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Everything posted by staan

  1. staan

  2. staan

    Since you want this to continue; No white knighting, i didn't even know the civ that you are lying about giving time to follow your command in 3 seconds. The pmc killed you on a contract for me why would i arrest them. You admitted to breaking rules on purpose in global cause their were only 5 of us on the server. I used bad grammar on purpose making fun of your poor grammar. I don't care if I disgust you. I don't need to impress people on the internet. If you need to understand why someone acts immature in a cartoon video game about terrorism you might be missing the point. Noone has ever existed that hasn't lied. Get off your high horse.
  3. staan

    other than thinking a civ jumped into your stryker and trying to pull him out i'm not sure what you think im guilty of.
  4. staan

    3. i thought you ran in front of their car. 4. not sure what happened to it, carmageddon ? 5. I figured he deserved a break after you fail rp murdered him unwanted amd unarmed and destroyed his chopper 1 life before. My parents never techerd i grammar , but them have learnt me to be a nice person who dont murder unarmed civs with no warrant or proof of crime.
  5. staan

    1. i didn't shoot anyone, and its hard to namecheck from under a stryker. 2.
  6. Kidnapping OPFOR

    if ctr f is working you can hit them to untie, but melee only works sometimes, most of the time it is glitched
  7. staan

    kris was running around there when you hopped out to check drug dealer, i thought he jumped into the stryker and thought i was pulling him out, when i seen it was you i didn't have time to run away and abort the pullout because you have to crawl under the vehicle to get the dialog.
  8. Typical Blufor lmao

    just 15 mins ago the thread starter gave a civ flying around in a littlebird 3 seconds to land at airport then shot him 3 seconds later from a stryker lmao
  9. Typical Blufor lmao

    all this talk about rp and most people that claim they want more "rp" are cops and opfor that pull people over for no reason and harass normal people at checkpoints with stupid bullshit. there is real roleplay in certain scenarios that is organic and it happens all the time, but because turds can't sit there and harass people without worry they claim there is no rp. i was playing cop and 2 chuckle fuck no ts cops were on so i was watching them and the first person they drove past or even seen they whipped around pulled him over and started abusing him. telling him to follow dumb commands and forcing him to do pushups at gunpoint. I heard the civ complaining that he was just trying to mine and didnt need the harassment so i drove up and told him to go free and told those trollcops to fuck off. the civ thanked me.
  10. Kaboom

    i quess a fix would be to not let people use suicide bomb in vehicles, they could use a remote bomb or something else in its place if they want to use a vehicle to explode
  11. Make war more frequent

    yeah that image is annoying what does it stand for testes? lol
  12. Kaboom

    same thing happens if you are in a vehicle going really fast you zoom out of range of the explosion
  13. A warning to Blufor/Opfor

    use radar drive vehicle to pod shoot ai, then either destroy or impound pod
  14. What is a High Valued target?

    Your allowed to kill anyone who fires at you while looking for a high value target. Whoever punished you was wrong and did a bad job moderating. and nowhere in any of the rules does it ever say to ask staff for anything. sounds like admin abuse
  15. AA-12 OP?

    like handheld grenade launchers, armed heli with ai, zu23, any he rocket, ied, remote bomb, suicide vest, most tanks, etc
  16. AA-12 OP?

    i didn't even play cop, i was independent, your incorrect on your story on many levels. Like i said the buildings were destroyed by thot using bombs as civ terror, and the cops shooting rockets, and using strykers with grenade launchers.
  17. AA-12 OP?

    lol what secret, and the aa12 don't do anything to buildings. rasman was blown up by thot setting off ieds, and the cops shooting missiles and grenades at people.
  18. GO away AA12HE

  19. seems like he was punished so whats left
  20. Lack of Blufor Major

    i would think playing the game would be the first and only necessary qualification, what else could there be? knows how to unlock cars? impounds abandoned vehicles? fixes blockages on main thoroughfares with treefixer? why would people actually playing the game need permission from someone who is not even on the server to do anything? that seems silly. it should be leader slot for opfor and whoever is elected chief. same for war. people shouldn't need non roleplay involved people with ceremonial titles permission to do something with people who are actually in the game. that really seems like failrp ranks not in the game are silly and just for people who want some sort of imaginary respect and power
  21. race from cpa to hostage area with random mines scattered
  22. Chain Arresting

    I've never actually done it. I would remember it. I've never waited for someone to get out of jail to rearrest them, in case you don't understand what they are saying pearce.
  23. Can we move the igla at cop base

    it disappears after the first obj anyway dont it, i notice it sometimes but mostly its gone
  24. Chain Arresting

    i don't recall that ever happening
  25. A New Beginning...part 2..

    opfor wins except those times where civs held blufor cap and forced a ceasefire.

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

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You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

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