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Everything posted by Spork

  1. Need Better Communication in Blufor

    Fair enough, and holy shit you replied quick
  2. Need Better Communication in Blufor

    He does..., in OPFOR where people do communicate
  3. steve bergum

    Make sure to provide screens or recording, when it happends so the admins have evidence against the accused player.
  4. What the fuck.

    Thats why i said just transfering no withdraw or deposit from inventory
  5. What the fuck.

    I never played rise so i didnt know this but still i think being able to transfer money on the road for everyone is a cool thing.
  6. What the fuck.

    2. I dont know if you read my import/export idea but this should work in making more interaction between south/north. But im looking forward what you guys end up doing 4.the european timezone has improved quiet abit with the new mods 5. Maybe adding a bank app to be able to transfer money on the road (no deposit ofcourse) 6. This would make for some awesome rp, ofcourse rules should be made that only gang members are allowed to try and help the prisoner escape else im afraid no prisoner will make it to jail alive.
  7. Salty feedback

    I was about to answer this ^
  8. BattleEye Client Failure

    Have you tried only through remote or did you also just try filter tlx in multiplayer tab? Maybe a space or something that sneaked in at remote connect
  9. BattleEye Client Failure

    Do other servers show up in the multiplayer tab?
  10. BattleEye Client Failure

    Have you tried setting the filter ping to 500 (instead of the default 100)
  11. Salty feedback

    i havent played with you before so i dont know this incident, but normaly we send a ground unit to talk to you. if you kill him though death should be raining. (for got to mention, this is if were civ)
  12. Salty feedback

    People just either run, or shoot at us. if you just pull over or hold you triggerfinger for 2 seconds (As civ) the chances of you getting blown up or shot is very low since we don't mind looking the other way. For a price ofcourse. but 80% of the civs either run or shoot us and yea that is an excellent reaction towards death. The full on conflict between INDEP and OPFOR isn't something that has always been going on, it came to life cause INDEP is always shit talking OPFOR for being trash but once we actually gear up against you, you start whining about hinds, AI en camping the ways to CPB and CPA. Today Wolfslayer put away his hind for a BRDM2 to make it fair for you guys, you still got destroyed and then you start screaming he is a pussy for defending checkpoint stalin. The only reason you are angry is cause OPFOR is not letting you get free money killing BLUFOR. You guys are gearing towards traveling to the north, instead of dealing with OPFOR, yesterday (or day before that) Tuna took down 3 hinds (correct me if im wrong) down to the ground. he couldn't completely destroy them but if INDEPS work together they should have no problem taking down the hinds. cause driving past CPS and capzone 1 by 1 isnt really ideal. Keep in mind this is my experience and my point of view, i cant speak for the times im not ingame.
  13. Supporter License Giveaway

    Thanks for explaining! Sounds cool im in.
  14. Supporter License Giveaway

    What does a supporter license do?
  15. Companies & import/export

    I know, but you cant set automated paychecks or shared storage for employees.
  16. money bug

    Are u sure u didnt buy the weapons and someone else quickly took them?
  17. Hi, People sometimes dont know how to do stuff ingame, which isnt bad ofcourse. But adding a guides section might be really usefull for newer players or even older players that want to try something else. So people can share their secrets in the taki life of making money, or how to rob a bank or anything you can think of.
  18. Guides & tips section

    Im bumping this for admins to see. Else it might die out.
  19. This server needs help

    Thought you were US aswell ?
  20. This server needs help

    In all honesty we lack european staff, most staff doesnt show up till around 10pm/11pm my time which is okay different time zone but when europeans play and we have mass rdming people it is really annoying. I think it was monday, We had to deal with 2 mass rdmers till defaultfun came to the rescue. We need a european staff member who doesnt mind playing with 2 - 7 players. Most players are just US so only in the weekend i/we europeans see 20+ people online. I could be wrong but i think only slingshot is the only non US staff, but never seen him play untill 15+ people are online but i dont know his situation so i cant be to hard on this.
  21. Manning border checkpoints.

    I say no as Opfor player this will make standing at CP pointless. We dont have the Blufor amount of players we cant man 3 CPs the only way we can do CP roleplaying is by forcing people towards the CP we are standing. I do howeverr agree that 1 CP must be open at anytime. Most Opfor players know this and will always leave one open. If all are closed let a Blufor or Opfor know useally someone will be there in minuts to fix it.
  22. Factory bug

    Hello, I noticed when you buy workers and put stuff in factory storage after server restart its all gone. I dont know if this is intentional or a bugg.
  23. Staff App - Jake Thompson

    +1 we had a rough start but you have been very nice and when RP presents itself you join in and tell people when something goes against server rules.
  24. Where is the players?

    Im drinking tonight so no gaming for me tonight

    Shouldnt applies start already then, else there is no opfor or blufor at stat wipe

What is TLX?

Takistan Life Xtreme is an Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Takistan Life roleplaying server initially started in 2014 by original owner DNice.

How do I play?

You can find us on the Arma 2 OA server list as Takistan Life Xtreme or you can connect directly to play.tlx-gaming.com. You will need both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA installed.

How do I communicate?

Teamspeak 3 is our primary voice communications platform. You can jump on to speak to other players on your faction or to request support from our staff. Use the link below or ts.tlx-gaming.com to connect.


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