous; BLUFOR are meant to carry stun weapons and MUST do their best to apprehend civilians at all times. They can only shoot if their life is genuinely at risk, especially since civilians can carry weapons. There must be a legitimate attempt at an arrest make, which I never see happening. Just because someone is wanted does not mean they can be killed. These are what probably piss me off the most, as it legitimately drives people away from the server and I can see a distinct drop in the number of civ players (which must always be the biggest faction) whenever this starts happening.

    5. Add a rule stating that rockets/missiles may only be used on armed/armoured vehicles.

     - This stops civilians who have just robbed a bank being slapped with a missile from 5k away and stops the same happening for indeps on motorbikes. It adds an element of skill for helicopter pilots to have to use the aircraft's guns and also adds a more RP 'Laws of War' element.



    I might post more if I think of anything more, but for the mean time, please drop your opinions below.

    • Dislike 1
    • Confused 1

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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